Re: [閒聊][AS] 德國投資報名結束-請即刻公開招股謝謝

看板AviationGame (飛機遊戲 - 飛行遊戲 - 航空遊戲)作者 (阿肥)時間14年前 (2011/05/18 19:56), 編輯推噓7(7016)
留言23則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
剛剛上線收到的系統通知 有關國際服的消息 This is a message to all players active in the Tempelhof game world. ==== Dear player, to test some performance enhancements achieved by rather fundamental changes to core systems of AirlineSim we will launch a real-life test of these changes today or later this week. "Real-life" means that we will set up a full-fledged game world using live data from the Tempelhof game world. This allows us to test the changes under actual, full-load conditions. Although this procedure is already familiar to many, these are the most important facts of interest: 1.) A new game world will show up as "active" in your account management within the first 24h after the test has commenced. 2.) This additional game world - of course - is FREE of charge. 3.) The new game world, although using data from Tempelhof, is an independent copy of Tempelhof. As such, the actual Tempelhof game world will not be affected in any way. 4.) You may and should play on the test server as you desire. In fact we would be grateful for any kind of feedback, be it on game performance or found bugs(hint: we expect a lot of the latter). If you have any further questions concerning the testing and the involved procedure, please contact us on the forums or any other support channel (for info on these, click the ? in the top bar). Kind regards, the AirlineSim Team ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大意是為了測試系統 準備在這兩天根據Tempelhof的資料開啟 一個免費的測試伺服器 原伺服器資料不受影響 這個之前常有嗎? 這是表示快改版的意思嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/18 20:08, , 1F
05/18 20:08, 1F

05/18 21:40, , 2F
05/18 21:40, 2F

05/18 21:41, , 3F
我這個月忙到 5/20 下午XDD 之後就輕鬆了 XDD
05/18 21:41, 3F

05/18 21:45, , 4F
sec2 我5/20下午後就不忙了還是我在新伺服器創盟?
05/18 21:45, 4F

05/18 21:46, , 5F
看是要沿用台灣聯盟的名字還是其他名稱 XD 一起討論吧
05/18 21:46, 5F

05/18 21:51, , 6F
目前新伺服器只是測試用,他會把 tempelhof 上的資料拷貝過去
05/18 21:51, 6F

05/18 21:52, , 7F
05/18 21:52, 7F

05/18 21:53, , 8F
Sky Alliance (Star Alliance, SkyTeam 各取半) 大家再討論XD
05/18 21:53, 8F

05/18 21:59, , 9F
不然給 sec2大大創盟好了 你做的yam Logo很好看 XD
05/18 21:59, 9F

05/18 22:00, , 10F
他拷貝是伺服器設定 還是 包含玩家資料 ?
05/18 22:00, 10F

05/18 22:00, , 11F
包含玩家資料的話 不就是非常擁擠的狀況 XDD
05/18 22:00, 11F

05/18 22:12, , 12F
05/18 22:12, 12F

05/18 22:13, , 13F
超過 1200 至於 LOGO 還是交給學設計的版友比較妥當 <(_ _)>
05/18 22:13, 13F

05/18 22:28, , 14F
可以創盟之後 再邀請其他玩家當管理者
05/18 22:28, 14F

05/18 22:29, , 15F
05/18 22:29, 15F

05/18 22:29, , 16F
05/18 22:29, 16F

05/18 22:29, , 17F
05/18 22:29, 17F

05/18 22:30, , 18F
入盟審核 完全只能靠投票過半 盟主沒辦法介入
05/18 22:30, 18F

05/18 22:56, , 19F
不過地球就那麼大 超過1200個玩家會不會太壅擠XDDD
05/18 22:56, 19F

05/19 02:29, , 20F
這樣才會有人倒阿 合乎現實 XD
05/19 02:29, 20F

05/19 02:30, , 21F
那我去拷貝伺服器把飛機都賣光 然後捲款逃跑創新的公司XDDDD
05/19 02:30, 21F

05/19 09:15, , 22F <-測試服網址 以防版友想
05/19 09:15, 22F

05/19 09:15, , 23F
05/19 09:15, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1DqxG1_9 (AviationGame)
文章代碼(AID): #1DqxG1_9 (AviationGame)