Re: [OOTP] OOTP 8推出

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (chavy)時間17年前 (2007/12/19 19:01), 編輯推噓0(000)
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: -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : 推 Apolina:應該不是新一代吧?官網有說OOTP 8 = OOTP 2007 12/18 15:46 : → chavy:你說的是對的,仔細看了一下,應該算是2007加強版吧... 12/18 21:04 : → chavy:等於是和Sega拆夥後重出這樣? 12/18 21:05 : ※ 編輯: chavy 來自: (12/18 23:16) : → Apolina:不過官網有寫說"There is no need for owners of OOTP 12/19 09:42 : → Apolina:2007 to purchase OOTP 8. They are the same game." 12/19 09:48 : → Apolina:感覺也不像是加強版 12/19 09:49 嗯,目前的官網(以及我看到的廣告信)倒是沒說OOTP 2007與OOTP 8是一樣的東西 不用買,而是說有加一些新功能,可以讓大家撐到明年球季開始OOTP 9前買。 現在的官網是這樣寫的: We are proud to announce our first independent release in 3 years, Out of the Park Baseball 8.0! OOTP 8 is 100% compatible with OOTP 2007, including online league play. It also adds the following new features to tide you over until next year: * a function to import history from Catobase * a milestone watch in the history section * a fully integrated Lahman 5.5 database, including data through the end of the 2007 season * a Major League quickstart game, including real player names and full minor leagues 所以算是加強版吧,哈哈,有內建OOTP官方版MLB實名roster對我很重要... :p 至於要說官方宣布遊戲完全相同,我上網搜尋,看來是幾個月前的官方newsletter 裡寫的,現在的官網上倒是已經拿掉這句話了。當時的newsletter裡是這樣說的: There is no need for owners of OOTP Baseball 2007 to purchase OOTP 8. They are the same game. 總而言之,如果不在意OOTP官方版MLB實名roster(畢竟網路上有很多其他roster可 下載),已經有OOTP 2007的人完全可以直接跳過OOTP 8,等明年的OOTP 9就好了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #17QFdvfU (Baseball_Sim)
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