[新書] PC Engine/TG16 Anthology,英文PCE圖鑑書

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[書籍推介] PC Engine/TG16 Anthology,PCE選集遊戲圖鑑書 https://vimeo.com/526867638 -- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pcengineanthology/ pc-engine-turbografx-16-and-pc-fx-anthology/description?lang=zh or https://tinyurl.com/yc24nh4m -- Gunhed限定版一本60歐,加寄到台灣的運費是105歐。約合新台幣nt.3471元左右。 . Gunhed限定版兩本120歐,加寄到台灣的運費是170歐。約合新台幣nt.5700元左右。 -- 2x PCE/TG-16 Ant. Gunhed Dlx Edition ‧ 2xPC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 & PC-FX Gunhed Deluxe Edition ‧ Kickstarter Exclusive ‧ Slipcase ‧ Exclusive Numbered Edition ‧ Certificate of Authenticity ‧ Your name in the book -- 。PC Engine Anthology Gunhed 豪華版兩本 。kickstarter限定發售 。書套封面 。限定流水編號 。真品認證 。印有參與眾籌購買者姓名 -- --背景故事 ▲IMPORTANT NOTE: This Gunhed Deluxe Edition is only available through our Kickstarter campaign and in limited numbers, meaning it will never be republished or reprinted. It is signed by Hiromasa Iwasaki, Hudson Soft Game Designer (Ys Book I & II,CD-ROM2 Bios). PCE選集GunHed豪華版,僅於Kickstarter限定限量發售,絕不再版 與重印。附岩崎啟真先生(前Hudson遊戲設計者與遊戲雜誌評論人, 代表作為PCE-CD版《伊蘇1&2》、CD-ROM 2 bios)簽名。 ▲The PC Engine / TurboGrafx & PC-FX The PC Engine, and its extended family, have undeniably left their mark on the video game world. Their genius could have, and should have changed the landscape of video games at the end of the 20th century... The creation of the PC Engine , the arrival of its American alter-ego, the Turbografx-16, the CD-ROM2 , the SuperGrafx, and the PC- FX are at the heart of one of the most exciting periods of time for video games, during the late 1980s and 1990s - when market leaders Nintendo thought themselves untouchable. The PC Engine /Turbografx-16 & PC-FX Anthology beautifully pays homage to the console ecosystem of NEC and Hudson Soft, its creators. PC Engine與其衍生遊戲系列家族,無疑在電玩遊戲界留下了它們 的印記。它的創新概念,可能、也應該改變了二十世紀末電玩遊戲的 里程碑。PC Engine的創造物、它在美國的另一個分身,Turbografx-16 、CD-ROM2 , SuperGrafx, 與 PC- FX 等主機的到來。正處於1980 到1990年代,電玩遊戲界最令人興奮的時代之一的中心點,當那時遊 戲市場的領頭羊公司,任天堂認為自己無懈可擊。這本PC Engine / Turbografx-16 & PC-FX 選集,優雅的對它的創造者,NEC 與 Hudso n Soft 主機平台生態圈致上敬意。 ★The Gunhed Deluxe Edition /GUNNHED豪華精裝版 The PC Engine / Turbografx-16 & PC-FX Anthology – Gunhed Deluxe Edition tells a fantastic story over more than 400 pages. It brings together the entire Japanese and American software library on HuCard and CD-ROM by reviewing the very specific and rich catalogue of PC-FX and Laser Active. 超過400頁內容,含日本版與美國版完整的HuCard 與 CD-ROM、 PC-FX 與 Laser Active的遊戲型錄。 Faithful to Geeks-Line productions, this book in its collector's case presents all the accessories and peripherals, rare and collectible games, atypical derivative products, developed and abandoned titles, homebrew titles, and reveals the magic of the System Cards which had ensured exceptional durability to the NEC consoles. The icing on the cake, this limited and signed edition includes the covers of more than 800 titles published in a unique “Box Art Collection” book. It also includes a certificate of authenticity signed by Hiromasa Iwasaki. 書籍附收藏版書殼,各種PCE硬體周邊介紹、稀有片與逸品級遊戲 、非正規衍生周邊產品、開發中但取消發售的遊戲、同人自製遊戲, 以及揭露讓NEC硬體主機出奇的長壽的系統卡的魔力。除此以外,這 個限定簽名板包含收錄800款以上的已發售遊戲封面美術集。附前 Hudson遊戲設計者,岩崎啟真先生本人認證簽名。 ●HISTORY CHAPTER /歷史篇章:交代當時時空背景下的遊戲市場 生態。 In the middle of the 1980's, at a time when the NES/Famicom reigned as Master of the world of video games, a publisher named Hudson Soft, and an electronic Magnate named NEC joined together to create a system of avant-garde electronics in spired by the universe of Micro PCs... As such the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16 in North America) was born. 於1980年代中期,任天堂的NES/紅白機稱霸整個電視遊戲市場,一 間名為Hudson Soft 的軟體開發商,與名為NEC的電子業巨頭,由微 電腦領域得到啟發,共同打造前衛的電子新寵,PC Engine( = 美版 Turbo Grafx 16)於焉誕生。 ●HARDWARE CHAPTER /硬體篇 It’s undeniable that the PC Engine was advanced for its time. The graphics, the animations, the CD-ROM drive, its very existence established the basis of a new way of understand ing video games. We’re going to take a look at the development of NEC and Hudson Soft’s powerhouse of a machine. 無疑的,PC Engine這主機的表現超前了它所誕生的時代,它的圖 像、動畫、CD-ROM光碟機媒介、明確建立了現今電玩遊戲的新方向的 基礎。我們將一探 NEC 與 Hudson 軟體結盟集團如何打造發展此機 器。 ●SOFTWARE CHAPTER /軟體篇 In this chapter, we have listed and reviewed all Japanese and North American games on Hucard, TurboChip, CD-ROM2 , Super CD-ROM2 , Arcade Card, TurboGrafx-CD, Super CD, SuperGrafx , CD Games Express, PC-FX and Laser Active. More than 900 games get their moment in the spotlight. 在此章節,我們將表列與回顧所有日本與北美版本的 Hucard, TurboChip, CD-ROM2 , Super CD-ROM2 , Arcade Card, TurboGrafx-CD , Super CD, SuperGrafx, CD Games Express, PC-FX 與 Laser Active.的遊戲,超過九百餘款的遊戲在這時成為眾人矚目的焦點。 ★A DIFFERENT TIME /非凡時刻 NEC and Hudson Soft wanted to reach a more mature range of gamers. This is a glimpse at some of the games released by both large-scale publishers and independent developers, targeting older players with scantily clad females. NEC 與 Hudson Soft想要擴展成人年齡玩家市場,在此一瞥目標為 ,喜好女性衣著清涼、露出度高的成人年齡層玩家而發行的,大尺度 分級遊戲發行公司、與獨立開發者製作發行的遊戲。 ●BOX ART CHAPTER /封面包裝篇:美日美術風格比較 In this section, every game box is presented in all of their colourful glory.It also allows us to see the difference in graphic style and presentation between Japan and the West. 在這章節,用全彩展示每個遊戲包裝封面。同時也讓我們看到日本 與西方之間,圖像風格表現的差異。 ●Classic Edition Chapters:  /經典版章節 The History Of The PC Engine & PC-FX /PC Engine & PC-FX歷史 The Complete Library (PC Enigne, CD-ROM2 , SUPER CD-ROM2 , TurboGrafx, SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Laser Active)/完整遊戲型錄(從PC Engine 到 Laser Active) Non-Official Games, and Homebrews/非官方遊戲與自製遊戲 Collector's Corner/收藏者專區 Hardware/硬體篇:PC Engine 系列硬體主機們 The PC Engine Galaxy NEC & Hudson Soft Playing "Games" With The Media/NEC 與 Hudson Soft的媒體宣傳 ★Exclusive Gunhed Deluxe Edition Chapters:/Gunhed豪華版內容章節: The Accessories/周邊製品 Unreleased Games/未發售遊戲 A Different Time/非凡時刻 Advertising Around The World/各國不同廣告版本 Collectible Phone Cards/收藏用電話卡 Collector's Games List/玩家遊戲收藏清單 ▲Release date: June (Europe) /July 2021 (Rest Of World)  /歐洲以外地區,預計2021年07月發售 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1616337992.A.498.html

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Compele Guide DELUXE我也推薦給一般懷舊愛好者購買
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