[GMT] 2023/11月更新訊息

看板Wargame (戰爭遊戲)作者 (吞天之戰鬼‧狂者)時間1年前 (2023/11/23 01:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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11月 https://reurl.cc/GK2d5d 1. GMT近況 特賣的訂單已經寄出25% Hannibal's Revenge的設計團隊因家庭事務停滯了一陣子,再次回來進行工作 2. P500新增 Hammer and Sickle: Hunger and Utopia in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921 https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1081-hammer-and-sickle.aspx 以俄國紅白對抗(X)俄國內戰(O)為背景的不對稱戰棋 本作難易度較COIN為低,類似於ROOT 本作在機制上的亮點是,各勢力有自己的一套卡牌系統,資源簡化成食物與火力 戰鬥結算用競標、協商等方式進行等 玩家扮演的勢力包含無政府主義、共產黨(布爾什維克)、新興國家、白軍 每個勢力有不同的能力與資源 62$ 89$ Wings for the Baron https://www.gmtgames.com/p-1083-wings-for-the-baron-deluxe-gmt-edition.aspx 本作是VPG同名遊戲的重製豪華版 玩家身為一戰德意志帝國的飛機製作團隊,肩負起開發戰鬥機、轟炸機、偵察機的任務 62$ 89$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除:NO 重印新增: Andean Abyss, 3rd Printing Serpents of the Seas, 2nd Printing P500新增配件: Downfall Mounted Maps + 3" Box, 2nd Printing 預告會加入P500(每個月不同): Another Multi-Pack game in a popular series A cool new strategy game from Matthias Cramer TWO new products for the Combat Commander series An expansion for a popular 2023 release 4.近期出貨 C&C Napoleonics Expansion 5: Generals, Marshals, and Tacticians, 2nd Printing (4 lbs) C&C Samurai Battles, 2nd Printing (5 lbs) Prime Minister (5 lbs) The Last Hundred Yards: The Russian Front (4 lbs) 出貨完畢 2023 Replacement Countersheet (shipping included in price) Banish All Their Fears (3 lbs) Norman Conquests: Men of Iron Volume V (3 lbs) Tanto Monta (5 lbs) The Plum Island Horror (5 lbs) 以上預計11月27扣款,12月出貨 5.排定生產清單 運送中 明年1月初到美國 C&C Medieval, 2nd Printing C&C Napoleonics Expansion 6: EPIC Napoleonics, 2nd Printing Panzer North Africa ** Vijayanagara ** 印刷中 For the People, 4th Printing - 25th Anniversary Edition For the People, 4th Printing Mounted Map and 3" Box France '40 2nd Edition France '40 Mounted Map Here I Stand 500th Anniversary Reprint Edition, 2nd Printing Rebel Fury Washington's War, 3rd Printing 將送印 A Gest of Robin Hood 最後美編 C&C Ancients Expansion #5: Epic Ancients II, 2nd Printing Clash of Sovereigns/Clash of Monarchs Double Sided Mounted Map Labyrinth, The Awakening, 2nd Printing Mr. President, 2nd Edition Mr. President 2nd Edition Update Kit Normandy '44 Mounted Map + 3" Box Skies Above the Reich, 2nd Printing Space Empires, 5th Printing Space Empires: Close Encounters, 3rd Printing Space Empires:Replicators, 2nd Printing Talon, 3rd Printing Wolfpack -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1700672991.A.F86.html
文章代碼(AID): #1bNZNV-6 (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1bNZNV-6 (Wargame)