[情報] Patch 1.02 (更新檔)

看板Spore (孢子Spore)作者 (聖劍3中文化卡住中)時間16年前 (2008/10/20 16:30), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※中文翻譯請看第5頁 Spore Patch 2 The focus of this patch is to fix bugs that have been reported via our customer service department and directly from the Spore Community. In addition, we've modified some gameplay tuning, added a way for you to select multiple items for deleting or banning while in Sporepedia and included a cool new planet style. To get the patch, launch the EA Download Manager to download and install it. If you didn't install the EADM when you installed Spore, you can get it from http://files.ea.com/downloads/eacore/eadm-installer.exe This is a PC only patch. Mac users should check back soon. Note: Please be patient as the patch installs. Depending on your system configuration, the patch install speed may vary. 備註:不想用Installer的話可以從下面的網址抓 http://www.gameborder.com/game/SPORE%20Patch/ http://www.gamershell.com/download_34438.shtml Features ■Hold down the Control key in Sporepedia to select multiple creations for  deleting or banning. ■Hold down the Shift key in Sporepedia to select a range of creations for  deleting or banning. ■New planet style: Cubes. Graphics/Aesthetics ■Fix for game entry screen turning black when banning a creature in a Saved  game. ■Fixed issue with flora card in Sporepedia. ■Space phase: Fixed graphic issue with water levels not updating properly  with terraform tools so that visible water and atmosphere levels will now  correspond in the Atmosphere monitor. ■Fixed problems introduced via atmospheric and drought terraforming tools. ■Improved gaits for multi-legged creatures. ■ Improved gaits for creatures with 2 limbs, but without any feet. Audio ■Space phase: Fixed missing VOX in some animations in Comm Screen. ■Fixed audio issue with switching mode to 5.1 breaking music and VOX. ■Fixed audio syncing issue when minimizing and/or maximizing Spore before  opening video. ■Fixed crash with city music player when Save and Load dialogs are present. ■Fix for audio lag and missing models due background loading slow-down on  certain single-processor machine configurations. This fix improved overall  stability on this machine configuration. Tuning ■Space phase: Tuned relationship status to update in communication window  after completing a mission. ■Tribe phase: Tuned Normal difficulty mode to make social game easier. Miscellaneous ■Fixed the ESC key to consistently skip the Spore introduction movie. ■Creators: YouTube video uploads are set to private. Go to YouTube.com and  log in. Then go to Account >> My Videos to set them to Public if you want  to share your videos with the world. ■Creators: Fixed limb joints not being selectable behind other limbs. ■Tribe phase: Fixed crash while harvesting fruit and fish. ■Space phase: Fixed timing bug using Planet Buster during Grox invasion. ■Space phase: Fixed destroyed turrets mission. ■Space phase: Fixed crash when zooming out to full galactic view from the  center of the galaxy. ■Fixed for game entry screen staying zoomed in after deleting a game and  entering/exiting Sporepedia. ■Space phase: Fixed City Hall updating bug. City Hall will now update to  correct version if player has chosen a new City Hall during the transition  from Civilization phase to Space phase. ■Space phase: Fixed Vehicles updating bug. Vehicles chosen in the Colony  planner will now update without requiring the player to leave and re-enter  a planet's atmosphere. ■Fixed crash when transitioning from Tribe phase to Civilization phase ■Discontinued the Bad Baby Achievement. >----------------------------------------------------------------------------< 中文翻譯轉自遊俠網 Features ×按住ctrl可以選擇多個單位用於刪除或者取締 ×按住shift可以選擇一組單位用於刪除或者取締(應該就是同一類型的,比如 飛機、車輛) ×新的星球形態 立方體(不會吧) Graphics/Aesthetics ×修正了當在一個已儲存的遊戲中取締了某個生物而導致的遊戲登陸黑屏錯誤 ×修正了在孢子生物倉庫中的群落卡片的發表(線上內容不大清楚) ×太空階段:修正了水平面沒有因為使用整地工具而變化的錯誤,現在水和大氣等級將和 大氣情況監視器上相同。 ×修正了大氣增加工具和乾旱工具的問題。 ×改進了多腿生物的移動步態。 ×改進了有兩條腿但是沒有腳掌的生物的移動步態。 Audio ×太空階段:修正了在過場動畫時雜音消失的問題 ×修正了5.1環繞聲道時的音裂和雜音問題。 ×修正了在片頭動畫前最大/最小化遊戲導致的音頻同步問題。 ×修正了儲存和載入時的對話與城市音樂衝突的問題。 ×修正了單處理器電腦在背景載入時導致的音頻延遲或丟失問題。這個修正全面改進了在 單處理器電腦的穩定性問題。 Tuning ×太空階段:在完成任務後在通訊窗口直接調整外交關係狀態(這個。以前好像是要重新 打開窗口關係度才會變化。現在應該會直接變化了) ×部落階段:普通難度下進行社交變容易了 Miscellaneous ×修正了按下esc直接跳過遊戲介紹畫面。 ×創作者:現在youtube的視頻上傳被設置為不公開。去YouTube.com並登陸,然後 Account >> My Videos ,設置視頻為 Public(公共) 屬性,如果你想和他人分享你的 視頻。(這和EA有關係嗎) ×傳作者:修正了在其他肢體後面的肢體關節不能被選中的問題。 ×部落階段:修正了收穫水果和魚的衝突。 ×太空階段:修正了在grox入侵時使用星球剋星帶來了時間錯誤。 ×太空階段:修正了破壞炮塔的任務。 ×太空階段:修正了從銀河中心上升視角至整個銀河而導致的問題。 修正了在刪除一個星球和退出/進入孢子生物倉庫後遊戲開始屏幕視角持續上升的問題。 ×太空階段:修正了市政廳更新bug。現在,如果玩家在從文明階段進化到太空階段時選 擇一個新市政廳,市政廳將會更新到正確的版本。 ×太空階段:修正了交通工具更新bug。玩家現在不再需要離開星球後再返回後才能選擇 殖民地交通工具。 ×修正了從部落階段進化到文明階段時的衝突。 ×取消了壞寶寶稱號。(MS就是那個取締自定義物品的成就)....... 這幾天玩下來發現這次的更新中有很多沒提到的部份 在此做個補充給各位知道一下 ●文明與太空階段:更新後新製作並且儲存的建築物          放置在城鎮內的外型比過去縮小了一些 ●太空階段:持續對殖民地城鎮使用星球雕塑工具       讓城鎮沉入海中,將可把殖民地城鎮摧毀 以往跟其他文明所收購的星球,通常都會附帶有價值較低的香料殖民地 如今可以用這個方法來將不需要的殖民地破壞掉 ●太空階段:海港城市會有部分面積泡在水中的情況 ●太空階段:不管是敵是友,只要是因為這次更新導致城鎮被淹在水中       一律都算在我方頭上,莫名奇妙的被扣友好度 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/20 16:32, , 1F
怪翻譯 =.=... banning = 取締???
10/20 16:32, 1F

10/20 17:26, , 2F
10/20 17:26, 2F

10/20 20:34, , 3F
10/20 20:34, 3F

10/20 22:22, , 4F
應該要作一個星球我的最愛 不然跟本不記得
10/20 22:22, 4F

10/20 22:23, , 5F
10/20 22:23, 5F

12/12 12:43, , 6F
12/12 12:43, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #18_46wzA (Spore)
文章代碼(AID): #18_46wzA (Spore)