[劇情] Palpa(パルパ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (-o- y-~)時間10年前 (2014/12/22 17:25), 10年前編輯推噓6(6015)
留言21則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: 路邊社調查:金契約中最不想看到的角色排行榜第一名 故事意外的難翻 主因是日文和英文語意上差異頗大 所以內容有參考日文來翻 不過有兩處需要版友幫忙修正<(_ _)> Job1(Princess Palpa): Palpa is the reigning sovereign of the stonefolk. Palpa是岩人一族的女王 She has only recently taken the throne with the passing of her father, the king. 最近她才從過世的父親:上一代的王那裏繼承了王位 She heeds the wise wordsof her ancestors and strives to one day prove a worthy queen. 她聽從前人的箴言, 努力地想成為真正的女王 The royal family has been sworn to a certain duty for generations. 皇室有將自己的責任傳承下去的義務 Tradition holds that wayfarers seeking the Maker will appear one day. 總有一天會有尋找造物者的旅行者出現 When that day comes, the sovereign must ascertain whether those seekers are truly righteous. 當那一天到來的時候, 王有義務鑑定這些旅行者的真實意圖 Job2(Queen Palpa): The king left his daughter with the following words: 先王留下這些話給他女兒 "You must live, my child. Free us from the yoke that has burdened us for so long." "我的孩子, 妳要活下去. 將我們從這沉重的枷鎖中解放" At the time, Palpa did not understand his meaning. She did not understand that this meant she was now queen of the stonefolk--nor that as queen she must expect death. 當時Palpa並不了解這些話語的真正的意義所在. 她並不知道身為女王所代表的是什麼--就是等待著死亡的宿命* 感謝kent88ch與Hevak幫忙修正! *註:這裡超難翻的 英文的文法很奇怪 跟日文也對不起來 最後是參考日文翻譯的 但不確定我對日文的意思有沒有理解錯誤 請版友幫忙修正 原文:http://i.imgur.com/7amtOzC.png
Job3(High Queen Palpa)(此劇情只有在終章後才會出現): The queen 女王 She was the first ruler of the planet. And she was the source of all life, with the weight of all creation upon her shoulders. 是這個星球的第一代管理者. 她是所有靈魂的根源, 她背負並且將自己奉獻給這一切 And in the end, she was to sacrifice her own life to build a bridge to a new world. 在最後, 她犧牲了自己的生命, 搭起前往新世界的橋樑 But the stonefolk objected to the door to their future being opened on the back of their queen's utterly spent body. 但是岩人一族拒絕使用女王的生命來開啟他們的未來 So it was that they did not identify the one worthy of being the next queen until many generations later. 就這樣子, 他們到幾代之後都還不能找到一位可以成為女王的人* *註:這裡跟上面一樣很怪 希望版友幫忙用日文原意來修正 原文:http://i.imgur.com/OqqoB4T.png
The proof was deep within the double helix of Palpa's DNA--a mechanism hidden in the cradle of all life. 在Palpa的DNA雙股螺旋的深處, 埋藏著了一個所有生命起源的秘密 Known as the Queen Cell, it was a heavy cross to bear, forcing upon her a brutal fate. 女王細胞:這是她殘酷命運讓她背負的沉重十字架 It is said that the stonefolk had adopted countless measures to deal with their inevitable future. 據說岩人一族嘗試過許多方式來對抗他們不可避免的未來 But the only one to succeed had been their "Princess and Attendant" system. 但是只有一種方法成功:"公主與侍從"系統 "帕魯帕和那個誰?" -- 那個誰一出生就是為了代替Palpa..悲劇 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1419240308.A.C79.html

12/22 17:30, , 1F
圖面很不錯 但其他都錯的一個角色
12/22 17:30, 1F

12/22 17:33, , 2F
12/22 17:33, 2F

12/22 17:35, , 3F
推薦這個,角色互動條件滿詳細的 http://ppt.cc/CaTJ
12/22 17:35, 3F

12/22 17:42, , 4F
love love 千光劍 推推
12/22 17:42, 4F

12/22 17:44, , 5F
nor 可以理解成"也不"
12/22 17:44, 5F

12/22 17:45, , 6F
所以那段話應該可以解釋成 "她並不知道從這一刻起 她已
12/22 17:45, 6F

12/22 17:46, , 7F
經成為岩人的女王 也不了解身為一個女王就必須接受死亡"
12/22 17:46, 7F

12/22 17:47, , 8F
我只是直翻 潤飾就交給你了 XD
12/22 17:47, 8F

12/22 17:47, , 9F
照英文翻是這樣子沒錯 但是看日文的話有點差異阿XD
12/22 17:47, 9F

12/22 17:48, , 10F
日文落落長三段 變成英文剩那幾句...
12/22 17:48, 10F

12/22 17:49, , 11F
我覺得它日文跟英文的關係 應該不是單純把A直翻成B
12/22 17:49, 11F

12/22 17:49, , 12F
12/22 17:49, 12F

12/22 17:50, , 13F
所以細部的地方對不上應該是合理 大意一樣應該就對了
12/22 17:50, 13F

12/22 17:53, , 14F
12/22 17:53, 14F

12/22 17:53, , 15F
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12/22 17:54, , 16F
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12/22 17:55, , 17F
12/22 17:55, 17F

12/22 17:57, , 18F
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12/22 17:58, , 19F
12/22 17:58, 19F

12/22 17:58, , 20F
12/22 17:58, 20F

12/22 18:21, , 21F
12/22 18:21, 21F
※ 編輯: hangzer (, 12/22/2014 18:24:43
文章代碼(AID): #1Kb-Dqnv (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1Kb-Dqnv (TerraBattle)