[DE] Patchlog 28.09.2011

看板CGI-Game (CGI Game)作者 (阿咧(°Д°)!?)時間13年前 (2011/09/29 02:21), 編輯推噓29(290162)
留言191則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
很久沒翻譯Patch Note了,希望別翻得太爛lol Patch Note: Balancing 平衡性 ‧ Action point system has been completely abolished 行動點數系統已經完全棄用 ‧ The Player receives ten Mana and ten HP potions after finishing the tutorial 玩家將於完成地城後獲得10MP和10HP (譯者按:我想應該是10%?) ‧ The chances for gaining extremely rare items in the 18 keys treasure chests have been increased. 於18keys箱子開出特別稀有(紫色)寶物的機率已經提高 ‧ HP- und MP- regeneration rate was set to 20 points per 5 minutes. HP和MP回復率目前設定為每5分鐘20點。 ‧ Time costs for battle actions have been balanced separately for creatures. 一些怪物的技能所消耗的時間有所調整 (譯者按:例如之前固定為200Times的盾類技能已經調低消耗的時間) ‧ Mana-Pool-Max has been increased by 20 points. MP總量提高20點 ‧ The talent “Inspired Regeneration” now increases the healing only by half per level. 天賦"Inspired Regeneration"現在每級增加的治療效果只有原來的一半。 (譯者按:由4/8/12/16/20%改為2/4/6/8/10%,不過本來好像沒什麼人點吧…) ‧ The talent “Strong As An Ox” now increases the HP for 4% per level instead of 2%. 天賦"Strong As An Ox"現在每級所增加的HP由2%增加至4% (2/4/6/8/10%→4/8/12/16/20%) ‧ Players receive more potions from their own treasure chest. 玩家現在從自己的地城寶箱可以獲得更多藥水 ‧ Hero-Licenses can be used only once. 英雄執照現在只可以用一次 ‧ License-Reward: if a clone (License) is used in a successful raid the generator will receive one potion via mail. The level and type of the potion will defined by the generator’s level. 執照獎勵:如果使用執照並且成功完成地城後,執照製作者將會獲得一瓶由系統寄出 的藥水,藥水的等級和種類會根據執照製作者的等級而決定。 ‧ Values of “On The Lookout” have been adjusted to 50%. On The Lookout的數值被調整為50% (譯者按:這個應該是指怪物的,至少玩家On The Lookout的"技能描述還沒有改") ‧ Basic weapon damage has been slightly reduced. 武器的基礎傷害稍微降低 ‧ Bonus weapon damage has been slightly reduced. 武器的額外傷害稍微降低 ‧ Weapon bonus elementary damage has been slightly reduced. 武器的額外屬性傷害稍微降低 ‧ Basic creature damage has been slightly reduced. 怪物的基礎傷害稍微降低 ‧ Creatures have more HP from now on. 現在怪物的HP增加了 ‧ Damage absorbed by armor has been slightly reduced. 護甲所減免的傷害稍微降低 ‧ Armor values for middle and heavy armor has been increased. 中等和重型護甲的數值調高 ‧ Healing Light has been adjusted to minimum healing 17 and maximum 23 (per level). Healing Light現在被調整為每階最低治療17點,最高治療23點。 ‧ Fortitude: HP gain per level is now 45. Fortitude現在每階會獲得45HP ‧ Life Drain: heals the hero for 50% of the Mana costs. Life Drain:治療英雄50%的法力消耗 ‧ Inferno: Damage has been adjusted - Minimum damage is 9, maximum is14. Inferno:傷害調整,每階最低9,最高14。 ‧ Dawn: Damage has been adjusted - Minimum damage is 8, maximum is12. (per level). Dawn:傷害調整,每階最低8,最高12。 ‧ Rainbow: Damage has been adjusted - Minimum damage is 5, maximum is 6. (per level). Rainbow:傷害調整,每階最低5,最高6。 ‧ Freeze: time points have been increased. Freeze:消耗時間提高 (50Times→100Times) ‧ Flame Strike: Damage has been adjusted - Minimum damage is 19, maximum is 23. (per level). Flame Strike:傷害調整,每階最低19,最高23。 ‧ Tourniquet: Effect healings formula has been adjusted. The healing now depends on strength and intelligence. Tourniquet:治療效果公式調整,治療量會取決於你的力量(Str)和智力(Int) (譯者按:感覺有bug,治療量沒受到加成) ‧ Freeze: Now affects everyone except the hero itself. Freeze:現在會影響任何人除了英雄本身 (譯者按:大概就是傭兵會受到牽連吧) ‧ Nasty Knock: Does now bonus damage if it does a critical hit. Nasty Knock:現在它造成致命一擊的時候會有額外傷害 ‧ Cleave: Now has a minus point on element damage. Cleave:現在會減少屬性傷害 ‧ Fortitude doesn‘t depend on intelligence anymore but its level. Duration has been fixed. Fortitude現在不再取決於智力,而是等級,持續時間亦被調整。 ‧ Spiky Armor now throws back 50% of the damage. 天賦Spiky Armor現在反彈50%的傷害 (譯者按:沒寫每點還是5點50%,不過今天反彈2級Troll的Lunge125,感覺是每點50%) ‧ Wound Cooling and Healing Light are no longer influenced by intelligence and essences. Wound Cooling和Healing Light現在不再受到智力(Int)和屬性傷害的影響 ‧ Mana costs of all battle actions have been adjusted. 所有技能的法力消耗調整 ‧ Effects of fixtures that allow power actions have been increased so that they’ll have a bigger impact on level 1 already. 所有支援蓄力動作的裝飾物的效果已經提高,所以他們也能有較明顯的效果了。 General 一般 ‧ Dungeon-Tooltips don‘t show the Dungeons ranking anymore. 地城描述提示不再顯示地城的地位(ranking) ‧ The Dungeon-Tooltips line “Last visited by” isn‘t highlighted anymore. 地城描述提示的"最後來訪者為xxx"不再標亮 Bug fixes 錯誤修正 ‧ Damage of talent Magic Power is being calculated correctly now. 天賦"Magic Power"的傷害現在已經正確地計算 ‧ New offers from the merchant now happen after 24 Hrs real-time. 現在商店會於現實時間24小時後提供新販賣物 ‧ An error that lighted up the incoming messages button even if there were no new messages has been fixed. 當你沒有收到新信件卻仍被顯示有來信的錯誤已修正 ‧ One reason for a freeze while using Healing Light has been fixed. 使用Healing Light的時候畫面定格已修正 ‧ Sometimes mail attachments haven’t been displayed properly. This has been fixed. 有時信件的附件沒有被正確地顯示出來,已修正 ‧ Upon using the talent inspired regeneration sometimes regeneration potions stayed in the inventory even though they were empty. This has been fixed. 在天賦Inspired發動的時候使用回復藥水後仍然保留著藥水存量(儘管它已經空了)已修正 (譯者按:沒用過Inspired不太清楚這個情況,望各位看看是否翻譯正確) ‧ Sometimes the Dungeon treasure chest was glowing even though there was no loot in it. This has been fixed. 有時地城寶箱裡已經沒有寶物但還是會在界面上亮燈,已修正 ‧ Loss of time of shields has been calculated wrong in some cases. This has been fixed. 攻擊護盾所損失的時間(緩速效果)有時會計算錯誤,已修正 ‧ The reason for a crash that occurred when the damage for the Flame Shield was being calculated has been fixed. Flame Shield所造成的傷害有時會造成當機,已修正 ‧ An error has been fixed that caused news titles, senders and text being empty. 修正一個會造成(信件的)新標題、來信者和文字變成空白的錯誤 ‧ The game doesn’t crash anymore if a Gargoyle dies upon using Rainbow against a Magic Shield. 現在Gargoyle使用Rainbow攻擊魔法盾並造成死亡時不再當機 ‧ Chat focus is working properly now and new messages shouldn’t be marked randomly now. 聊天追蹤現在正確地運作,以及新訊息不會被隨機地被標記 ‧ An error was fixed through which mini map rooms were being shown as grey or blue boxes. 修正小地圖顯示房間為灰色或藍色方格的錯誤 ‧ Shards that have been found in bonus loot chests are now being displayed in the end statistic. 在出口寶箱所撿到的碎片現在會正確地顯示在結束地城的計分板上 ‧ Icy skeleton magician now freezes the player and not the game. Icy skeleton現在只會凍結玩家而不會凍結遊戲了 (譯者按:之前Freeze有機會造成定格) ‧ Full screen won’t lead to a freeze during the loading screen anymore. 全螢幕模式不會再在載入畫面造成定格 ‧ Test runs in one own Dungeon are not being added to the statistic anymore. 測試自家地城不會再顯示在記錄上 ‧ After a level up the hero items sometimes were still marked as red in the inventory. This has been fixed. 當玩家升級的時候有些在背包裡達到足夠等級穿著的裝備還是會顯示為紅色,已修正 ‧ An error has been fixed through which the display of the hero information wasn’t being updated after a raid. 修正一個錯誤:完成地城後角色資料界面沒有更新 ‧ An error has been fixed through which creatures lost their abilities through the hero’s use of Ice Cage. 修正玩家對怪物使用Ice Cage後會失去他們技能的錯誤 (譯者按:原來這是bug喔= =!?) ‧ An error has been fixed through which equipped battle actions weren’t taken over into the raid upon using the “Check Hero” button. 修正一個錯誤:當玩家進入地城前使用"檢查英雄"按鈕更換技能並不會將已換的技能 帶進地城 ‧ An error connected to the displaying of the creatures names in the raid has been fixed. 於地城裡怪物顯示名字錯誤已修正 ‧ Incorrect values in the licenses have been corrected. 英雄執照的錯誤數值已修正 ‧ Gold being subtracted but training wasn’t started = Caused by creatures that were trained a few steps but then sacrificed. Their training history wasn ’t set back upon sacrificing. This has been fixed. 修正花費金錢但怪物沒有正確地被訓練的錯誤已修正 ‧ During the raid preparation tooltips of invisible items were shown. Those were actually buttons in the background. This has been fixed. 於地城準備界面被隱藏的道具將會顯示出來,實際上被隱藏在背景後,已修正 ‧ Sorting of equipment and in the inventory in general is now being taken over after a relogg. 排列背包裡的道具在重登後會正確地運作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/29 02:34, , 1F
09/29 02:34, 1F

09/29 02:35, , 2F
我看到了怪物變成超級塞亞人三 玩家則是變成蔬菜人
09/29 02:35, 2F

09/29 02:40, , 3F
09/29 02:40, 3F

09/29 02:42, , 4F
09/29 02:42, 4F

09/29 02:43, , 5F
09/29 02:43, 5F

09/29 02:43, , 6F
看完這篇 我只覺得確定官方腦袋有洞 而且洞還不小zzz
09/29 02:43, 6F

09/29 02:45, , 7F
HP/MP的回覆速率根本作壞 多個0還差不多
09/29 02:45, 7F

09/29 02:46, , 8F
武器的傷害"稍微"降低 砍了1/2跟2/3才叫稍微歐 幹
09/29 02:46, 8F

09/29 02:46, , 9F
然後調高中型跟重型護甲值 幹嘛順便砍輕甲的護甲值
09/29 02:46, 9F

09/29 02:47, , 10F
09/29 02:47, 10F

09/29 02:47, , 11F
怪物血量調太高 技能跟攻擊傷害調太低 想叫玩家不要玩
09/29 02:47, 11F

09/29 02:47, , 12F
可以直接發公告說就好 不用這樣搞
09/29 02:47, 12F

09/29 02:48, , 13F
今天改這樣真的超不爽的 補個幹
09/29 02:48, 13F

09/29 02:51, , 14F
放心不會餓死,你的箱子會有嫚出來的水可以喝= =
09/29 02:51, 14F

09/29 02:55, , 15F
09/29 02:55, 15F

09/29 02:56, , 16F
09/29 02:56, 16F

09/29 03:08, , 17F
09/29 03:08, 17F

09/29 09:09, , 18F
09/29 09:09, 18F

09/29 09:32, , 19F
09/29 09:32, 19F

09/29 09:33, , 20F
09/29 09:33, 20F

09/29 10:15, , 21F
On The Lookout 現在是基礎50 time的傷害技能.應該是講這各
09/29 10:15, 21F

09/29 11:01, , 22F
戰鬥長的話 我覺得這部分是相對性的缺點
09/29 11:01, 22F

09/29 11:02, , 23F
這是說 因為戰鬥打起來不有趣所以花那些時間搞戰鬥很煩
09/29 11:02, 23F

09/29 11:02, , 24F
09/29 11:02, 24F

09/29 11:03, , 25F
只是這次的patch對於戰鬥本身沒有增加什麼樂趣 只有血尿
09/29 11:03, 25F

09/29 11:55, , 26F
...真是太有趣了 我還記得RANK新制實施的那天還有人支持
09/29 11:55, 26F

09/29 11:55, , 27F
雖然是幾個禮拜後那些外國人才發現那很蠢 然後改了
09/29 11:55, 27F

09/29 11:56, , 28F
09/29 11:56, 28F

09/29 11:56, , 29F
一個禮拜? 我看三天都撐不過去 這遊戲差不多就...降
09/29 11:56, 29F

09/29 14:31, , 30F
09/29 14:31, 30F

09/29 14:43, , 31F
原本的18KEY紫物出現率如果+5% +10%應該是沒感覺的事情
09/29 14:43, 31F

09/29 14:45, , 32F
09/29 14:45, 32F

09/29 14:46, , 33F
09/29 14:46, 33F

09/29 14:47, , 34F
09/29 14:47, 34F

09/29 14:57, , 35F
我有看到你來逛我家,辛苦了~ 我在加新功能中,快好了
09/29 14:57, 35F

09/29 14:58, , 36F
09/29 14:58, 36F

09/29 15:03, , 37F
09/29 15:03, 37F

09/29 15:04, , 38F
09/29 15:04, 38F

09/29 15:04, , 39F
09/29 15:04, 39F
還有 112 則推文
09/30 14:45, , 152F
09/30 14:45, 152F

09/30 15:35, , 153F
09/30 15:35, 153F

09/30 15:49, , 154F
暫時先不用 我目前是沒血的時候用另一個板友的補血機XD
09/30 15:49, 154F

09/30 15:51, , 155F
不過如果你缺執照生的水的話 可以寄給我 我可以幫你消耗
09/30 15:51, 155F

09/30 15:52, , 156F
終於解脫了 然後試打我家一下.....火法根本沒變強 = =
09/30 15:52, 156F

09/30 15:53, , 157F
FB雖然傷害變高 可是火盾傷害變低...效果變差
09/30 15:53, 157F

09/30 15:54, , 158F
就算怪物的血量跟以前一樣 火法這樣其實算是削弱...
09/30 15:54, 158F

09/30 16:00, , 159F
我家的LV4高崙好妖怪 幸好我當初沒練到LV45....
09/30 16:00, 159F

09/30 16:00, , 160F
09/30 16:00, 160F

09/30 16:01, , 161F
09/30 16:01, 161F

09/30 16:06, , 162F
09/30 16:06, 162F

09/30 16:21, , 163F
09/30 16:21, 163F

09/30 16:35, , 164F
09/30 16:35, 164F

09/30 17:12, , 165F
光巨魔是紫的大型啊 血也是超多的
09/30 17:12, 165F

09/30 17:13, , 166F
09/30 17:13, 166F

09/30 17:21, , 167F
09/30 17:21, 167F

09/30 17:36, , 168F
09/30 17:36, 168F

09/30 18:08, , 169F
LV3光巨魔血有一千 不過防低很多
09/30 18:08, 169F

09/30 18:11, , 170F
09/30 18:11, 170F

09/30 18:11, , 171F
09/30 18:11, 171F

09/30 18:12, , 172F
09/30 18:12, 172F

09/30 19:28, , 173F
09/30 19:28, 173F

09/30 19:29, , 174F
09/30 19:29, 174F

09/30 19:29, , 175F
點數也重置吧 我要改玩戰士
09/30 19:29, 175F

09/30 19:30, , 176F
09/30 19:30, 176F

09/30 19:30, , 177F
火法變強不少了 暗法是真的沒救 5階暗武吸血6x-8x *3
09/30 19:30, 177F

09/30 19:33, , 178F
護甲還被砍1/3 我剛剛自家測試4隻lv4蜜蜂 不補血連1隻都殺
09/30 19:33, 178F

09/30 19:34, , 179F
不死 超悲慘
09/30 19:34, 179F

09/30 20:00, , 180F
09/30 20:00, 180F

09/30 20:01, , 181F
五階武現在是45 加武傷才加5 有加法傷才加10 另外自己附
09/30 20:01, 181F

09/30 20:02, , 182F
09/30 20:02, 182F

09/30 20:06, , 183F
可以吐槽的東西太多了 真不知道要怎麼吐...
09/30 20:06, 183F

09/30 20:07, , 184F
明明今天終於把事情忙完了 結果 DE 卻.卻..卻...卻.....
09/30 20:07, 184F

09/30 20:07, , 185F
我現在連每天上去領三千都要考慮一下了 =3=a
09/30 20:07, 185F

09/30 20:31, , 186F
09/30 20:31, 186F

09/30 20:31, , 187F
09/30 20:31, 187F

09/30 20:58, , 188F
腦殘? 我懷疑DE官方根本沒腦好嗎...
09/30 20:58, 188F

09/30 21:42, , 189F
09/30 21:42, 189F

09/30 23:18, , 190F
我今天都在lv1,2的地域耍威風 也算撿了不少藍怪 以量取勝XD
09/30 23:18, 190F

09/30 23:20, , 191F
只是常常望箱興嘆 錯過2紫n藍怪 倒也第一次在6鑰箱看到紫物
09/30 23:20, 191F
文章代碼(AID): #1EWsMd7e (CGI-Game)
文章代碼(AID): #1EWsMd7e (CGI-Game)