Re: [FM] 球員習慣

看板CM作者 (信念RELOAD)時間18年前 (2007/01/11 02:22), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 1人參與, 最新討論串6/8 (看更多)
: : dives into tackles - 阻截、鏟球 : 碰到鏟斷會假摔 這不一定是假摔,總之就是很容易倒 Some player go to ground more than others<-SI的解釋 : : does not dive into takcles - 上面的相反 : 不會 這應該是說會閃開鏟球,像Pippo那樣 盡量不被鏟倒 Some players tend to stay on there feet and clip the ball away instead of going to ground<-SI的解釋 : : move into channels - ? 找開闊地等傳球,像范尼 : : places shots - ? 喜歡刁鑽角度的射門,不喜歡抽射,像冰王子那樣 The player likes to place his shot accurately when shooting rather than blast with power<-SI解釋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/11 11:31, , 1F
place shoot和shoot with power 前者是選擇射門角度 後者是
01/11 11:31, 1F

01/11 11:33, , 2F
01/11 11:33, 2F

01/11 11:35, , 3F
喜歡刁鑽角度射門(高難度動作)是歸在 try killer ball often
01/11 11:35, 3F
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