Re: [情報] 2.3.0更新(大神解包更新)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (別找我我不在)時間9年前 (2015/03/16 00:39), 9年前編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
最近大家忙著跟拉拉這個X子纏綿 大概也不會在意這次更新還有什麼特別的東西 結果剛去看了一下文章串 解包大神有更新了一些東西 大概比較吸睛的就是這一項了 Eidolon - Eir Yes, it is a new eidolon! She is a healer, but do not have any coop level, and one of its item cannot drop in the current game. Skills: - Convert - Damage inflicted on foes is partly converted into healing for allies. - Convert II - Damage inflicted on foes is partly converted into healing for allies. (same, with more damage and more heal) - Convert III - Damage inflicted on foes is partly converted into healing for allies. (same, with more damage and more heal). Upgrade requirements: - x3 The Hierophant, x3 Knight of Chalices, x5 Terra Staffwood - x3 The Hierophant, x3 Knight of Chalices, x5 Wish Particle 簡言之 又是一個招喚獸啦 協力等級還未定 只知道一名補師 然後升級道具有一樣目前在遊戲內是沒有的 技能則是:造成的傷害部分轉成治癒效果 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Armadeus (, 03/16/2015 00:39:44

03/16 00:59, , 1F
03/16 00:59, 1F

03/16 10:41, , 2F
03/16 10:41, 2F

03/16 10:46, , 3F 召喚獸詳細資料
03/16 10:46, 3F

03/16 10:48, , 4F
另外這隻Eir三階強化不是專武 而是粒子 所以可能是像
03/16 10:48, 4F

03/16 10:48, , 5F
薛西斯一樣的DLC? 不過她所需的印記又是打不到的...
03/16 10:48, 5F

03/16 10:50, , 6F
03/16 10:50, 6F

03/16 13:22, , 7F
比起召喚獸更想要降臨@@ 召喚獸平常不能用實在沒什
03/16 13:22, 7F

03/16 13:22, , 8F
03/16 13:22, 8F

03/16 15:41, , 9F
想要新關卡 這次召喚獸根本欺負我這沒角色+手殘的人
03/16 15:41, 9F

03/16 16:24, , 10F
新的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ啾四讚 瓦爾基利的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ 讚
03/16 16:24, 10F

03/19 11:18, , 11F
Eir確定是V-Jmup 5月號特典了
03/19 11:18, 11F

03/20 12:54, , 12F
03/20 12:54, 12F

03/20 17:44, , 13F
03/20 17:44, 13F

03/20 22:29, , 14F

03/20 22:29, , 15F
amazon prime 昨天訂 今天到 爽!
03/20 22:29, 15F

03/21 12:08, , 16F
03/21 12:08, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1L1RMxST (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1L1RMxST (TerraBattle)