[OOTP] OOTP10已開放預購,預計春季發行

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (輝)時間16年前 (2009/02/20 04:02), 編輯推噓4(4011)
留言15則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
OOTP Developments announces Out of the Park Baseball 10 Preorder period starts today! We are happy to announce that we are now starting to accept preorders for Out of the Park Baseball 10! From now on, until the game's release in Spring 2009, the price of the game is just $29.99, which is $10 off from the final release price of $39.99. For customers living inside the European Union we charge €29.99, and €39.99 starting release day. So, by preordering you save $10! Another reason for preordering: We will make the game available to those who preordered 48 hours earlier than official release day! 提前買可以早兩天下載跟省340蔣中正 詳情可參考 http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/newsletters/nl0052/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/20 08:24, , 1F
現在是350囉 台幣貶值 心痛~
02/20 08:24, 1F

02/20 08:25, , 2F
不過這一代覺得沒有太大的誘因 @@"
02/20 08:25, 2F

02/20 15:07, , 3F
02/20 15:07, 3F

02/20 15:08, , 4F
02/20 15:08, 4F

02/20 15:09, , 5F
02/20 15:09, 5F

02/20 15:10, , 6F
02/20 15:10, 6F

02/20 15:10, , 7F
02/20 15:10, 7F

02/20 21:11, , 8F
刷下去了 不過現在的匯率真的是會痛...
02/20 21:11, 8F

02/20 21:14, , 9F
02/20 21:14, 9F

02/20 21:14, , 10F
然後仲裁終於可以出價了 之前都只能等結果...
02/20 21:14, 10F

02/22 14:34, , 11F
唉 ootp9玩沒幾次 就跑去玩fm 現在OOTP10又出來了
02/22 14:34, 11F

02/22 14:34, , 12F
心理想著不該買 卻還是按了訂購單 >.<
02/22 14:34, 12F

02/22 14:35, , 13F
這次沒有老客戶優惠 = =
02/22 14:35, 13F

02/22 15:56, , 14F
02/22 15:56, 14F

02/22 18:32, , 15F
02/22 18:32, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #19dRhhqP (Baseball_Sim)
文章代碼(AID): #19dRhhqP (Baseball_Sim)