Re: [BM ] cash 太多之後 觀眾人數會遽減?

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (沒有你 傷心)時間18年前 (2007/02/15 00:01), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《acersmile (悠閒 )》之銘言: 恕刪 原文網址; FAQ: Team Revenue and Cash Levels Q: It looks like team revenue drops in BB2K6 and BMO when all the teams in the league have a lot of cash. Is this intentional? A: We programmed it that way. There's not really an easy way to keep cash levels from spiraling up or down, depending on what teams spend. So we adjust attendance down if teams have a lot of cash and vice versa. In real life, the owners either pocket the difference (usually) or sign a new record contract like A-Rod or Manny. We didn't want players earning 100 million by 2025, but we did feel we needed to keep cash levels low. In a league where everyone has $100 million, there are no teams willing to give up good players for cash -- and that helps keep a league fun. __________________ Clay Dreslough, Sports Mogul Inc. cjd at sportsmogul dot com 簡單的說,這是本來就故意設計成這樣的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/15 02:39, , 1F
挖 真的是故意設計的 太酷了... 感謝s大解答^^
02/15 02:39, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #15qp9Tfr (Baseball_Sim)