Re: [情報] close beta patch note

看板Hearthstone (爐石戰記)作者 (over)時間11年前 (2013/10/03 12:41), 編輯推噓3(301)
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※ 引述《colmash (col)》之銘言: : : Today is the day for our Hearthstone Closed Beta patch! This patch also : includes the account wipe, so when the servers are available for play once : more, you’ll be starting again as if you were a new player. For more : information on the wipe itself, please revisit our Account Wipe Incoming blog : post, found here. Now, onto the patch notes! 今天是爐石封測更新日。這次更新內容包括帳號刪檔,所以當伺服器開放時,你們會以新 玩家的身分從心開始。請重新閱覽我們的"近日刪檔"的部落格po文以得到更多刪檔資訊。 現在,先說更新! : General 一般 : The maximum level is now 60, and you can earn XP in any game mode up to : max level. 最高等級提高至60。你可以在任何遊戲模式中提高經驗值,直到最高等級。 : Chat has been rejiggered. 聊天介面重新設計 : Gold gained in Play mode has changed from 5 gold per 5 wins to 10 gold : per 3 wins. 在遊戲模式中得到的黃金從5勝5黃金提到3勝10黃金。 : You can now acquire Golden Basic minions at higher experience levels. 你可以在較高的經驗等級獲得普通生物的閃卡。 : Arena rewards now give less dust and more cards. 競技場獎勵送比較少的粉塵和較多的卡片。 : More gold is guaranteed at 5 & 6 Arena wins. 競技場中5勝和6勝會有更多黃金。 : At 9 Arena wins, you are now guaranteed an extra pack or a Golden card. 競技場中9勝會送多一包卡或是一張閃卡 : The animations for Secrets and Fatigue have been sped up dramatically. 秘密和虛弱的動畫將會更快速 : All cards now have flavor text when you view them in your collection. 所有的卡片下面都有特別文字,在你的收藏內可以瀏覽 : “Spell Power +1” has been renamed “Spell Damage +1”. "法術能量+1"改名為"法傷+1" : Heroes can be unlocked in any mode (Play/Arena/Practice) 英雄在任何模式中皆可被解鎖(遊玩/競技場/練習) : Play, Practice and Friendly Play modes will now default to the custom : deck selection UI if you've previously created a deck 遊玩,練習和朋友挑戰模式中,若你已經預先創了一個牌組,會從個人牌組UI中來挑選 : You can now click on chat bubbles to respond 現在可以直接點選聊天泡泡來回話 : Social – When your friends complete an Arena run or get a Legendary card : in a pack, you’ll be notified so you can tell them, “Grats!” 社交:當你的朋友完成競技場挑戰(9勝)或是開卡包得到傳奇卡片,你會被通知,所以你 也可以恭喜他們。 : Quests that required you to win with a class now give you a choice : between 2 classes. 用一個種族獲勝的任務現在可以讓你在兩個種族中2選1。 : Your Hearthstone friends list will now use your live account : friends list as opposed to the closed beta test friends list. You may : discover on log-in that your friends list is quite a bit different! Anyone : that you've added to your friends list before the wipe will have to be : re-added, unless they were already on your existing accounts : friends list. friends will now be able to see you playing : Hearthstone! 朋友名單會用你的live battlenet帳號朋友名單,相較封測中是測試朋友名單。你可以登 入看看朋友名單已有所不同。刪檔前加入的好友必須要重加,除非說他在你battlenet 帳號的好友名單上。Battlenet好友可以看到你在玩爐石。 : New Stuff 新玩意 : Crafting Mode – If you want to craft or disenchant cards, we have a new : UI for this. Click the “Crafting Mode” button to check it out. 鍛造模式:如果你要鍛造或將卡片化為粉塵,我們有新的UI。點選"鍛造模式"來看看吧。 : Credits – Now you can see who’s behind all this nonsense. (這句我看不懂) : Options – Our Game Menu and Options screen have a new look! And you can : also re-play the cinematic! 選項:我們的遊戲選單和選項畫面有新的面貌,你也可以重播開始動畫。 : Open Next Pack – Hit Spacebar after you open a pack to quickly unwrap : your next one. 開下一個卡包:按space就可以快速開下一個卡包。 : Many Golden cards have new animations! More to come! Check out Gelbin : Mekkatorque! 閃卡有新的動畫!還有更多的改變!看看Gelbin Mekkatorque! : Added event to transform coin into a card in your hand if you are going : second 增加將硬幣化為卡片的事件,如果你是後手。 : Support for custom fonts in Russian and Polish has been added : Generic Minions 加入俄羅斯和波蘭的自訂字型。 : Gelbin Mekkatorque’s Repair Bot – Is now a 0/3 and has a new power: At : the end of your turn, restore 6 Health to a damaged character. : Mana Wraith – Now a 2/2 (was a 1/3). Gelbin Mekkatorque的維修機器人: 改為0/3以及新能力:在你的回合結束時,對一個受傷的角色回復6滴血。 : Sunfury Protector now only gives adjacent minions Taunt. Sunfury Protector: 只會給兩旁的怪Taunt。 : Mana Wraith – Now a 2/2 (was a 1/3). Mana Wraith: 從1/3改成2/2。 : Pint-sized Summoner – The cost reduction has been reduced from 2 to 1. Pint-sized Summoner: 第一個生物的招喚魔力從少2改為少1。 : Questing Adventurer is now Rare. Questing Adventurer: 改為稀有 : Flesheating Ghoul is now Common. Flesheating Ghoul: 改為普通 : Emperor Cobra has a new visual to remind you about his venomous power. Emperor Cobra: 有新的視覺效果來提醒你他的毒性能力。 : Injured Blademaster has 1 more Attack. Injured Blademaster: +1攻 : Lorewalker Cho has 1 less Attack. Lorewalker Cho: -1攻 : The Beast is now 9/7 (was 10/6). The Beast: 從10/6改為9/7。 : Lightwarden now gains +2 Attack per heal. Lightwarden: 每有治療改為+2攻 : Twilight Drake is now a 4/1 with ‘Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each : card in your hand.’ Twilight Drake: 改為4/1,能力是"戰吼:手上每有一張卡片就+1血" : Captain Greenskin is now a 5/4 with ‘Battlecry: Give your weapon +1/+1.’ Captain Greenskin: 改為5/4,能力是"戰吼:你的武器+1/+1"。 : Dalaran Mage now has 1 less Attack. Dalaran Mage: -1攻 : Captain’s Parrot now has 1 less Health. Captain’s Parrot: -1血 : Frostwolf Warlord now has a Battlecry effect instead of an ongoing effect. Frostwolf Warlord: 能力從持續效果改成戰吼。 : Nozdormu has a new visual effect. Nozdormu有新的視覺效果。 : Mage 法師 : Frostbolt costs 2 Mana (down from 3). Frostbolt: 魔力從3改到2 : Mirror Image now creates 0/2 minions. Mirror Image: 創造的是0/2的小怪們。 : Sorcerer’s Apprentice has 1 more Attack. Sorcerer’s Apprentice: +1攻 : Priest 牧師 : Northshire Cleric - Now costs 1 (down from 2). Northshire Cleric: 召喚魔力從2改為1。 : Prophet Velen – Now also doubles the damage and healing of your Hero : Power. Prophet Velen: 也加倍你的英雄的傷害/治癒能力。 : Fade has been replaced with a new card: : Shadow Word: Death – (3) Destroy a minion with an Attack of 5 or : more. Fade由Shadow Word: Death代替: 3點魔力,幹掉一個攻擊力5以上的怪。 : Cabal Shadow Priest – now a 4/5 (up from 3/4). Cabal Shadow Priest: 從3/4改為4/5。 : Power Word: Shield has a new power – Give a minion +2 Health. Draw a : card. Power Word: Shield: 新能力:給一隻怪+2血,並抽張牌。 : Greater Heal has been replaced with a new card: : Holy Fire – (6) Deal 5 damage. Restore 5 Health to your hero. Greater Heal由Holy Fire取代: 6點魔力,造成5點傷害,並對英雄回5血。 : Lightspawn has 1 more Health. Lightspawn: +1血。 : Warlock 術士 : Sacrificial Pact costs 0 (down from 2). Sacrificial Pact施放費用由2改為0。 : Pit Lord - Now a 5/6 with ‘Battlecry: Deal 5 damage to your hero’. Pit Lord: 改成5/6,"戰吼:對你的英雄造成5點傷害"。 : Rogue 盜賊 : Backstab – New text: Deal 2 damage to an undamaged minion. Backstab: 對一個沒受傷的怪造成2點傷害。 : Preparation – Now reduces next spell cost by 3 (up from 2). Preparation: 下一個法術少3點施放(原來是2)。 : Shiv costs 2 Mana (up from 1). Shiv: 施放魔力從1點改為2點。 : Defias Ringleader has 1 less Health. Defias Ringleader: 改為-1血。 : Conceal costs 1 Mana (up from 0). Conceal: 施放魔力從0改為1。 : Headcrack costs 3 Mana (up from 2). Headcrack: 施放魔力從2點改為3點。 : Patient Assassin has a new visual to remind you about his power. Patient Assassin: 有新的視覺效果來提醒你他的能力。 : Hero Power – No longer has the ability to buff a currently equipped : weapon. 英雄能力: 取消增加武器攻擊力的能力。 : Edwin VanCleef is now a 2/2, but no longer has Stealth. Edwin VanCleef: 改為2/2,但沒有了Stealth。 : Druid 德魯依 : Wrath can no longer be cast on heroes. Wrath: 不能施放在英雄上了。 : Cenarius costs 9 (up from 8). Cenarius: 招喚魔力從8改為9。 : Starfall can now only hit minions. Starfall: 改為只能打怪。 : Ancient of Lore’s Healing option now only restores 5 Health. (down from : 8) Ancient of Lore: 治癒能力從補8改為補5血。 : Savagery costs 1 (down from 3), and must target a single minion. Savagery: 施放費用從3改為1,且必須以單一怪為目標。 : Hunter 獵人 : Hunter’s Mark – No longer a 1-turn only effect. Hunter’s Mark: 不再是個單回合的效果。 : Scavenging Hyena – Now only eats your own Beasts. Scavenging Hyena: 只會因為你自己的野獸而茁壯。 : Warrior 戰士 : Cruel Taskmaster has 1 more Health. Cruel Taskmaster: +1血。 : Inner Rage’s +2 Attack effect no longer goes away at the end of the turn. Inner Rage: +2攻不再只有單回合。 : Battle Rage costs 3 (up from 2), and also counts damaged heroes. Battle Rage: 施放魔力由2改為3,並對受傷的英雄也有用。 : Frothing Berserker has 1 more Attack. Frothing Berserker: +1攻。 : Commanding Shout now costs 2 (up from 1) and also draws you a card. Commanding Shout: 施放魔力由1改為2,並抽一張牌。 : Shaman 薩滿 : Hex’s Frog is now a Beast. Hex: 青蛙改為野獸。 : Healing Totem no longer heals heroes. Healing Totem: 不再治療英雄。 : Paladin 聖騎 : Divine Favor now costs 1 more. Divine Favor: +1施放魔力。 : Bug Fixes 除錯 : Cards 卡片 : Fixed multiple issues with Faceless Manipulator incorrectly copying : minions with buffs. 修改Faceless Manipulator對有buff的怪的錯誤複製 : Hunter’s Mark is now correctly reduces a minion’s health to 1. Hunter’s Mark將正確減少怪的血至1。 : Fixed an issue with replaying cards returned to your hand causing a : game halt. 修改回手卡片造成的遊戲停止。 : Playing Thoughtsteal now creates an entry in the game history. 使用Thoughtsteal將出現在遊戲歷史中。 : Misdirection no longer triggers if there are no legal targets. Misdirection在沒有合法目標時不再啟動。 : Ice Block now protects the hero from incremental damage. Ice Block在增值傷害中保護英雄。 : Blood Imp’s ability now correctly increases Lightspawn’s attack : value. Blood Imp的能力正確增加Lightspawn的攻擊。 : Fixed an issue where playing a minion before Cenarius’s battlecry : goes off caused a game halt. 修改在Cenarius戰吼前召喚小兵所造成的遊戲停止。 : Playing Mind Vision when the opponent has an empty hand no longer : gives you a card. Mind Vision在對手沒卡片時不再給你卡片。 : Knife Juggler’s ability will no longer trigger when a minion is : copied to your hand. Knife Juggler的能力在生物被複製時不再啟動。 : UI 還是ui : Fixed an issue where disenchanting cards too quickly caused the : Arcane Dust counter to display the incorrect value. 除錯將卡片化為粉塵時太快而造成粉塵數值錯誤的問題。 : Fixed an issue where gold amounts were showing the wrong value. 修改黃金數值顯示錯誤的問題。 : Replaying a minion that previously had health/attack modifications : now shows the correct stats as it enters play. 重視怪物的攻防修改現在顯示的是他進場時的數值。 : The Arena AMM wheel should no longer disappear when you find a match. 競技場轉盤不再找到對手時消失。 : Fixed an issue where the Spell Power visual effect could linger in : your hand. 法術能量的視覺特效不在停留在你的手上。 : Quickly playing minions as card draw effects are occurring no longer : causes cards to stack in your hand. 快速招喚怪當有抽牌特效時不在造成卡片堆積在你的手上。 : The opponent’s targeting arrow should now be appearing from the : correct location. 對手的目標箭頭改為顯示正確的方向。 : The visual effect for silence is now appearing over the targeted : minion. 沉默的特效現在出現在目標怪上。 : Fixed an issue where spell animations would loop when multiple : triggers occurred. 修改法術動畫再複數觸發時造成的重複。 : Fixed an issue where the hero power button could become tilted. 修改英雄能力按扭歪掉的問題。 : Gameplay 遊戲 : The announcer’s VO for both players should now be audible in the 宣布兩方玩家都可以被聽到。 : Arena. 競技場 : Fixed an issue where the druid AI did not play their choice cards : correctly. 修改德魯依ai選擇卡片上所造成的問題。 : Fixed an issue where sound effects would loop while in-game or in the : Collection Manager. 修改音效在遊戲內或收藏管理員中會重複的問題。 : Master Volume now also affects music volume. Master Volume現在會影響遊戲的音量。 : A toast with your own name should no longer appear on login. 在登入時不再顯示你名字的祝頌。 : The “farming” area of the Pandaria board will now allow you to : spawn three radishes. Pandoria遊戲版的農場區上允許你種三個小蘿蔔。 : Many bug fixes have also been included with this patch as well, so if you : unearth another pesky bug, don’t forget to post them on our Bug Forums here. 許多bug修正在包含在這次更新中,若你發現不為人知的錯誤時,可別忘了發表在我們的 Bug討論區中。 : Our Technical Support forums for both PC and Mac are also available if you : are having problems with graphics or the Hearthstone software itself. 若你對圖像或爐石程式本身有問題,我們的技術支援討論區,對於PC和Mac都已可支援。 : Opt-in to the Hearthstone closed beta here! 來這裡Opt-in 爐石吧。 也太多了吧好累 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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01/05 17:32, 4F
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