[卡表] Air(風系) 1.3 中英文

看板AstralMaster (靈魂之主/占星大師/龍之國度)作者時間18年前 (2006/06/01 08:04), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Air cards Air Elemental Air creature, cost 6. Attack is equal to owner's astral power, life 18 When comes into play if there is a creature in the opposite slot returns that creature to owner's hand. 風元素 攻擊等同於擁有者的靈魂能量, 生命 18 每當進場的時候, 如果其對面位置有生物, 該生物返回其擁有者手中. Astral Wind Air spell, cost 4 Return target creature with cost 5 or less to owners's hand. Caster receives a card. 靈魂之風 費用小於等於5的目標生物返回其擁有者的手中. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Astral Bolt Air spell, cost 1. Deals X damage to target creature where X is equal to that creature's cost. Caster receives a card. 靈魂箭 對目標生物造成X點傷害, X等同於該生物的費用. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Ball of Lightning. Air spell, cost 4. Deals to opponent (3+astral power) damage. 閃電球 對對手造成(3+靈魂能量)點傷害. Call to Thunder Air spell, cost 2. Caster receives a card. If caster's astral power is 8 or greater deals 10 damage to opponent. 閃雷招喚 施法者獲得一張手牌. 如果施法者的靈魂能量大於等於8, 對對手造成10點傷害. Chain Lightning Air spell, cost 6. Deals X damage to opponent and each opponent's creature, where X is equal to casters astral power. 連環閃電 對對手和每隻對手的生物造成X點傷害, X等同於施法者的靈魂能量. Enslaving Wind Air spell, cost 3. Returns target creature to hand of the player which cast this spell. Deals X damage to caster where X is equal to cost of that creature. 奴役之風 目標生物返回施法者的手中. 對施法者造成X點傷害, X等同於該生物的費用. Faerie Apprentice Air creature, cost 1. Attack 3, life 8. Increases by 2 all damage owner's spells deals. 妖精學徒 所有擁有者法術造成的傷害增加2. Faerie Archer Air creature, cost 2. Attack 2, life 12. Whenever owner summons another air creature Faerie archer deals 2 damage to opponent. 妖精弓箭手 每當擁有者招喚其他的風系生物, 妖精弓箭手對對手造成2點傷害. Faerie Assassin Air creature, cost 4. Attack 3, life 14. If there is no creature in the opposite slot Faerie Assassin receives +5 to attack. 妖精殺手 如果其對面位置沒有生物, 妖精殺手獲得+5攻擊. Faerie Dancer Air creature, cost 2. Attack 3, Life 12. Ability (cost 1) Excanges position with target owner's creature. 妖精舞者 能力 (費用 1) 與目標擁有者生物交換位置. Faerie Hypnotist Air creature, cost 2. Attack 3, Life 10. Ability (cost 3) Target opponent's creature attacks opponent. 妖精催眠師 能力 (費用 3) 目標對手生物攻擊對手. Faerie Lord Air creature, cost 6. Attack 6, life 20. Whenever owner's creature damages opponent if owner has 2 or less cards in his or her hand owner receives a card. 妖精統治者 每當擁有者的生物對對手造成傷害, 如果擁有者的手排少於等於2, 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Faerie Mage Air creature, cost 3. Attack 3, life 14. Whenever owner receives a card Faerie Mage deals 2 damage to opponent. 妖精法師 每當擁有者獲得一張手牌, 妖精法師對對手造成2點傷害. Faerie Sage Air creature, cost 6. Attack 3, life 16. At the beginning of owner's turn owner receives additional card. 妖精賢者 在擁有者回合的一開始, 擁有者獲得額外的一張手排. Faerie Skillmaster Air creature, cost 3. Attack 3, Life 12. Whenever owner's creature uses ability Faerie Skillmaster's owner receives a card. 妖精技能大師 每當擁有者的生物使用能力, 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Faerie Sparkcaster Air creature, cost 1. Attack 3, Life 6. Ability (cost 3) Deals X damage to opponent where X is equal to owner's astral power. Owner loses a card. 妖精火法 能力 (費用 3) 對對手造成X點傷害, X等同於擁有者的靈魂能量. 擁有者失去一張手牌. Faerie Windcrafter Air creature, cost 3. Attack 4, Life 12. Ability (cost 1) Return target owner's creature to owner's hand. 妖精風法 能力 (費用 1) 目標擁有者生物返回擁有者手上. Forbidden Knowledge Air spell, cost 1. If caster''s astral power is 6 or greater caster receives 3 cards. Otherwise spell deals 3 damage to caster. 禁斷知識 如果施法者的靈魂能量大於等於6, 施法者獲得3張手牌. 否則對施法者造成3點傷害. Griffon Air creature, cost 2. Attack 3, life 10. When comes into play if owner's astral power is 4 or greater deals 5 damage to opponent 葛力風?獅鷲獸? 當進場的時候, 如果擁有者的靈魂能量大於等於4, 對對手造成5點傷害. Hypnosis Air spell, cost 4. Target opponent's creature attacks opponent. Caster receives a card. 催眠術 目標對手生物攻擊對手. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Inquisitor Air creature, cost 4. Attack 4, life 16. Ability (cost 1) Deals 5 damage to target opponent's creature with ability. 審問者 能力 (費用 1) 對目標對手生物造成5點傷害. Lightning Storm Air spell, cost 3. Deals 7 damage to each creature. Caster receives a card. 閃電風暴 對每隻生物造成7點傷害. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Master of the Wind Air creature, cost 3. Attack 3, Life 12. Ability (cost 3) Return target creature with cost 4 or less to owner's hand. 風之大師 能力 (費用 3) 費用小於等於4的目標生物返回其擁有者手中. Phantom Beast Air creature, cost 5. Attack 4, life 16. When comes into play owner receives a card. 幽魂獸 當進場的時候, 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Phantom Warrior Air creature, cost 1. Attack 2, life 6. When comes in to play owner receives a card. 幽魂戰士 當進場的時候, 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Phoenix Air creature, cost 4. Attack 5, Life 12. Whenever Phoenix dies it returns to owner's hand. 鳳凰 當鳳凰死的時候, 返回其擁有者手中. Priest of Air Air creature, cost 4. Attack 2, life 12. When comes into play gives 2*X mana points to owner where X is equal to number of owner's air creatures in play. 風之牧師 當進場的時候, 擁有者獲得2*X魔力, X等同於擁有者在場上的風系生物數量. Pure Knowledge Air spell, cost 5. Caster receives 3 cards. 純知識 施法者獲得3張手牌. Refilled Memory Air spell, cost 3. Caster loses all cards and then receives 3 cards. 記憶重注 施法者失去所有的手牌, 並且獲得3張手牌. Ritual of Wind Air spell, cost 1. Returns target creature to owner's hand. 風之祭禮 目標生物返回擁有者的手上. Seeker for Knowledge Air creature, cost 2. Attack 1, life 14. Ability (cost 2) Returns to owner's hand and owner receives a card. 知識尋求者 能力 (費用 2) 返回擁有者的手上, 並且擁有者獲得一張手牌. Titan Air creature, cost 8. Attack 7, life 30. When comes into play deals X damage to opponent where X is equal to number of creatures in play. 泰坦 當進場的時候, 對對手造成X點傷害, X等同於場上生物的數量. Wall of Lightnings Air creature, cost 2. Attack 0, life 15. Whenever owner sacrifices a card Wall of Lightnings deals 2 damage to opponent. 閃電之牆 每當擁有者犧牲一張手牌, 閃電之牆對對手造成2點傷害. Wall of Knowledge Air creature, cost 5. Attack 0, life 18. When comes in to play owner receives 2 cards. 知識之牆 當進場的時候, 擁有者獲得2張手牌. Wall of Magic Air creature, cost 4 Attack 0, life 16 Owner receives additional card at the end of any his or her turn in which a air or water spell was cast. 魔法之牆 擁有者回合結束的時候, 如果該回合擁有者有施放風系, 水系法術, 擁有者獲得額外的一張手牌. Wasting Winds Air spell, cost 4. Returns all creatures to owner's hand. 破壞之風 所有生物返回其擁有者手中. Wind of Command Air spell, cost 4. Returns target creature with cost 3 or less to hand of the player which cast this spell. 命令之風 費用小於等於3的目標生物返回至施法者手中. Wind of Conquer Air spell, cost 7. Returns target creature to hand of the player which cast this spell. 征服之風 目標生物返回至施法者手中. Wyvern Air creature, cost 3. Attack 4, life 12. Attacks in the same turn as summoned. 雙足飛龍 在招喚雙足飛龍的同一回合, 進行攻擊. Rescuing Ritual Air spell, cost 1. Returns target caster''s creature to caster''s hand. Caster gains X mana points where X is equal to that creature cost. 營救祭禮 目標施法者生物返回施法者手中, 施法者獲得X點魔力, X等同於該生物費用. Power of Solitude Air spell, cost 8. Caster receives X cards, where X is equal to number of empty caster''s creature slots. 孤獨能量 施法者獲得X張手牌, X等同於施法者的生物空位數量. Energy Bolt Air spell, cost 1. Drains all caster's mana points. Deals damage to opponent equal to number of drained mana points. Caster receives a card. 能量箭 吸乾施法者的魔力. 對對手造成等同於吸乾魔力的傷害. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Faerie Peacekeeper Air creature, cost 2. Attack 1, life 9. Each time owner receives 5 or more life, owner receives additional card. 精靈和平維護者 每次擁有者獲得大於等於5之生命, 擁有者獲得額外一張手牌. Demonic Knowledge Air spell, cost 2. Deals 2 damage to caster. Caster receives 2 cards. Whenever players sacrifices this card Demonic knowledge deals 2 damage to him or her and player receives additional card. 惡魔知識 對施法者造成2點傷害 施法者獲得2張手牌. 每當玩家犧牲這張牌, 惡魔知識對其造成2點傷害, 並且玩家獲得兩張手牌. Blowing the Trifle Air spell, cost 2. Returns to owner's hand all creatures with cost 2 or less. Caster receives additional card. 吹散瑣事 費用小於等於2的生物返回其擁有者手中. 施法者獲得額外一張手牌. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tuju 來自: (06/01 18:48)
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文章代碼(AID): #14VYxrkz (AstralMaster)