[情報] W55 提早開了
看板TribalWars (Tribal Wars)作者sheep0121 (飛翔起因於渴望自由)時間14年前 (2011/01/27 15:12)推噓3(3推 0噓 11→)留言14則, 3人參與討論串1/1
World 54's map is approaching capacity so it's time to start a new world.
World 55 will start on Thursday the 27th of January at around 17:00 server
time (CET).
The world will include all of the new features in 7.0, such as militia, the
account manager, tribe wars and all the new awards and milestones.
Note: This will not be the planned 'no haul' world.
If you have any feedback or questions please click here.
The settings
Speed: 1.1
Unit speed: 1.3
Paladin: Yes, with weapons
Archers: No
Church enabled: No
Noble system: Packets (rising costs)
Morale: Points and time based
Bonus villages: Yes
Barbarian villages: Grow to 2000 points
Tech system: Simple
Beginner protection: 3 days
Tribe limit: 75
Other info: Players can choose their starting direction. There will
be an attack and support gap of 50ms.
W55 北西
Crossroad-001 488|457
ID : sheep0121
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: sheep0121 來自: (01/28 00:35)
01/28 15:15, , 1F
01/28 15:15, 1F
02/08 23:41, , 2F
02/08 23:41, 2F
02/09 05:15, , 3F
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02/09 05:16, 4F
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02/09 10:31, 5F
02/09 10:33, , 6F
02/09 10:33, 6F
02/09 19:40, , 7F
02/09 19:40, 7F
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02/09 19:41, 8F
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02/09 19:41, 9F
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02/09 19:42, 11F
02/09 19:42, , 12F
02/09 19:42, 12F
02/09 19:42, , 13F
02/09 19:42, 13F
02/09 19:43, , 14F
02/09 19:43, 14F
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