[GMT] 2024/11月更新訊息

看板Wargame (戰爭遊戲)作者 (吞天之戰鬼‧狂者)時間3月前 (2024/11/23 20:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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11月 https://reurl.cc/d153lD 1. GMT近況 無特別說明 2. P500新增 Microverse https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1147-microverse.aspx 科幻背景、4X主題、快節奏、卡牌驅動 低複雜度、遊玩時間點 79$ 109$ The World Crisis https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1148-the-world-crisis.aspx A World at War系統的第四款作品 這次的主體是20世紀的開端,第一次世界大戰 83$ 129$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除: Hannibal's Revenge No Retreat 2: North Africa No Retreat 2: North Africa Update Kit No Retreat 5: The Western Front No Retreat5其實已經超過500本了 依照Carl Paradis在BGG的說法,現階段沒有心力投入在NR5中 GMT最終移除了2跟5兩個作品 目前Carl Paradis設計的Battle Commander: Volume I在Gamefound募資 可能會有中文版 Hannibal Revenge最終仍未突破500本,遺憾移除 重印新增: Border Reivers, 2nd Printing Navajo Wars, 3rd Printing P500新增配件:無 預告加入P500的遊戲(1-6個月內新增) A new series game with battles set in the War of Breton Succession A new expansion from Ted Raicer An historical strategy game set in the American West in the 1800s A game featuring conflict in Vietnam 4.近期出貨 11月初出貨 C&C Medieval Expansion 1 (5 lbs) Comancheria, 2nd Printing (5 lbs) Holland '44 2nd Edition (3 lbs) Holland '44 2nd Edition Mounted Map (2 lbs) Wolfpack (5 lbs) 11月底出貨 Wargames According to Mark (3 lbs) (Book) 預定12月底出貨: 2024 Replacement Countersheet (shipping included in price) A Gest of Robin Hood, 2nd Printing (4 lbs) Congress of Vienna (5 lbs) Downfall, 2nd Printing (5 lbs) Downfall, Mounted Maps + 3" Box, 3rd Printing (2 lbs) Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition (6 lbs) Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition Update Kit (3 lbs) 5.排定生產清單 下次出貨 A World at War, 4th Printing A World at War Mounted Maps A World at War 2024 Supplemental Countersheet Fighting Formations: US 29th Infantry Division The Battle for Normandy Deluxe Edition 印刷中(運送期程未定) Hoplite, 2nd Printing In the Shadows By Swords & Bayonets 將送印 The Last Hundred Yards: For King & Country -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1729952262.A.3C4.html

10/27 18:15,
China’s War延後了
10/27 18:15

10/28 07:00,
10/28 07:00
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1732364795.A.881.html
文章代碼(AID): #1dGSdxY1 (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1dGSdxY1 (Wargame)