[閒聊] 1.7要出了
看板AstralMaster (靈魂之主/占星大師/龍之國度)作者demigod666 (一個禮拜回家不到20小時)時間15年前 (2009/07/19 04:54)推噓7(7推 0噓 2→)留言9則, 8人參與討論串1/4 (看更多)
Lord of Flame. (75 mp)
Fire creature, cost 4, 5/16
Each time owner sacrifices a fire card
Lord of the Flame deals 5 damage
to each opponent's creature.
Orcish Mage (35 mp)
Fire creature, cost 2, 3/12
Each time owner sacrifices a fire spell
Orcish Mage deals damage to opponent
equal to number of orcs in play.
Test of Endurance (50 mp)
Fire spell, cost 4
Deals 12 damage to each creature.
Deals damage to opponent equal to
total attack of survived caster's
Lord of the Coast (120 mp)
Water creature, 4 cost, 5/16
Lord of the coast reduces
mana cost of summoning another
owner's creatures by 1.
Spirit of the Coast (90 mp)
Water creature, cost 0, 2/7
Ability (cost 2)
Spirit of the coast deals
2 damage to opponent and dies.
Owner receives a card
Ritual of the Ocean (25 mp)
Water spell, cost 3
Increases caster's astral power by 1.
If caster's astral power becomes 8 or more,
caster receives a card.
Lord of the Elements (60 mp)
Air creature, cost 4, 5/16
Each time owner summons any elemental
owner receives 2 additional cards.
Power of Unity (65 mp)
Air spell, cost 3
Caster receives a card for each
faerie he have in play (but not more than 3 cards).
Then caster receives two cards
for each elemental he have in play
Winged avenger (55 mp)
Air creature, cost 1, 3/8
Each time owner's astral power
is reduced by any spell or effect,
Winged avenger deals 5 damage to opponent.
Lord of the Nature (60 mp)
Earth creature, cost 4, 5/16
Ability (cost 3)
Owner gains 10 life and receives 2 cards.
This ability can be used only if owner has
an air creature and a fire creature in play.
Dark Elf (35 mp).
Earth creature, cost 2, 3/13
Dark Elf reduces cost of owner's fire spells by 1.
Ritual of Life (75 mp)
Earth spell, 0 mana
Caster gains 1 life
Caster receives additional card
Amnesia will cost 55 mp instead of 40 mp.
Astral Judge will be 2/15 creature instead of 2/14.
Call to Thunder will cost 155 mp instead of 180 mp.
Elf Mystic will cost 225 mp instead of 200 mp.
Elven Cavalry will be 2/20 creature instead of 2/18.
Emissary of Dorlak will be 8/35 creature instead of 8/32.
Hamster Mystic will cost 75 mp instead of 60 mp.
Merfolk Oracle will be 2/11 creature instead of 2/10.
Wall of Eterhal Ice will deal 5 damage by activated ability instead of 4.
Giant Turtle will become 3/15 creature (160mp) with ability
"All damage done to the Giant turtle is decreased by 3.
Each time owner cast spell with cost 3 owner receives
additional card. Owner can have only one Giant Turtle in play."
Cave Troll will become 4/20 creature (65mp) with ability
"Regenerates 4 life with each turn. Each time owner
cast spell with cost 4 owner receives additional card.
Owner can have only one Cave Troll in play."
Deck creation rules will be changed.
Now all players will start duels with 40 life and 7 cards
(regardless of number of elements used in their decks).
Number of used elements will affect only mental cost of decks.
There will be coefficient depending of number of elements used.
And deck cost will be multiplied by this coefficient.
For deck with one element this coefficient will be 90%.
For deck with two elements this coefficient will be 100%.
For deck with three elements this coefficient will be 130%.
For deck with four elements this coefficient will be 150%,
※ 編輯: demigod666 來自: (07/19 05:05)
07/19 05:05, , 1F
07/19 05:05, 1F
07/19 10:43, , 2F
07/19 10:43, 2F
07/19 15:56, , 3F
07/19 15:56, 3F
07/20 10:51, , 4F
07/20 10:51, 4F
07/20 11:59, , 5F
07/20 11:59, 5F
07/20 16:28, , 6F
07/20 16:28, 6F
07/20 17:49, , 7F
07/20 17:49, 7F
07/23 16:24, , 8F
07/23 16:24, 8F
08/02 13:07, , 9F
08/02 13:07, 9F
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