[BM ] Baseball Mogul 2010的消息

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (chavy)時間16年前 (2009/03/03 00:08), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛無聊到BM官網去關心了一下 才發現上週他們就發了一則新消息 BM 2010預計三月推出 相關訊息請看這邊: http://www.sportsmogul.com/games/baseball2k10.html New features包含了... * NEW 2009 Rosters and Ratings o Carefully edited and tested for maximum accuracy * UPDATED Statistical Database o Includes the complete 2009 MLB Season Schedule * IMPROVED Expansion Team Options o Take control of any expansion team before the expansion draft * NEW Historical Simulation Engine o More realistic ratings and results from 1901 to 2009 and beyond * NEW League Options o Easily match-up teams or all-stars from different eras * IMPROVED Roster Management o Adjust the number of pitchers each team carries o Renegotiate contracts before they expire * IMPROVED Fantasy Draft o Better Interface and Artificial Intelligence * IMPROVED Play-By-Play Mode o More realistic results and better manager AI * NEW FEATURES for multiplayer leagues o Commissioner Mode "cheats" fixed o Easy Lineup Import and Export o New Scouting Options * IMPROVED Baseball Mogul Encyclopedia * IMPROVED Help Files and User Interface * More than 300 new Player Photos * More than 100 new Season Schedule Templates * Over 200 other fixes and improvements... 我知道這樣講有點過份 不過依我個人觀點,上述這一堆東西的意思就是BM 2010會和BM09差不多... 附帶一提,該頁面最下面的Screenshots看起來好像是BM09的? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/03 00:09, , 1F
03/03 00:09, 1F

03/03 07:41, , 2F
03/03 07:41, 2F

03/03 09:21, , 3F
03/03 09:21, 3F

03/03 17:24, , 4F
這版最大的改進是... 終於可以調整投手/野手人數了
03/03 17:24, 4F

03/03 19:46, , 5F
03/03 19:46, 5F

03/03 20:55, , 6F
終於可以用擴編選秀了嗎?= =+
03/03 20:55, 6F

03/03 23:59, , 7F
03/03 23:59, 7F

03/04 02:12, , 8F
我應該還是會買 請問台灣什麼時候會有
03/04 02:12, 8F

03/25 08:07, , 9F
不同年代球隊可以互砍 -> 這個贊
03/25 08:07, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #19h0HZru (Baseball_Sim)
文章代碼(AID): #19h0HZru (Baseball_Sim)