[OOTP] OOTP 9將於6/18推出,附上特色介紹

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (chavy)時間16年前 (2008/06/06 22:20), 編輯推噓2(206)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
等了很久,今天終於收到確定的消息 OOTP 9將在6/18推出 主要的feature如下: * Built-in 2008 Opening Day rosters * Revised, more realistic scouting system with less micromanaging, more realistic impact on your team, and written scouting reports on each player you scout * Past scouting reports are stored, so you can see how your players developed over time. Reports are not erased when you lose your scouting director. * Suspensions as a result of bench-clearing brawls, along with optional drug-related suspensions 這一點是在趕流行嗎?多加了因為使用禁藥或吸毒造成的禁賽? XD 還加上幹架的禁賽,記得之前玩OOTP 8時,有時候想保送超級強棒, 為了省球數我都是直接丟觸身球的,運氣好還有機會把對方強棒打下場 XD 不管一場砸幾次都不會打架,也不會被判下場... 在OOTP 9看來要小心幹架受傷或被禁賽了 :p * In-game add-on installer that will allow you to download and automatically install custom add-ons from the community * Improved personnel contracts using a system similar to player contracts * Added a streaks section to the league stats screen * The league standings screen now shows the leagues leaders as well if desired * Added stats to player list filters * More news stories * Improved simulation speed 因為太多了,上面只貼General features的部分 其他的就請大家自己到網路上看囉 其他比較重要的新功能還有Play by Play Mode中加入動畫 換句話說,這部分和BM靠攏了 此外還加了將比賽過程錄下,之後讓你重播回味的功能 另一個有趣的新功能是球員屬性當中多了一個disliked屬性 這是在影射某些被討厭的球員嗎? XD 到時候遊戲出來看看哪些球員的disliked最高... XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chavy 來自: (06/06 22:21)

06/06 23:31, , 1F
聽起來不錯玩 不過我還沒有預購 XD
06/06 23:31, 1F

06/06 23:38, , 2F
說到這個,我買貴了... 現在買比我當初便宜...
06/06 23:38, 2F

06/06 23:38, , 3F
06/06 23:38, 3F

06/06 23:38, , 4F
06/06 23:38, 4F

06/06 23:39, , 5F
其他地方則一律賣xx美元... 然後歐元比美元貴...
06/06 23:39, 5F

06/06 23:39, , 6F
所以... 我買貴了嗚嗚...
06/06 23:39, 6F

06/07 01:12, , 7F
06/07 01:12, 7F

06/07 01:15, , 8F
費,詳情可以看這裡 http://tinyurl.com/4x7tee
06/07 01:15, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #18IKUvAn (Baseball_Sim)
文章代碼(AID): #18IKUvAn (Baseball_Sim)