[劇情] A'misandra(アミ・サンドラ)

看板TerraBattle (Terra Battle - 特拉之戰)作者 (-o- y-~)時間10年前 (2014/12/02 00:53), 10年前編輯推噓8(806)
留言14則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前言: 本來是因為蜥蜴補跟黑補之間有互動劇情才翻的 本來以為兩位補師之間會有一起救人或是感人的劇情 翻完才發現蜥蜴補居然是個討人厭的大小姐XDDD Job1: A'misandra is a nurse of the lizardfolk. A'misandra是蜥蜴族的護理師 She wears a slightly oversized nurse's gown like a cloak because it reminds her of her aristocratic roots. 她穿著一件稍大而像披風的護士袍 因為這樣可以提醒她自己所有的貴族身分 As one might expect of that lineage, grace and refinement are evident in her bearing and behavior. 認為可能會有人期待著看到她動作舉止中的血統、美德和高雅 For her, teatime after a hard day's work is a particular treat. 對她而言 勤奮工作後的下午茶是一種特別的享受 Job2: Blessed with the best upbringing, teachers, and opportunities, A'misandra has sailed through life without ever knowing failure. 拜最好的培養、老師和機遇之賜 A'misandra在她人生的道路上沒有失敗過 She earned her medic'scredentials with equal ease and believes herself to be a chosen one. 她輕易的贏的軍醫的頭銜 並且相信她就是不二人選 Job3: A'misandra is interested in salvation not only of the body but of the soul. A'misandra不只對身體急救有興趣 她也想救贖他人的靈魂 She is gradually coming to a vague realization that with credentials alone, she'missing something intangible and significant. 她逐漸的模糊意識到:只依靠證書 她會失去無形的重要事物 互動劇情:與Amimari(黑補) "How dreadful. She looks like a pauper." Such was A'misandra's first impression of Amimari. "多麼可怕 她看起來像個乞丐" 這是A'misandra對Amimari的第一印象 But why did so many patients adore her, despite her shabby appearance? A'misandra was utterly mystified. 但為什麼那麼多病患不管她寒酸的外表依然敬重她? A'misandra完全無法理解 Amimari always had a sunny, congenial air about her. Amimari總是有著開朗和友善的氣氛 A'misandra had thus far achieved all her dreams by virtue of family and wealth. 至今A'misandra憑藉家族和財富取得了她所有的夢想 Seeing Amimari, she was now confronted plainly with the one thing she never had managed to accomplish. 看見Amimari 她才清楚地發現一件她從來沒有完成過的事情 While Amimari was sorrounded by those who adored her as a person, A'misandra's circle contained only schemers and parasites. 當Amimari身邊包圍著敬重她的人時 A'misandra的交友圈卻只有陰謀家和寄生蟲 One morning, Amimari rose early to prepare the box lunches that were her specialty. The sounds and smells of this effort woke A'misandra. 某天早晨 Amimari早起準備她的拿手便當時 努力準備的聲音和氣味吵醒了A'misandra "It's too early for all that racket. Would you mind keeping it down?" "一大早的實在太吵了 你可以安靜一點嗎?" "Oh, sorry, did I wake you?" replied Amimari. "噢 抱歉 我吵醒妳了?"Amimari回應著 "Amimari, that cheap oil you're using smells atrocious. And your poor patients--forced to eat those unappetizing, cheaply made box lunches." "Amimari 妳用的廉價油聞起來很糟糕 妳可憐的病人 要被迫吃著難吃便宜的手作便當" Amimari's normally gentle, smiling expression changed utterly. Amimari平時溫柔的微笑表情在聽到這些話之後消失不見 "What would YOU know of patients' feelings?" "所以妳一點都不了解病人們的感受"* 註:感謝darkdark008幫忙校正! A'misandra found herself at a loss for words. She realized in that moment that despite her charmed life, she was jealous of Amimari. A'misandra無話可說 她發現此刻她除了陶醉的生活以外 她是忌妒Amimari的 -- 都翻了黑補和蜥蜴補了 明天來翻白補好了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TerraBattle/M.1417452839.A.E2F.html

12/02 00:56, , 1F
12/02 00:56, 1F

12/02 01:00, , 2F
12/02 01:00, 2F

12/02 01:05, , 3F
黑補最後回嘴那句 在參考日文後~個人覺得應該修正成
12/02 01:05, 3F

12/02 01:06, , 4F
12/02 01:06, 4F

12/02 01:06, , 5F
的確我也覺得黑補應該是要回類似那種話 可是我找不到日文
12/02 01:06, 5F

12/02 01:06, , 6F
原句 感謝分享
12/02 01:06, 6F
※ 編輯: hangzer (, 12/02/2014 01:08:17

12/02 01:08, , 7F
12/02 01:08, 7F

12/02 01:08, , 8F
我沒有蜥蜴補啊 原文是從英wiki找來的XD
12/02 01:08, 8F

12/02 01:09, , 9F
另外很明顯的這些英文都是日翻英的 所以再翻成中文會有些
12/02 01:09, 9F

12/02 01:09, , 10F
奇怪的地方 如果沒有日文可以參考會翻得很怪XD
12/02 01:09, 10F

12/02 01:12, , 11F
12/02 01:12, 11F

12/02 08:01, , 12F
12/02 08:01, 12F

12/02 20:22, , 13F
12/02 20:22, 13F

12/03 12:17, , 14F
12/03 12:17, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1KV9qdul (TerraBattle)
文章代碼(AID): #1KV9qdul (TerraBattle)