Re: [情報]Amazon Users Lash Out Against Spore DRM
看板ForeignGame (外國遊戲 - 國外遊戲 - Foreign Games)作者johnnyrun99 (豆腐)時間16年前 (2008/09/13 14:42)推噓1(1推 0噓 2→)留言3則, 2人參與討論串3/3 (看更多)
Spore DRM issue有個詭異的後續消息...
As if there was any need to further incite angry gamers with Spore's DRM
issues, The Consumerist yesterday ran a story on how -- in addition to the
many other restrictions the game's DRM presents gamers with -- a copy of
Spore provides you with only a single game account. In other words, if you've
got multiple people in the same house who want to play Spore and have their
own individual online personas, you'll have to buy an additional copy of
Spore for each person.
Forget what you may have read on the manual -- particularly that part on page
53 which reads, "You may have multiple Spore accounts for each installation
of the game." An EA spokesperson going by the name "EA_Violet" has clarified
questions regarding the matter on the official Spore forums, providing us
this disappointing revelation...
"misprint"... cc
不care它DRM issue的話
光是在cell phase扮演小細胞如何在逆境中求生 就玩得高興
特效全開+高解析 畫面細膩到你都想下去游一個下午
於是乎 到可以進入creature phase時
覺得太快了 我還不想上岸啊 XDD
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