[情報] BIO6 官方情報

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (Sense一斤多少?)時間12年前 (2012/02/17 20:57), 編輯推噓12(12016)
留言28則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
ZOMBIES 殭屍 Classic undead return, but even these guys have stepped up their game. As seen in the trailer, some have figured out weapons can expose precious brain matter quicker than teeth and nails, while others are content to leap at you with ravenous intent. 會跑會跳會飛撲會武器 J'AVO The BSAA named these creatures after the Serbian word for "demon;" they're even more dangerous than the typical zombie, and are capable of understanding speech and coordinating attacks. That said, they're still mutated monstrosities, so they're not exactly calm or collected when it comes to tactics. BSAA幫他們取名這個名字就像是賽爾為亞語的惡魔。 他們是像殭屍一樣的鄉民。 可以溝通、合作、打到會回復、超過一定傷害會突變。 LEON S KENNEDY After the Raccoon City Incident, Leon was recruited into government service by one Adam Benford, who would go on to become the current in-game President of the United States. Since those horrific moments at Raccoon City, he's dedicated to the cause of confronting bioterror wherever it lies. 拉昆市事件後一直在替政府工作的薪水男。 從這件事情之後他總是關注各種生化災害事件。 HELENA HARPER 海林那 哈波 Another government agent who was just about to become part of the Secret Service. All we really know about her is she regretfully claims to be responsible for the latest outbreak. 另外一個政府特務、不過屬於神祕部門。 他自責覺得應該要為最近發生的那一起生化災害負責。 CHRIS REDFIELD 克里斯 Part of the bioterror incidents from the very beginning, Chris continues to take the fight to the frontlines. Some kind of personal trauma, which takes place prior to RE6, haunts Chris, though he's committed to protecting Lanshiang and serving in the BSAA. 最初接觸生化災害的倖存人員之一、克里斯持續在前線作戰。 他現在身上似乎有某種精神創傷、從BIO6之前就不斷縈繞在克里斯新中。 現在受BSAA之命來保護中國的Lanshiang這個城市。 MYSTERY MAN 神祕男 Still no concrete details on who this is or what his agenda might be (seriously, even I don't know!), but we can tell he's a mercenary. At some point he's told he could save the world, though money seems to be on his mind... 關於他的細節還沒人知道(我講真的、連我這個寫官方BLOG的不知道啦)。 不過我可以跟你講他是個傭兵、他知道自己可以拯救世界可是不知道為何、 很清楚的是他可以拿到錢。 INGRID HUNNIGAN海尼根 Eagle-eyed fans probably spotted Leon's helpful Field Operations Support officer in the trailer. Ingrid continues to aid Leon in his mission. 里昂的HQ ADAM BENFORD The current President of the United States. Though he's a zombie now, so he's probably not up to much. 米國總統!不過他已經變成殭屍惹、所以沒什麼可以說ㄉ。 Finally, a microscopic but rather important note on the controls - RE6 will allow players to move and shoot at the same time, plus evade with rolls and take cover behind objects (though as we see with Chris up there, cover isn't necessarily the safest place to be). 最後我們必須跟你講一件很重要的事情~ bio6可以邊跑邊射啦~有沒有很開心! 還可以躲在東西後面唷! -- 25歲也好、不適合穿制服也無所謂。 只要AKB還需要我、只要fan還需要我,我就會繼續跟12歲的孩子們 穿著一樣的服裝在舞台上面努力表演。 AKB48-篠田麻里子 渡辺麻友、篠田麻里子、河西智美、AKB48情報翻譯BLOG http://home.gamer.com.tw/creation.php?owner=carotyao -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/17 20:59, , 1F
02/17 20:59, 1F

02/17 21:01, , 2F
02/17 21:01, 2F

02/17 21:01, , 3F
02/17 21:01, 3F

02/17 21:03, , 4F
雖然這麼說,但他們仍是突變的怪獸 我會這樣翻的說
02/17 21:03, 4F

02/17 21:04, , 5F
可能兩邊解讀的感覺不一樣 你說的也有道理xd
02/17 21:04, 5F

02/17 21:05, , 6F
我從打電動的觀點來看 感覺是打很多下會變身的意思XD
02/17 21:05, 6F

02/17 21:07, , 7F
02/17 21:07, 7F

02/17 21:09, , 8F
希望Bio 6能有多點像 起司錄Rachael的怪物 (大誤)
02/17 21:09, 8F

02/17 21:10, , 9F
02/17 21:10, 9F

02/17 21:29, , 10F
終於可以打帶跑了! 那不就變L4D了!
02/17 21:29, 10F
※ 編輯: carotyao 來自: (02/17 21:35)

02/17 23:17, , 11F
02/17 23:17, 11F

02/17 23:31, , 12F
02/17 23:31, 12F

02/17 23:50, , 13F
推 +濫用類固醇失去男性雄風
02/17 23:50, 13F

02/17 23:52, , 14F
心理創傷!? 讓我想到5代Sheva死掉大喊 Sheva~~~~(紅屏
02/17 23:52, 14F

02/18 02:26, , 15F
之前情報不是說 時間點在五代之前
02/18 02:26, 15F

02/18 02:27, , 16F
02/18 02:27, 16F

02/18 02:27, , 17F
話說愛是力老爸便殭屍 愛續力的心鏡會如何呢?
02/18 02:27, 17F

02/18 04:09, , 18F
02/18 04:09, 18F

02/18 05:15, , 19F
海林那不是什麼神秘部門...大寫的Secret Service就是特勤局
02/18 05:15, 19F

02/18 05:18, , 20F
J'AVO那段你應該是有少節錄原文 因為過一定傷害會突變那段
02/18 05:18, 20F

02/18 05:18, , 21F
02/18 05:18, 21F

02/18 08:20, , 22F
02/18 08:20, 22F

02/18 16:07, , 23F
02/18 16:07, 23F

02/18 16:07, , 24F
02/18 16:07, 24F

02/19 03:08, , 25F
哦喔!! 看到了!
02/19 03:08, 25F

02/19 20:53, , 26F
02/19 20:53, 26F

02/19 21:15, , 27F
老實說我覺得比較像G耶XD 被打傷會突變
02/19 21:15, 27F

02/26 18:56, , 28F
02/26 18:56, 28F
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文章代碼(AID): #1FFax4RC (BioHazard)