Re: [問題] 我想要BIO 4 的台詞。

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (凌凌漆大戰打槍客)時間15年前 (2009/11/14 18:53), 編輯推噓10(1007)
留言17則, 8人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
請搭配真人版影片服用 但沒有全部台詞 建議你還是自己去 "得到" Bio4 玩玩 ---Sellin'--- What do you selling? Ah, I'll buy it at a high price. heee, Thank you. ---Buyin'--- What do you buying? Not only you need cash but you need guts to bought that weapon. Stranger, stranger, now that's a weapon. Not enough cash! What do you need for? Go to fight the elephant? ---Others--- Over here, stranger. (初次見面) Good things on sale, stranger! Come back anytime. ---When he is dying--- Ahhh!....(fxxk you) --- 還有啥餃? 下禮拜期中考阿幹... -- ▂████ ◣║║◢ 來來來! 幹!球來了!!!▂████2009總冠軍 呼!先讓我 一 一 ◥███◤ ⊙ ⊙經典回顧 ██◣喘口氣! ε ██◣ ◥◣ ███ ◢██◣ ███ ◥◣◢█ψwearyt ███ ◢██◣ 科科 ≡ olove ║◢ ███ ◥█▅█◤ ║◢ ███ φrathunter -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/14 18:55, , 1F
還有一個 啊~~~~(倒地)
11/14 18:55, 1F

11/14 20:58, , 2F
11/14 20:58, 2F

11/14 22:33, , 3F
11/14 22:33, 3F

11/14 22:55, , 4F
11/14 22:55, 4F

11/14 23:21, , 5F
啥 快說~我要改~~
11/14 23:21, 5F

11/15 10:48, , 6F
我沒空開遊戲所以憑印象應該是not enought cash!stranger~~
11/15 10:48, 6F

11/15 10:50, , 7F
what are you selling?(這邊我是單看文法,因為玩遊戲我都沒
11/15 10:50, 7F

11/15 10:50, , 8F
11/15 10:50, 8F

11/15 10:52, , 9F
11/15 10:52, 9F

11/15 13:23, , 10F
你連enough都拼錯 = =
11/15 13:23, 10F

11/15 13:24, , 11F
阿.. 我自己抓到一個地方了
11/15 13:24, 11F

11/15 16:30, , 12F
11/15 16:30, 12F

11/15 17:07, , 13F
11/15 17:07, 13F

11/15 19:01, , 14F
what do you need for? Go to fight the elephant?-->買手砲
11/15 19:01, 14F
感恩感恩 手砲也就買過那麼一次 沒聽清楚 = = ※ 編輯: knowhile 來自: (11/15 19:07)

11/15 20:44, , 16F
11/15 20:44, 16F

11/16 21:46, , 17F
the other order 會說 還沒營業耶
11/16 21:46, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1A_emioh (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1A_emioh (BioHazard)