[情報] 維羅博士的調查報告-超級火箭隊雷達!

看板PokemonGO (寶可夢GO)作者 (Faith圖:)時間5年前 (2019/11/02 12:21), 編輯推噓10(1111)
留言13則, 13人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
出處:官方臉書/Blog https://pokemongolive.com/post/willowreport-loomingshadow/ https://i.imgur.com/wWaavvs.jpg
Armed with the research findings that Trainers are sending in and the contribu tions from each of the team leaders, I’ve built the next phase of the Rocket Radar prototype. For record’s sake, let’s refer to it as the Super Rocket Ra dar. 靠著各地訓練師們送來的研究結果,加上隊長們的貢獻,我已經研發出火箭隊雷達原型機 的最新版本。為了方便區別,姑且稱之為「超級火箭隊雷達」。 Reports from Trainers trying out the Super Rocket Radar are concerning. Our in itial Rocket Radar prototype focused on detecting signals to track Team GO Roc ket’s hideouts, but with the advancements in the Super Rocket Radar, the new device can intercept signals allowing us to track not only Team GO Rocket’s h ideouts but their headquarters as well. 試用超級火箭隊雷達的訓練師傳來非常有用的情報。原來的雷達著重在偵測火箭隊的訊號 ,進而追蹤到他們的藏身處。超級火箭隊雷達的性能,已經強化到可以攔截訊號,解析出 火箭隊藏身處,甚至是基地的位置。 Since the Super Rocket Radar devices are much more complex to build, I’m goin g to have to lean on our Trainers across the globe to complete Special Researc h. Together, we can stop Team GO Rocket. 但超級火箭隊雷達的製造過程更為複雜,我需要仰賴訓練師們完成特別研究。只要我們合 作,一定可以阻止火箭隊。 愛發廢文的維羅博士上 by 沒課巨巨卷的小小訓練師一位 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1572668514.A.147.html

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打馬桶 沒空理博士啦
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