Fw: [遊戲] 混搭著惡靈古堡6 / 惡靈勢力2 (翻譯)

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (嘎抓國王)時間11年前 (2013/03/22 23:31), 編輯推噓3(300)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Steam 看板 #1HJ7ZlXX ] 作者: mosquito147 (嘎抓國王) 看板: Steam 標題: [遊戲] 混搭著惡靈古堡6 / 惡靈勢力2 (翻譯) 時間: Fri Mar 22 23:29:48 2013 今天就發了三篇跟bio6有關的內容,我會不會被丟水桶>< ˊˇˋ 重新下載了遊戲,等待的過程來翻譯一下文章當作練習~ 新手上路,不通順請告知,有錯誤也請告知QWQ~ ============================================================================== Resident Evil 6 / Left 4 Dead 2 Mash-up 混搭的惡靈雙煞(<=...這樣翻雖然偏離原譯,但是好帥啊XD) 混搭的惡靈古堡6以及惡靈勢力2 March 15, 2013 - L4D Team Thinking of pre-ordering Resident Evil 6? We now have six more reasons to do it. 還在猶豫預購惡靈古堡6嗎?(編按:來不及了,已經正式發售了)我們現在有額外的六個原 因來吸引你這樣做。 The first four are Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle. All are crossing over to fight monsters in the new PC exclusive game mode for RE6 - The Mercenaries No Mercy. 最先是個原因是Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle.(編按:惡靈勢力角色),將在PC獨占 的模式底下跨越遊戲對抗著惡靈古堡6的怪物 - The Mercenaries No Mercy.(編按:這是 模式名稱)。 They aren’t coming alone. Joining them from the infected side is the Witch and a special version of the Tank. The Tank even comes in a new form - the Mini Tank. It is all the ferociousness of the giant Tank but in a cute cuddly but deadly package. 他們也不是獨自前來。感染者方面也加入了Witch以及特殊版本的Tank。這種Tank以新的 形式到來 – the mini Tank。它雖然看起來很可愛,但是依舊兇猛,就像是一個致命的 包裹一樣。 That covers L4D2 in RE6, but what kind of self-respecting mash-up only goes one way? Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered. First up, we are adding three RE6 creatures to the Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop - Lepotitsa, Napad and Ogroman as Special Infected replacements. 惡靈勢力2即將加入惡靈古堡6,但是這樣單方面的跨界合作怎麼對得起自尊呢?別擔心, 我們也讓惡靈古堡6的內容跨越到了惡靈勢力2來。首先,我們在惡靈勢力2的工作坊加入 了三個惡靈古堡6的角色 - Lepotitsa, Napad and Ogroman作為被感染者(編按:?!)。 For the Resident Evil 6 characters we have a different idea. This is where you come in. Both the Left 4 Dead 2 and Resident Evil 6 communities are invited to create their own take on RE6’s original cast and submit them to the L4D2 Workshop. 對於這些惡靈古堡6的角色我們有些不同的想法。這就是讓你進來這裡的原因。惡靈古堡6 以及惡靈勢力2的社群都被邀請來創造屬於他們自己的惡靈古堡6的角色,並且給予提交至 惡靈勢力2的工作坊。 To create a character and submit it to the Workshop you will need access to the L4D2 Authoring tools. And just in case you have been living hole, covered in cement, at the bottom of a lake to protect yourself from the zombie apocalypse and you just now came out of said hole and still have not purchased L4D2 - we have even put L4D2 on sale this week for an incredible 75% off! 想要創造角色以及上傳至工作方你必須使用工具 - L4D2 Authoring tools。不管你現在 為了保護自己免於江詩的攻擊而躲在活孔、或者在水泥裡、甚至湖底,或者你才剛從深不 見底的洞孔回來而沒有購買惡靈勢力2,我們在本週有一個難以置信的75折的特價!(編按: 已經結束了) Just remember when you submit your RE6 character - include the Resident Evil 6 tag. That will make sure it shows up in the Resident Evil 6 tab and we will pick the best ones to add to our official Resident Evil 6 Collection. 記得當你提交了屬於你自己的惡靈古堡6的角色,請附上你的惡靈古堡6標示的名稱,這將 會將你的大名顯示在 Resident Evil 6 tab裡面! 而我們將會挑選最棒的內容至官方的惡 靈古堡6內容裡面! Make sure to check out Capcom’s Resident Evil 6 page for even more info. 請時常確認Capcom’s Resident Evil 6 page獲得最新的活動消息。 心得: 哪個傢伙翻"惡靈"的給我出來 -- Nyan cat! NYAN!NAYN!NYAN!NYAN!NYAN! ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mosquito147 來自: (03/22 23:30) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: mosquito147 (, 時間: 03/22/2013 23:31:05

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文章代碼(AID): #1HJ7awLE (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1HJ7awLE (BioHazard)