[GMT] 2024/9月更新訊息

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9月 https://reurl.cc/XRpWOD 1. GMT近況 無特別說明 2. P500新增 The Battle of Cowpens https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1140-the-battle-of-cowpens.aspx Small BoAR系列第一作 本作是美國獨立戰爭轉捩點之一,此役後南方戰場優勢導向革命軍 Small BOAR系列將目光著重在關鍵但範圍不是很大的戰役中 規則將原本的BOAR系列適用於小戰場中 48$ 69$ Twilight Struggle 20th Anniversary Hall of Fame Edition https://reurl.cc/qvo1dE 冷戰熱鬥20周年殿堂版 冷戰熱鬥在今年六月入選美國Origins的殿堂 GMT於是推出這個紀念版 較豪華版更新的地方 1.新封面美術 2.雙層地圖,包含新美術以及原版的美術 3.收入 Turn Zero與Alternative Space Race 等變體 4.新的架空歷史劇本,Red Sun Rising及新卡 5.收入數位板募資、海外變體的卡片 6.新的背景資料 60$ 86$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除: 重印新增: Salerno '43, 2nd Printing The Plum Island Horror, 3rd Printing P500新增配件: Downfall Mounted Maps + 3" Box 預告加入P500的遊戲(1-6個月內新增) A new strategic WWI game A prequel to one of our Top 10 All-time best-selling games A new Combat Commander boxed game Something new for our ICS series 4.近期出貨 9月底出貨 Labyrinth, The Awakening, 2nd Printing (3 lbs) Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 5th Printing (5 lbs) Labyrinth 3" Game Box (2 lbs) Red Dust Rebellion (5 lbs) 10月中下旬扣款 Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2nd Printing (3 lbs) Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 5th Printing (5 lbs) Labyrinth 3" Game Box (2 lbs) Red Dust Rebellion (5 lbs) 5.排定生產清單 印刷中(運送期程未定) A Gest of Robin Hood, 2nd Printing A World at War, 4th Printing A World at War Mounted Maps A World at War 2024 Supplemental Countersheet Congress of Vienna Downfall, 2nd Printing Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition Update Kit Fighting Formations: US 29th Infantry Division The Battle for Normandy Deluxe Edition Wargames According to Mark (Book) 將送印 2024 Replacement Countersheet Hoplite, 2nd Printing In the Shadows 還沒送入印刷的作品 其目前的進度正在檢討中 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1727181991.A.B89.html
文章代碼(AID): #1cyhIdk9 (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1cyhIdk9 (Wargame)