[TD] Zwuckel's TD 徵 欲過關者 ....攻略探討

看板WarCraft (魔獸爭霸 - 魔獸爭霸3)作者 (zhim)時間20年前 (2005/05/26 12:12), 編輯推噓-12(3153)
留言21則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Zwuckel's TD 7.2b 徵 欲過關者# 入門: 要採礦 塔蓋在顏色標記的地方 錢只夠升級兩個塔 這是等比級數的世界 重升級 ===================================================================== creep血: 800 -> 1600 -> 3000 -> 6000 -> 8000 -> 10000 -> 15000 -> cycle : medium -> ( light or unarmor) -> heavy -> fortified -> meduim -> ... 塔升級: $10 ->$10 ->$15 ->$25 ->$50 ->$100 ->$200 ->$375 ->$800 ->$1500 ->$2500 攻擊力: 6 16 76 176 351 701 1401 3001 medium <--> wolf light <--> ( tree or water) , unarmor <--> ( tree or beetle) heavy <--> water fortified <--> beetle 125% demage? wolf weak: fortified tree weak: medium, fortified water weak: medium, fortified beetle weak: fortified 75% demage? 主堡升級: $320/150 -> $380/180 敲鐘後工人數可達: 1 -> 3 -> 7 4th player 主堡最後升 攻略1:換塔 1st player: 隨時換塔比較好守 but, lose 20% of fund, e.g. $800 的塔 成本約 $1600 損失 $320 2nd player: build only 1 beetle 3rd player: build nothing, but upgrade home. support others. 4th player: build only 1 wolf. 攻略2:不換塔 1st player: build 1 water and 1 beetle. the level of tower and the timing of upgrading are important. 2nd player: build only 1 beetle 3rd player: build nothing, but upgrade home. support others. 4th player: build only 1 wolf. the level of tower and the timing of upgrading are important. Let wolf's level = beetle's level = water's level +1 during a cycle. Lv10 Wolf + Lv10 beetle = Pierce advanced tower Lv10 Wolf + Lv10 beetle = Pierce advanced tower $5000 -> $7500 -> $10000 Lv10 Water + Lv10 beetle = Magic advanced tower Lv10 Tree + Lv10 beetle = Normal advanced tower ? Lv10 Tree + Lv10 water = Siege advanced tower ? Chaos tower $7500/? -> $10000/? -> ? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 05/26, , 1F
之前破過關了 我覺得有個小秘方 一個人幫其他人砍樹 05/26, 1F 05/26, , 2F
讓其他人的錢賺快一點 這方法用了很穩 05/26, 2F 05/26, , 3F
這個TD滿好玩的...假如大家都會玩的話 05/26, 3F 05/26, , 4F
過關要訣就是 上下都三個人守 一個人採木 05/26, 4F 05/26, , 5F
這樣前期有過的話 應該就能全破了 05/26, 5F 07/25, , 6F 07/25, 6F

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文章代碼(AID): #12bKoOD5 (WarCraft)
文章代碼(AID): #12bKoOD5 (WarCraft)