新手指引 訓練種類-Part 2

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※ [本文轉錄自 CGI-Game 看板 #1HJTgtOt ] 作者: windfish (鮪魚) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: [Hat] Hattrick 新手指引 訓練種類-Part 2 時間: Sun Mar 24 00:39:15 2013 Training types - Part 2 7. Passing Advantages: - well-paid on the transfer market - training is fast Disadvantages: - you need a lot of money to buy suitable trainees - 16 players can be trained, but they need to be bought and their wages are not exactly low - 2-5-3 is the only way to max out profit from training - not suitable for newbies 7.傳球訓練 優勢: -轉會市場上獲利豐厚。 -訓練速度快。 劣勢: -合適的訓練員要花很多很多錢。 -可以訓練十六位球員,但是你必須把他們買回來,薪資也不低。 -2-5-3是唯一一個能讓訓練最大化的陣型。 -不適合新手。 8. Set pieces: Advantages: - total tactical freedom - all field players are trained, there's a bonus of 25% for the set pieces taker and the goalkeeper (which means up to four players can get this bonus) Disadvantages: - you need to have quite some cash for this as you will need to buy 22 trainees (leave alone the eventual substitutes); all of them should have pretty high skills already - team spirit and formation experience suffer a lot from the transfers - not suitable for new managers 8.定位球 優勢: -完全的戰術自由。 -場上所有球員都會被訓練到,定位球主罰手和守門員得到額外25%的訓練。 (也就是說有四位球員得到這額外效果) 劣勢: -買下二十二位訓練員會花你不少現金(更別說遞補球員們);他們的其他主技能必須高。 -團隊精神和陣型經驗會受轉會拖累。 -不適合新手。 9. Stamina Stamina used to be a training type on its own, but nowadays you can only dedicate a certain part of your training to stamina training. More information on stamina training can be found here:(14543540.13). 9.體能訓練 體能訓練曾經也是個獨立的訓練種類,不過現在你可以分出部分效果給體能訓練。 更多關於體能訓練的資訊可以在這看:(14543540.13) 10. Are there other training types? Yes, but those are not suitable for new managers and in general only a few managers use them, as they are pretty complex or take a lot of time. 10.有其他的訓練種類嗎? 有的,但是那些訓練不適合新手,而且只有少部分玩家使用他們, 那些訓練要不相當複雜,要不需要很多的時間。 Edited 05-12-2010 by Ady_coldfire -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/24 01:21, , 1F
03/24 01:21, 1F

03/24 01:24, , 2F
樓上的意思是Assistant Coach還是Trainee?
03/24 01:24, 2F

03/24 01:25, , 3F
03/24 01:25, 3F
※ 編輯: windfish 來自: (03/24 01:47)

03/24 09:07, , 4F
good, 辛苦了
03/24 09:07, 4F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bolam (, 時間: 03/24/2013 12:48:45
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMl3r (Hattrick)
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMl3r (Hattrick)