[閒聊] WSSC 2012

看板SportStack (疊杯)作者 (tommy)時間13年前 (2011/06/07 21:59), 編輯推噓6(606)
留言12則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
才比完就... http://www.thewssa.com/news/2012_world_sport_stacking_championships/ It's official! The 2012 WSSA World Sport Stacking Championships will be held in Butzbach, Germany on April 14 & 15. Butzbach, located north of Frankfurt (about 30 minutes by car), is the hometown of WSSA Germany's Burkhard and Ilona Reuhl and Petra and Gernot Bauer and is the headquarters of Team Germany. "We're excited to announce Butzbach as our first international locale for the World Championships. The Reuhls and Bauers have built a very strong sport stacking tradition in their country, and this will be a great opportunity to experience it firsthand," said Bob Fox, WSSA Executive Director. The 2012 WSSA World Championships (the 10th annual) is an invitational tournament that will spotlight the world's top stackers. The WSSA is planning for more than 20 Countries to participate and approximately 250 stackers. Between now and April 2012, stackers from countries with a WSSA presence will be selected as team members to represent their homelands based on character and performance at state/provincial, regional and national WSSA sanctioned competitions. Stay tuned in the upcoming months for information on the 2012 WSSA World Championships and sanctioned tournaments leading up to it. 那時候,贊助應該比較多了XDDD 是在德國...柏林? 可是那時候我們比較強的選手可能都沒辦法去..................... 不過我猜那時我們也多了很強的人了啦 像是hanwu跟nike 可能都6秒了XDD 總之 大家趕快練一練吧XDD 一人一推請Harry和RC推甄入學XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/07 22:01, , 1F
你忘記把invitational上色了XD 6秒短時間內不可能吧XD
06/07 22:01, 1F

06/07 22:05, , 2F
我病了... 最近好慢OAO
06/07 22:05, 2F

06/07 22:10, , 3F
贊助還要再看看吧..還蠻難申請的 囧 柏林不是Berlin嗎XD
06/07 22:10, 3F

06/07 22:11, , 4F
06/07 22:11, 4F

06/07 22:12, , 5F
06/07 22:12, 5F

06/07 22:46, , 6F
大家都6秒 我7秒都沒有我有一段路要走阿!!!
06/07 22:46, 6F

06/07 23:09, , 7F
06/07 23:09, 7F

06/07 23:10, , 8F
話說 HanWu 你們最快幾秒? 想要先超越你們 XDD
06/07 23:10, 8F

06/07 23:23, , 9F
科科 加油, 是11.93
06/07 23:23, 9F

06/07 23:41, , 10F
快到了!! 你們接招吧!!
06/07 23:41, 10F

06/08 07:09, , 11F
ha ha看來是其他城市 不過一年耶應該OK吧..XDD
06/08 07:09, 11F

06/11 09:04, , 12F
06/11 09:04, 12F
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