[劇情] Bajanna(バハンナ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (-o- y-~)時間10年前 (2015/01/13 15:52), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: 基本上是個很歡樂的劇情XD Job1: Bajanna is a 22-year-old beastwoman hailing from a mountainous region where the local accent remains as thick as the surrounding foliage. Bajanna, 22歲的獸族女子, 來自一個依然保留著濃厚鄉音的山區中 The area boasts natural hot springs, and she helps run her family's bathhouse as an attendant and poster girl. 這個山區擁有天然溫泉, 她作為一個服務生以及看板娘來協助家中營業的澡堂 Wounded adventurers and other ailing visitors come flocking to soak in waters known for almost mystical healing properties. 受傷的冒險者和生病的遊客們前為了溫泉那近乎神秘的治癒特性蜂擁而至 The family business has a lesser known side as well: necromancy. 但家族企業有個鮮為人知的另一面:巫術 Job2: Bajanna's family can channel the dead to give them voice, but their talent goes further still. Bajanna的家人可以傳遞亡者所帶來的聲音, 但他們的天賦不只如此 They can also bind spirits to the physical world to tap their power. 他們可以將亡靈固定在物理世界內以擷取它們力量 The truth is, the wondrous waters of their hot springs are teeming with healing spirits. 事實上,他們神奇的溫泉水域充滿了治愈的亡靈 Job3: Bajanna wondered one day whether it was possible to see or touch the spirits she conjured. Bajanna在想是否有一天她可以看到甚至接觸到它所召喚的亡靈 It's hard to make friends your own age when you live deep in the mountains. 當你居住在如此偏遠的深山中, 是很難交到年紀相仿的朋友 Ghostly companions are better than none, she thought. Couldn't they be friends? 她想, 把亡靈當作同伴總比沒有好, 難道他們不能成為朋友? She's finally realized this hope by donning special lenses and armlets that allow her to communicate with spirits and other supernatural beings 透過穿上特殊的眼鏡和臂章, 讓她可以和亡靈和其他的超自然事物溝通, 而達成她的願望 She can now direct and control them with a precision that wasn't possible via simple spiritbinding. 她現在可以直接並且精確的控制他們-這是簡單的降靈術所辦不到的 追加劇情:16章後新增 Bajanna wondered if all was well back home. Bajanna在想是否可以順利回家 Now sailing the stars on an undreamed of voyage, she thought back to the day it all began. 現在她在做夢也想不到的船上航向星空, 她回想起這一切的起點 She was visiting the capital with her parents when some lizardfolk and beastfolk started brawling with a rowdy band of travelers. 當她和父母參觀首都時, 遇到了一些喧鬧的蜥蜴族和獸族正在與一群旅行者吵鬧著 Exasperating. So much for a nice, quiet family outing... 令人生氣, 本來是一個很不錯, 很安靜的家庭出遊... The rowdy travelers prevailed. 粗暴的旅客佔了上風 But just when she thought it was finally over,they launched into a new and curious conversation. 但是就在她以為他們總算要結束喧鬧時, 他們又開始了一個令人好奇的話題 Bajanna pricked up her ears. They were speaking of the Maker and the state of the world. Bajanna豎起了自己的耳朵 他們談著創造者和這個世界的情勢 They were trying to save the world. 他們試圖拯救世界 Her heart pounded. That heroic cause was inspiring to a girl who had always assumed she would live her whole life running a backwoods bathhouse. 她的心臟砰砰地跳著, 這英雄般的目標鼓舞了一個總是認為自己會永遠住在偏僻澡堂內的女孩 A stout fellow from the group approached and treated them all to a round of drinks as an apology for the earlier ruckus. 一位粗壯的傢伙走來並且為了之前的喧鬧來道歉並且敬了一輪的酒 After exchanging a few lighthearted pleasantries with her father, he turned to leave. 在他與她的父親寒暄幾句之後, 他轉身準備離開 The question escaped her lips before she knew it. 一個疑問從她嘴裡脫口而出 "What's adventuring like?" "冒險是怎麼樣子?" The stranger paused. "Dangerous," he said. "But it's not a bad life." 陌生人停頓了一下 "危險" "但還算不錯的生活"他這麼回答 Bajanna made up her mind. She told her parents the next day that she would be taking a break from the family business for a while. Bajanna打定了主意, 第二天, 她告訴她的父母, 她將從家族企業中休息一陣子 互動劇情:與Samatha "What? Hot springs?!" "什麼? 溫泉?!" Samatha's eyes sparkled. Samatha眼睛閃閃發光 "No way! They're great for the complexion, right?" "真的嗎? 溫泉是不是對皮膚很有益處??" Someone had randomly started a conversation about home. Joining in, Bajanna had mentioned her family's bathhouse. 有人隨意的聊起家庭, Bajanna加入後聊到了家中的溫泉澡堂 "Wanna give it a try?" she asked. "想試試看?" 她問著 Samatha didn't hesitate an instant. "Yes!" Samatha瞬間回答 "YES!!" So Bajanna set about preparing a bath, warning Samatha not to peek in until it was ready. Samatha agreed and dutifully stood by that promise. 所以Bajanna開始準備澡堂, 然後警告Samatha在她準備好之前不准偷看 Samatha立正站好答應了Bajanna When Bajanna finally reemerged, a wonderfully rich fragrance drifted out from the bath. It was almost magical. 當Bajanna再度出現時, 澡堂裡飄出一陣芬芳濃郁的香味, 十分神奇 A hot bath thus became a new highlight of her companions'day, with special scents and effects changing daily. 因此, 洗個每天變換著不同氣味和效果的熱水澡成了她同伴們的新焦點 -- 看來Bajanna是在主線劇情第三章後加入的? 歡樂歸歡樂 想到溫泉效果的來源還是抖了一下XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1421135546.A.08F.html

01/13 16:43, , 1F
所以你有巴漢娜嗎? 還是哪裡有整理這些英文的資料?
01/13 16:43, 1F

01/13 16:46, , 2F
是說巴漢娜不是想交亡魂朋友嗎w 怎麼搞到最後變控制了ww
01/13 16:46, 2F

01/13 16:48, , 3F
01/13 16:48, 3F

01/13 16:49, , 4F
01/13 16:49, 4F

01/13 16:50, , 5F
01/13 16:50, 5F

01/13 17:26, , 6F
01/13 17:26, 6F

01/13 18:56, , 7F
01/13 18:56, 7F

01/13 19:14, , 8F
她的劇情雖然長 但是我翻過最輕鬆的 也是我覺得最有趣的
01/13 19:14, 8F

01/13 19:15, , 9F
(光槍和她在的澡堂 怎麼會不有趣呢XDDDD)
01/13 19:15, 9F

01/13 22:48, , 10F
01/13 22:48, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1KjCww2F (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KjCww2F (TerraBattle)