[FM] FM Scout 3.30 Beta

看板CM作者 (阿根廷小巫師)時間19年前 (2005/12/20 23:09), 編輯推噓7(706)
留言13則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這是nygreen的原文 http://www.nygreen.net/forum.php?topic=1371 Here is a beta version of FM Scout for FM 2006. This is done to make sure there are no problems with loading any saved games, so please make sure to test all the saved games you've got, and let me know if you've got any problems. This is close to be being the final version of FM Scout. But I've still got another couple of things I want to add to it, which is why I'm not doing a full release version yet. Download the beta from here: http://www.nygreen.net/downloads/FMScout-v3.30b4.exe 有人試用過了嗎?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/20 23:22, , 1F
還不錯。跟之前的差不多 不過這回多了Staff的搜尋功能
12/20 23:22, 1F

12/20 23:25, , 2F
現在沒檔案測試 不過剛剛看到View選All Columns
12/20 23:25, 2F

12/20 23:26, , 3F
12/20 23:26, 3F

12/21 02:48, , 4F
缺點是沒身高 體重
12/21 02:48, 4F

12/21 10:39, , 5F
12/21 10:39, 5F

12/21 11:12, , 6F
12/21 11:12, 6F

12/21 11:37, , 7F
還是可用 我試過了
12/21 11:37, 7F

12/21 15:45, , 8F
12/21 15:45, 8F

12/21 20:12, , 9F
12/21 20:12, 9F

12/21 22:16, , 10F
12/21 22:16, 10F

12/21 22:54, , 11F
12/21 22:54, 11F

12/21 22:55, , 12F
12/21 22:55, 12F

12/23 21:45, , 13F
patch 6.02 超強訓練好像不能用耶
12/23 21:45, 13F
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文章代碼(AID): #13g1w-Xm (CM)