[Hat] Hattrick 淺談教練
1. What is the use of the trainer abilities?
The trainer abilities are the most important training parameter.
Higher trainer's abilities lead to a much faster training.
Also the squad's average form is depending a lot on the trainer abilities.
Q : 談談教練能力的作用 ?
A : 教練能力是訓練參數中最重要的部分,教練越好,訓練的效果越快。
(註:假設其他訓練參數都一樣 ex:5%體能, 10個助教,
優秀教練 : 105.3% --> 高階玩家或是凱子玩家在用的,
穩定教練 : 100%
及格教練 : 90.9% --> 開檔的教練就是及格教練
中下教練 : 83.3%
弱教練 : 76.9%
差教練 : 71.4% --> 所以你如果選到穩定領導的差教練就悲劇了
2. Are the leadership abilities of any use?
They determine how fast the team spirit converges back to the neutral value
(composed, 4.5). If the team spirit lies below the neutral value,
higher leadership abilities will lead to a faster increase of the team spirit.
If the team spirit lies above the neutral value, high leadership abilities
prevents the team spirit from falling down too fast.
Q : 談談教練領導能力的作用 ?
A : 教練的領導能力決定球隊團隊精神回到平均等級(平均為4.5)的速度,
(註 : 團隊精神是幫助你贏得比賽的好工具,後面專文介紹團隊精神的操作)
3. A coach needs some experience, right?
No, the experience doesn't matter for a coach.
It's only important when you appoint one of your players as your new coach.
Q : 教練需要累積經驗,對嗎 ?
A : 錯,球員轉教練後,經驗就不重要了,教練上場比賽也不會再累積經驗。
1. 經驗越高的球員,轉任教練越便宜
2. 經驗越高的球員,場上表現越好
4. Does the coach need any other skills?
No, not really. The other skills don't matter at all for the training.
Q : 教練需要任何其他的技能嗎 ?
A : 不需要。球員轉任教練後技能就不會再增長了,
5. Is there any kind of special wage for the coach?
No, just as any other player he will be paid for his skills.
However, coaches normally have a low wage because in most cases the coaches
have low or non existent skills.
Q : 教練的薪水計算方法有甚麼特別的嗎 ?
A : 沒有。教練的薪水和其他球員一樣,都是依照技能計算。
6. How can I get a new coach?
There are two possibilities for this.
You can buy an external coach or appoint one of your players as a new coach.
If you appoint one of your own players,
he needs to fulfill certain requirements, as explained below.
Q : 我如何得到新教練 ?
A : 兩種方法,外聘或是內轉一位你的球員為教練。
7. Should my coach be defence-minded, fond of attacking or neither attack
nor defence-minded?
It depends on the training concept you choose
(an offensive coach is perhaps more suitable for a team training defending,
since the defence is strengthened due to training, and the other way round)
and on your personal preferences. There's no patent remedy for this issue.
Q : 我該選擇我的教練為防守型教練、還是進攻型教練、還是平衡型教練 ?
A : 都可以,依據你球隊的建隊策略決定。
(註: 即使你練防守,你希望你防守更強一點,也可以選擇防守型教練。)
(註: 與平衡型教練相比,
(註: 教練的類型不影響訓練的速度)
8. I want to appoint one of my players as a new coach. How can I do that?
First of all, this way to recruit a coach should only interest once you're
required to rely on team spirit management in a more regular manner.
It's also of no use to appoint one of your players as a coach when the
player's leadership abilities are weak or even lower.
You will only start saving lots of money from passable leadership on
(but there can already be a small benefit for inadequate leadership,
yet it's not much).
Experience matters when you appoint a player as your coach. A higher
experience results in a cheaper conversion (leadership abilities don't matter
for the price of this). The trainer abilities can't be higher than the
player's experience at the moment of the conversion.
A player with passable experience can be converted to a player with passable
trainer abilities, not to one with solid trainer abilities, though.
Please notice that the player must have been a member of your squad for
16 weeks (112 days) previously.
Q : 如何內轉一位球員為教練呢 ?
A : 首先,要提醒你,當你的球隊並不是很需要團隊精神時,
9. Is it possible to improve the coaches or one of the player's leadership
No, that's impossible.
Q : 球員或是教練的領導技能是否可提提升 ?
A : 不可能。
(註: 球員的領導技能為天生的,無法進步亦不會退步)
(註: 教練之領導技能會下降的,穩定領導退步至及格領導,大約耗時112天 ~ 385天)
10. My coach is out of commission due to an injury. Will it hurt my training?
No, it has no consequences for the training.
Q : 我的教練受傷了,受傷的教練是否會影響訓練 ?
A : 不會,訓練和教練是否健康沒有關係。
BY 陽森 2004.11.11
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