[情報] 可信度稍高一點的新作情報

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (我膩稱點誰 誰就畢業了)時間10年前 (2014/06/01 13:13), 10年前編輯推噓27(28132)
留言61則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
跟之前人家讓我貼在洽特的有點相似 不過內容好像多很多 > According to a recent post on the NeoGAF forums, the next Resident Evil game > will be revealed at E3. The person who started the rumor goes by the name of > News Bot and is allegedly a reliable source of information. Still, we advise > you to take this with a grain of salt until we hear something from official > sources. Resident Evil was already the subject of similar rumors in April as > well. Back then, the Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun said that Capcom will > be announcing Resident Evil 7 for PS4 at this year’s expo. 新作將會在e3公布 NewsBot可信度很高 產經說過bio7會在世博才公布 > While the NeoGAF post also speaks of an E3 reveal, the leaker doesn’t give > us a name for the upcoming game. However, he does say that we should’t > expect “7〃 to be part of its title. Instead of being a direct sequel to > Resident Evil 6, it will most likely be a spin-off, similar to Resident Evil: > Revelations. News Bot followed up by sharing some details regarding the new > game in response to a skeptic user. “There are three returning characters. > Two male and one female. Two haven’t been seen in over a decade and one has > never had an “in-game” appearance. Guess away. That’s more than enough.” 有人分析以後可能不是bio7以後 newsbot分享了一個細節 將是一男兩女 其中有兩個人會是許久許久沒登場的角色(就跟人家跟我講的一樣) > “Regarding the one who doesn’t appear in-game, I should be a little more > specific(because I’m sure someone will call me a liar for being too > general). They are mentioned in games but are a background character with no > “active” appearance yet. It’s not someone from the movies/comics.” A > previous rumor suggested that Alice from the Resident Evil movies will appear > in the next title. According to the leaker this is not the case > unfortunately, but we do hope he’s wrong on this one. A RE game with Alice > as the main protagonist sounds like a great idea to be honest. 故事有某個人物會是沒有"具體"來呈現過的角色 隨便講講,老實說如果是艾莉絲的話會很有意思(隨便講講) > Since we’re talking rumors and speculations, another seemingly credible > source shared something about this recently. The info comes from a French > website(biohazardfrance.com) with a very solid reputation, and generally > considered to be reliable. “It (the E3 reveal) is soon yes, but I never said > it’ll be Resident Evil 7〃, said one of the forum users. He also added that > “One thing is for sure, fans will scrutinize their screens during coming > days and weeks and this is where the REVELATION will unfold .” The bottom > line is that both sources say we should expect the next Resident Evil to be > featured at E3. Also, the game will not be a sequel, but most likely a > spin-off like Revelations. biohazardfrance.com貼出的情報通常很有可信度, 它們也說了"E3他將來到,但我們沒提過他是BIO7" 所以很有可能是像BIOR一般的作品 -- 「在你退役之後,誰將接過NBA的火炬呢?」 「呃,你有很多人可以選擇。Michael,David Robinson,Patrick Ewing,Dominique ,Isiah。但是我不會選擇任何人。J博士沒有選擇我,也沒有人選擇J博士。」 「但最終會有一個人自己跳出來說:『嘿,現在輪到我了。』」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BioHazard/M.1401599635.A.A40.htmlcarotyao:轉錄至看板 NDS 06/01 13:14 ※ 編輯: carotyao (, 06/01/2014 13:17:14

06/01 14:41, , 1F
06/01 14:41, 1F

06/01 15:06, , 2F
06/01 15:06, 2F

06/01 15:09, , 3F
06/01 15:09, 3F

06/01 16:51, , 4F
蠻希望看到中年的BILLY登場的XDD 史蒂芬席格
06/01 16:51, 4F

06/01 16:52, , 5F
06/01 16:52, 5F

06/01 16:56, , 6F
06/01 16:56, 6F

06/01 16:58, , 7F
我覺得應該還是3DS 畢竟它們STAFF意願一直很高
06/01 16:58, 7F

06/01 16:58, , 8F
06/01 16:58, 8F

06/01 17:08, , 9F
06/01 17:08, 9F

06/01 17:22, , 10F
06/01 17:22, 10F

06/01 17:23, , 11F
06/01 17:23, 11F

06/01 17:34, , 12F
06/01 17:34, 12F

06/01 17:40, , 13F
06/01 17:40, 13F

06/01 17:44, , 14F
06/01 17:44, 14F

06/01 17:52, , 15F
如果是啟示錄續作,猜測未具體呈現角色可能是極東支部 梅拉
06/01 17:52, 15F

06/02 12:47, , 16F
06/02 12:47, 16F

06/02 12:57, , 17F
06/02 12:57, 17F

06/03 02:37, , 18F
漢克的話 應該會蠻有趣的 可能性很高
06/03 02:37, 18F

06/03 02:40, , 19F
06/03 02:40, 19F

06/03 09:01, , 20F
06/03 09:01, 20F

06/03 16:43, , 21F
猜有Claire和Hunk +1
06/03 16:43, 21F

06/03 17:06, , 22F
06/03 17:06, 22F

06/04 08:45, , 23F
我覺得6代的Leon比較帥耶 總覺得之前的Leon太像從少女漫畫
06/04 08:45, 23F

06/04 08:45, , 24F
裡走出來的男角 還是6代比較寫實一點
06/04 08:45, 24F

06/04 09:04, , 25F
06/04 09:04, 25F

06/04 09:04, , 26F
那個只有形象的角色很可能是ALEX WESKER
06/04 09:04, 26F

06/04 09:40, , 27F
2其實也不錯呀 有菜樣
06/04 09:40, 27F

06/04 09:56, , 28F
06/04 09:56, 28F

06/04 13:29, , 29F
請問艾柏特是誰? (._.?)
06/04 13:29, 29F

06/04 14:00, , 30F
06/04 14:00, 30F

06/04 14:08, , 31F
克蕾兒 比利 蕾貝卡 貝瑞也都很久沒出現了
06/04 14:08, 31F

06/04 14:10, , 32F
喜歡比利 超帥
06/04 14:10, 32F

06/04 14:23, , 33F
我也是最希望比利就是了 真男人
06/04 14:23, 33F

06/05 13:47, , 34F
06/05 13:47, 34F

06/05 18:07, , 35F
我老婆們 克萊兒和蕾貝卡很久沒出現了 能出來面對一下嗎
06/05 18:07, 35F

06/06 14:35, , 36F
06/06 14:35, 36F

06/06 14:35, , 37F
06/06 14:35, 37F

06/06 16:15, , 38F
聖女密碼重製版也不錯啊 聖女密碼都重製了 Bio2重製版還會
06/06 16:15, 38F

06/06 16:15, , 39F
06/06 16:15, 39F

06/06 23:10, , 40F
06/06 23:10, 40F

06/06 23:37, , 41F
06/06 23:37, 41F

06/07 08:58, , 42F
粉絲真難伺候 出了新作老是說以前得比較好
06/07 08:58, 42F

06/07 08:59, , 43F
重製舊的 又要再酸 老是炒冷飯
06/07 08:59, 43F

06/07 10:34, , 44F
06/07 10:34, 44F

06/07 11:14, , 45F
06/07 11:14, 45F

06/07 11:15, , 46F
06/07 11:15, 46F

06/07 11:16, , 47F
06/07 11:16, 47F

06/07 12:48, , 48F
06/07 12:48, 48F

06/07 15:49, , 49F
如果不大量外包 應該沒什麼問題
06/07 15:49, 49F

06/08 10:13, , 50F
06/08 10:13, 50F

06/08 23:19, , 51F
要用隔夜飯啊 炒王 零分!
06/08 23:19, 51F

06/08 23:21, , 52F
如果沒有好的製作人 不管是新米還是舊飯 只會變成噴
06/08 23:21, 52F

06/09 00:50, , 53F
開放式地圖的BIO不知道有沒有搞頭 開放2代拉坤市
06/09 00:50, 53F

06/09 02:46, , 54F
06/09 02:46, 54F

06/09 08:40, , 55F
06/09 08:40, 55F

06/09 08:40, , 56F
06/09 08:40, 56F

06/10 02:17, , 57F
06/10 02:17, 57F

06/15 20:48, , 58F
展前很多地方都說有bio 結果完全沒有 怒噓
06/15 20:48, 58F

06/17 17:13, , 59F
可惡 無法怒噓
06/17 17:13, 59F

06/30 19:57, , 60F
06/30 19:57, 60F

06/30 22:14, , 61F
06/30 22:14, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #1JYhQJf0 (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1JYhQJf0 (BioHazard)