[劇情] Kana (カナ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (AstyLe被人取走了)時間10年前 (2014/12/15 20:23), 10年前編輯推噓8(809)
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Kana 角色劇情翻譯 Job1 : Kana The Apothecary Kana is a beastwoman well versed in the medicines of her people. Her glasses are a distinguishing feature, as few of her kind wear them. Her gentle and easygoing nature makes her unsuited to battle in the front lines, but she is valuable as a medic. She also serves as a teacher in her spare time. KANA是個精通藥物的研究員, 她的眼鏡是她顯著的個人特徵,因為戴著眼鏡的獸人是非常少見的。 她溫柔隨和的個性使她不適合在最前線戰鬥, 所以她藉由當一個軍醫發揮她的價值,並且在閒暇之餘擔任教師。 While she has no shortage of knowledge, her work ethic and innate naivete have left her largely inexperienced with the opposite sex. 雖然KANA學識淵博,但她的工作狂個性和與生俱來的天真以及鈍感, 讓她毫無和異性相處的經驗。 ========================================= Job2 : Kana The Instructor Kana has been getting so much teaching work that she spends more time as an instructor than an apothecary lately. KANA在教學的工作量越來越多, 使她的藥劑師本業和教師副業的比重開始逆轉了。 She herself finds more joy in guiding her growing young charges than in spending her days with silent medicines. 她發現她在指導年輕人成長時, 比她花上一整天在不會說話的藥品上能得到更多的快樂。 Incidentally, she's immensely popular with male students who have a thing for girls with glasses. 另外, 她也在眼鏡控男學生當中非常的有人氣。 ========================================= Job3 : Kana The Chemist A highly lauded chemistry experiment and thesis have set Kana on a new career path as a chemist. Kana在化學領域的理論及實驗的高度評價,讓她開始走向了化學家的道路。 Although initially reluctant to abandon teaching, she is now a consummate researcher striving to open the way to a brighter future through advances in chemistry. 雖然一開始她不願意放棄她的教學工作, 但她現在是一位完美的研究員, 利用化學的進步替世界開創更美好的未來。 ========================================= 和 Zan 的互動劇情 (光頭劍): "Ah, what a fine specimen." It was Zan who was the subject of Kana's attention. "啊啊...真是男性的典範啊..." 這是Kana對奪走她的心的Zan的第一印象。 The way he lived his life appeared to have stirred something deep within her heart. But that was to be expected, considering her love life was as yet an empty book. One might even sat, her pen and diary had been the only lovers she had ever known. But what she lacked in experience, she made up for in knowledge in the ways of love, and Zan's hyper-masculine aura was too much for her to resist. The normally intellectual Kana spoke to him lusfully. Zan的強力男人味似乎深深打動了Kana的心, 這不是沒有原因的,Kana的戀愛經歷還是一張白紙, 甚至可以說她以前唯一的戀人只有紙和筆。 但在"那種方面"的知識,Kana可是比誰都還豐富。 所以咧,對於出現在Kana面前, 又散發出超強力好男人氣息的Zan,Kana完全無法抗拒。 這時候聰明的Kana說出了色色的話。 "Relax. It's only natural for male and female to passionately mate and in that way produce ever more mighty progeny...tee hee hee hee..." It seemed that her self-control was about to exceed its limit. "是..是啊,很自然的雄性和雌性之間, 會為了生出更有競爭力的後代進行熱情的契合...呼,呼呼..." 看來她的自制力已經快到達極限了。 ==================================== 翻譯好像會讓自己了解平常自己的中文有多差, 怎麼翻都不通順... Zan的互動劇情裡面日文和英文的語意有一點差異, 所以這部分我是用日文來翻的.. 總之男生都愛眼鏡妹,女生都愛光頭劍。 這就是Terra Battle的世界觀。 Zan那裏有夠難翻,"アッチの知識"是啥意思我還跑去問日本同學, 搞得我自己很害羞,這種隱晦的講法google根本搜尋不到XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1418646236.A.992.html ※ 編輯: Asty1e (, 12/15/2014 20:27:18

12/15 20:26, , 1F
12/15 20:26, 1F

12/15 20:27, , 2F
12/15 20:27, 2F

12/15 20:31, , 3F
12/15 20:31, 3F

12/15 20:33, , 4F
12/15 20:33, 4F

12/15 20:41, , 5F
KANA跟JAGUNA好像也有一段劇情 如果有人能提供我可以翻XD
12/15 20:41, 5F

12/15 20:43, , 6F
啊樓上是我分身 剛剛查誰發幾篇忘記換了XD
12/15 20:43, 6F

12/15 20:48, , 7F
12/15 20:48, 7F

12/15 20:50, , 8F
喔喔 因為我看日本網站好像是雙向劇情 也可能是他打錯@@
12/15 20:50, 8F

12/15 20:55, , 9F
12/15 20:55, 9F

12/15 20:55, , 10F
印象中hangzer大是翻jaguna側對kana的 XD
12/15 20:55, 10F

12/15 21:02, , 11F
沒有喔 kana本身好像只有跟Zen有劇情
12/15 21:02, 11F

12/15 21:03, , 12F
12/15 21:03, 12F

12/15 21:15, , 13F
12/15 21:15, 13F

12/15 21:16, , 14F
12/15 21:16, 14F
喔喔 那段我是用日文翻然後英文參考的的,語意有點脫節, 我解釋一下我為什麼這樣翻。 英文翻譯那裏形容她講話很Lustful,所以她的話是相當充滿性慾的, mate也是比較文謅謅的的"交配"的意思, 日文是熱の契,也是文謅謅的H的講法。 總之感覺劇情想表達的就是她看到充滿男人味的Zan, 就忽然智力降低變成一個痴女啦XDDDD 不過我剛剛重看了一下, 確實日英文都有"為了..."的句型我沒有翻到,也有點不通順, 所以我也稍作修改,謝謝你的提點! ※ 編輯: Asty1e (, 12/15/2014 21:32:59

12/15 22:59, , 15F
12/15 22:59, 15F

12/15 23:39, , 16F
我英文也不太好@@ 大家討論討論~
12/15 23:39, 16F

12/15 23:41, , 17F
12/15 23:41, 17F
這裡日文和英文翻的有些不同, 英文感覺像Kana直接對Zan發春,但日文好像沒有面對面, 比較像是KANA的腦內劇場。 英文有強調降低智力,日文就只有"說出了色色的話"。 所以我比較傾向原翻譯~ ※ 編輯: Asty1e (, 12/16/2014 00:28:17
文章代碼(AID): #1KZjBScI (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KZjBScI (TerraBattle)