Re: [情報] Version 1.8 has released

看板AstralMaster (靈魂之主/占星大師/龍之國度)作者 (song)時間14年前 (2010/04/15 03:19), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《evildark (時報鷹加油!)》之銘言: : 雖然應該沒啥人玩了 : New version - 1.8 has released! : It contains 12 new premium cards, while old premium cards became regular : cards and now they're available for all players. : Beside new cards, new version features some small improvements: : - You can see your mental power in your profile along with mental progress : bar which shows how soon your MP will grow. : - Sharp font when the game image is stretched (to improve readability). : - Stretching with maintaining of aspect ratio (for wide screens). : - More reliable login procedure (for non-stable internet connection). : - A duel will start immediately if proposed to a player who is in : "Autosearch" state. 新增12張 premium cards,原來舊的premium cards變一般卡 (即大家都可以用) 在各人簡介(profile)中可以看到mental power的升級經驗條 針對寬螢幕的圖像縱橫比設定 當圖片展開時字體銳化 (不太確定??) 程式設計針對斷線方面強化,更穩定了 當使用「自動對決」(autosearch)時,決鬥會馬上開始 (不是本來就這樣嗎??) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/15 13:29, , 1F
玩了一下~ 海龜牌組好多... 超煩的 一直抽牌...
04/15 13:29, 1F

04/15 13:32, , 2F
偏偏海龜又減傷害 很難弄死  真難打 @@
04/15 13:32, 2F

04/19 23:25, , 3F
今天碰到版友真難得 ^^
04/19 23:25, 3F

04/20 09:52, , 4F
那是我啦 謝謝大大指教~
04/20 09:52, 4F

04/20 09:56, , 5F
04/20 09:56, 5F
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