[GMT] 2023/5月更新訊息

看板Wargame (戰爭遊戲)作者 (吞天之戰鬼‧狂者)時間1年前 (2023/05/24 21:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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5月 https://reurl.cc/aVlK57 1. GMT近況 Twilight Struggle: Red Sea STEAM版 5/24上市 2. P500新增 Spearhead: The Balloon Goes Up! Volume I https://reurl.cc/AA1vRK The Balloon Goes Up!系列的主題是近現代的史實或假想的裝甲戰鬥 其系統改善自 Flashpoint: Golan的系統 本作的主題是西歐與東歐的假想衝突 41$ 59$ Twilight Struggle: South Asian Monsoon https://reurl.cc/aVlK57 TS系列的第二款子作品 南亞 本作會凸顯不結盟運動在南亞的影響 44$ 63$ 3. 其它更新 P500移除:無 重印新增: Wilderness War, 4th Printing P500新增配件: Normandy '44 Mounted Map + 3" Box Clash of Sovereigns/Clash of Monarchs Double Sided Mounted Map C&C Napoleonics Custom Dice 預告會加入P500(每個月不同): A pre-WWI deckbuilding game (for you Time of Crisis fans). A Multipack game from Mark Herman and Alan Ray A new Levy & Campaign series game A Deluxe GMT Edition of a popular game that was originally from another publisher 4.近期出貨 Seas of Thunder (3 lbs) The British Way (5 lbs) 預計下周出貨 Border Reivers (5 lbs) Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 (7 lbs) People Power (4 lbs) The Barracks Emperors (3 lbs) Under the Southern Cross (3 lbs) 5/25扣款 5.排定生產清單 運送中、未定出貨 18 India ** 印刷中、未定運送時間 C&C Napoleonics: The Austrian Army, 3rd Printing ** C&C Napoleonics: (Base Game) 5th Printing ** C&C Napoleonics: The Prussian Army, 3rd Printing ** C&C Napoleonics: The Russian Army, 4th Printing ** C&C Napoleonics: The Spanish Army, 4th Printing ** CDG Solo System Pack #2 ** Downfall ** Great Battles of Alexander, Expanded Deluxe Edition, 2nd Printing ** Great Battles of Alexander: Tyrant Module ** Liberty or Death, 3rd Printing ** North Africa '41 ** North Africa '41 Mounted Maps ** Plantagenet ** Pursuit of Glory, 2nd Edition ** Sovereign of Discord: A Fire in the Lake Expansion ** 月底送印 C&C Napoleonics Expansion 5: Generals, Marshals, and Tacticians, 2nd Printing C&C Napoleonics Expansion 6: EPIC Ancients, 2nd Printing Banish All Their Fears Prime Minister The Last Hundred Yards: The Russian Front 下月送印 C&C Medieval 2nd Printing C&C Samurai, 2nd Printing 最後美編 C&C Ancients Expansion #5, 2nd Printing Congress of Vienna Panzer North Africa Red Dust Rebellion Skies Above the Reich, 2nd Printing Tanto Monta The Plum Island Horror Vijayanagara -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargame/M.1684936602.A.A29.html
文章代碼(AID): #1aRXUQef (Wargame)
文章代碼(AID): #1aRXUQef (Wargame)