[轉錄][情報] [H1Z1] 歐盟隔離倫敦

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (Newclicker)時間15年前 (2009/05/25 00:42), 編輯推噓13(1307)
留言20則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 SF 看板] 作者: Yenchin (Yenchin Beyond) 看板: SF 標題: [情報] 歐盟隔離倫敦 時間: Tue May 5 11:35:14 2009 BBC 報導 http://bouncewith.me.uk/europe/8027043.htm (連結已失效) http://tinyurl.com/d8nzkt EU quarantines London in flu panic There has been a small outbreak of “zombism” in London due to mutation of the H1N1 virus into new strain: H1Z1. "由於 H1N1 病毒突變為新的 H1Z1 株, 倫敦有小規模「活屍化」疫情" 摘錄: After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it’s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believe to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection 死亡後, 這病毒能夠讓死去的患者在兩個小時後心臟重新跳動, 使其具有 極暴力之行為, 據信是因為綜合腦部損傷及復活時釋入血液中之化學分子 所致 The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the alert to phase six, its highest level, and advised governments to activate pandemic contingency plans. WHO 警戒至六級 在墨西哥至少已經有 12 例活屍 荷蘭發生一起三歲孩童死亡後暴起攻擊母親案例... -- 科科 有沒有不知道 BBC 官網是 bbc.co.uk 的八卦? -- Daleks be warned. You have declared war upon the Cybermen! THIS IS NOT WAR. THIS IS PEST CONTROL! We have 5 million Cybermen, how many are you? FOUR! You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks? WE WOULD DESTROY THE CYBERMEN WITH ONE DALEK! YOU ARE SUPERIOR IN ONLY ONE RESPECT. What is that? YOU ARE BETTER AT DYING!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/05 11:41,
05/05 11:41
※ 編輯: Yenchin 來自: (05/05 12:35)

05/25 00:42,
原作者同意借轉BioHazard版 <(_ _)>
05/25 00:42
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/25 00:49, , 1F
05/25 00:49, 1F
※ 編輯: newclicker 來自: (05/25 00:54)

05/25 00:52, , 2F
Leon: 我又可以出場騙大量薪水了(笑)
05/25 00:52, 2F

05/25 01:00, , 3F
外國鄉民的反應: I'll get my shotgun!
05/25 01:00, 3F

05/25 01:02, , 4F
外國鄉民:I own you once,partner!(笑)
05/25 01:02, 4F

05/25 01:20, , 5F
sheva: owe
05/25 01:20, 5F

05/25 08:12, , 6F
Leon: 這次有倫敦正妹嗎 YA!! 我要倫敦熟女
05/25 08:12, 6F

05/25 10:07, , 7F
這應該不是真的吧 = ="
05/25 10:07, 7F

05/25 10:47, , 8F
當然是假的 哈哈
05/25 10:47, 8F

05/25 10:47, , 9F
反正我們有薪水很高的那位 不用怕
05/25 10:47, 9F

05/25 11:42, , 10F
05/25 11:42, 10F

05/25 15:22, , 11F
05/25 15:22, 11F

05/25 20:14, , 12F
05/25 20:14, 12F

05/25 21:28, , 13F
05/25 21:28, 13F

05/25 23:36, , 14F
搜到新聞畫面截圖! http://yfrog.com/0zimagetgbj
05/25 23:36, 14F

05/25 23:37, , 15F
05/25 23:37, 15F

05/26 00:49, , 16F
05/26 00:49, 16F

05/26 01:47, , 17F
05/26 01:47, 17F

05/26 08:41, , 18F
05/26 08:41, 18F

05/28 02:55, , 19F
05/28 02:55, 19F

08/05 23:02, , 20F
借收錄精華區謝謝 :)
08/05 23:02, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1A6NZvdh (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1A6NZvdh (BioHazard)