[情報] POE2 12/16 預公告改動 (PN之後釋出)

看板PathofExile (流亡黯道 - Path of Exile)作者 (ben2227486)時間5小時前 (2024/12/17 11:37), 4小時前編輯推噓63(64157)
留言122則, 45人參與, 1小時前最新討論串1/1
Path of Exile 2 has been live for just over a week! We’ve addressed some feedback already and are working on more fixes for key pain points in an upcoming patch. The full patch notes are coming soon, but check out some of the more significant changes below. (略),正式公告之後會放出 ---Gameplay Features遊戲性改動--- Like we mentioned last week, we’ll be adding the capacity to fast-travel between Checkpoints within an area, as well as adding many more checkpoints to areas, generally at all entrances and exits to areas, meaning if you find these first you’ll be able to instantly travel to them to continue exploring. 之前提過的更多重生點和重生點之間傳送的功能準備要實裝了。 We’ll also be making Passive Point respeccing cheaper especially at higher levels. It had a relatively aggressive curve getting more expensive with character level, we have flattened that curve so it doesn’t exponentially grow as much. This should generally result in approximately 40-50% less gold cost for respeccing between the start and middle of endgame progression. 現在的天賦重置代價太高了,未來隨著等級漲價的幅度會更為平坦,在遊戲中後期大約會 比現在便宜40~50%。 ---Trial of the Sekhemas聖所改動(昇華取得相關)--- Players were finding Trial of the Sekhemas particularly frustrating in close range so we’ve reworked how Honour Damage scales when in close range, as well as fixing an important bug that was causing players to take far too much Honour Damage from Damage over Time. Honour Damage now scales down based on distance to enemies, when in close range you’ll take 35% less Honour Damage, tapering off as you are further away from Monsters. Fixed a bug where Damage over Time was dealing thrice as much damage to Honour as intended, and fixed a bug where Honour Resistance was only applying to two-thirds of that damage. ( This was confusing for us too) 現在的榮譽值機制對近戰玩家太不友善,將會改成根據敵我距離縮放削減值比例,當敵人 於近戰範圍時約會有35%更少的削減值,隨著敵我距離增加至原比例。另外現在持續傷害 的削減值過高、以及削減值抗性只作用2/3相對於帳面上強度,都是重大BUG,將會修正。 Skitter Golems no longer use basic attacks and instead now just explode. Serpent Clans burrow and ambush attack now has improved visual telegraphing and cannot be used from as far away. Volcanoes created by Rattlecage’s Fissure Slam now last half the duration. 幾個噁心怪物的平衡。對玩家有利。 ---Endgame and Monster Balance終局怪物和遊戲平衡--- Generally the balance in Endgame Maps was more punishing than intended, so we ’ve toned down the damage in a number of ways and disabled a certain on-death effect where the telegraphing was not as clear as it should have been. 大致上來說輿圖的懲罰(難度)比他們預想的高了許多,將會調降怪物傷害和某些死亡後造 成傷害的機制。 Maps no longer have additional elemental resistance penalties inherently applied at Tier 6 and Tier 11 or higher Maps. It is now consistent across all of the Endgame. 地圖階級不再有額外抗性懲罰,玩家抗性在所有Tier地圖皆相同。 Chaos Damage now also scales less aggressively over the Endgame. 調降渾沌傷害。 Critical Strikes from monsters now deal 40% less bonus Damage. 調降怪物對你造成的爆擊傷害,約40%更少 Lowered the baseline monster density of Breach Encounters, primarily by reducing the frequency of the “Elite” monsters appearing. 調降裂痕的怪物生成密度,特別是菁英稀有怪將會顯著減少。 Disabled the Volatile Crystals Modifier, we’ll revisit this in the future pending telegraphing improvements. 調降Volatile Crystals詞綴效果(大概是紫色死後爆炸的那個),之後會繼續觀察並平衡 。 Purple Explosives created by the Volatile Plants Modifier on Rare Monsters now deal significantly less Damage. 大幅調降一些怪物的爆炸技能以及死後引爆的技能。 The Siphons Flask Charges Modifier on Monsters now drains ten-times less Flask Charges per second. (This was unintentionally draining way too many charges) 吸取藥劑充能的怪物詞綴,吸取幅度將會調降至1/10相比現在強度,(現在的過高是個BUG )。 These changes should generally result in an endgame that is much more survivable than before and we will continue to address problematic cases as they arise. 這樣應該能改善終局玩家存活率,會繼續滾動調整。 ---Character and Item Balance角色和物品平衡--- We’ve made Charm Modifiers on Belts substantially more common and now appear at much lower levels. The "of Symbolism" Modifier now appears from level 23 onwards, and the "of Inscription" Modifier now appears from level 64 onwards. 調高腰帶上的護符相關詞綴出現頻率以及調降可以顯現的最低物品等級。 Electrocute is now 25% harder to buildup. (But the Damage Penalty has been removed from the Support Gem). 觸電將會更難累積(25%更慢),但觸電輔助寶石上的更少傷害效果將會被移除。 Added a new Lightning Damage and Electrocute Cluster to the passive tree in between the Ranger and Monk sections. 在武僧和遊俠之間區域新增一個觸電相關天賦群。 It is now more difficult to chain-freeze enemies by reducing the amount of Freeze Buildup applied after a Freeze has been applied. 之後將更難連續冰凍怪物,將會調降已經被冰凍過怪物的冰凍累積速率。 The Hunter's Talisman Notable now grants +1 Charm Slot. The small passive skills leading up to it now grant the stat it formerly gave. The Charm helper text has been updated to indicate that you cannot have more than three Charm Slots unlocked, so that we can add more sources of it in the future. Hunter's Talisman(護符天賦群)大點之後將給予+1護符欄位,原本的效果則移動至他的 前置天賦小點。 ---Skill and Support Gem Balance技能和輔助寶石更新--- Since launch we’ve unfortunately had to nerf a few skills that were far too overpowered. How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable. 在EA後我們很不幸地必須nerf多項太過OP的技能,我們對OP的定義是:如果讓玩家覺得只 有那些技能在終局遊戲中使用,其他技能都不堪使用,那就是OP技能。 (OS: 喔是喔阿不 就好棒棒) Generally speaking we are trying to do this in a way that doesn't make a build bad (but we can make mistakes!). Ideally any truly meta shifting changes will only happen at the same time as a content patch with a new league to play in. 基本上來說我們策略會是(在賽季期間)調降OP技能的表現(數值)而非讓他不能玩(機制不 能成立),(但是我們會犯錯! 欸嘿>.O),大方向性的Nerf/Buff和機制改動只會在新賽季 開始的時候執行。 But that doesn't mean we haven't been looking at underpowered skills and support gems. We’ve got a number of changes planned which should improve some of these skills. The full list of changes will be in the patch notes but here is a sample of what you can expect. 但是我們並非(在賽季期間)對那些表現不好技能不聞不問,我們預計會對多個技能進行 更動,正式清單會在patch note公布,下面是一些更動範例: Improvements to Rolling Slam and all Shield Skills in the Mace section. 改善翻滾重擊和所有盾系技能(槌分類底下)。 Improvements to various Bow Skills, especially the skills used to generate Frenzy Charges. 改善數個弓系技能,特別是那些用到狂怒球的技能。 Improvements to Bone Spells and Chaos Damage over Time Spells in the Occult section. 改善秘術分類底下的骨系和混沌DOT系技能 Improvements to various Crossbow Skills, especially those at higher Tiers. 改善十字弓系技能,特別是高階技能。 Improvements to some of the underachieving Quarterstaff abilities. 改善那些效能不如預期細杖技能。 Alongside all of these Skill Gem improvements we’ve also done a pass over the Support Gems. We’ve added two new Supports and removed or lessened the penalties on many others, notably the Fire, Lightning and Cold Exposure Supports. 我們計劃對全輔助寶石進行審閱和必要的改善,同時將會新增兩個輔助寶石和調降那些負 面懲罰效果,例如,火/冰/雷曝曬輔助的傷害懲罰效果。 Added the Tremors Support Gem. Which can be used to give up to multiple more Aftershocks to Skills, with a damage penalty. 新Tremors輔助寶石,讓你能造成更多次餘震,但有傷害懲罰。 Added the Bidding Support Gem. Which can be used to give more damage to the Command Skills of Supported Minions. 新Bidding輔助寶石,給予召喚物命令施放技能造成更多傷害, The Fire Exposure, Lightning Exposure and Cold Exposure Support Gems no longer penalize Damage of Supported Skills. They now have a Mana Cost Multiplier of 120%. 火/冰/雷曝曬輔助寶石將不再有傷害懲罰,並且魔力消耗增幅調整為120%。 There are also some notable nerfs to a few of the remaining overachieving skills: 下列OP技能將會顯著地調降效能: Skeletal Arsonists Spirit costs now match the other two Skeleton Mages, this should result in a slight decrease in the number of Arsonists at a higher level. 調降骷髏縱火者的性能,使他跟其他兩骷髏召喚物強度一致,召喚物數量將會小幅度降低 。 A nerf to the damage over time component on very high levels of Tornado and Vine Arrow. These were never intended to be dealing damage themselves, but more so act as a way for other skills to propagate damage. 降低龍捲射擊和藤蔓箭矢在高技能等級的傷害。這些技能應該要是輔助攻擊技能而非主力 技。(OS: 上一個很喜歡教玩家怎麼玩遊戲的下場你們沒看到是不是) Magnetic Salvo can now only use your stuck Lightning Arrows as opposed to those created by your Party Members. 電磁齊射只會引爆你自己射出的箭矢,而非包含你隊友的。 As we wind down for the holiday season we wanted to thank you all for our most successful launch so far, we could not have done it without all of your support. A lot of our team will begin to take some much needed rest over the next few weeks but we look forward to getting back in the new year refreshed and ready for an exciting year of development in 2025. Happy Holidays, Exiles! 沒有各位玩家的幫忙(找出OP技能)我們就不能趕在新年假期前做出這些變更(nerf)! 我們 要去放假囉大家年後見。開心吧流亡者們,好好享受:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1734406652.A.FB7.html

12/17 11:40, 4小時前 , 1F
12/17 11:40, 1F

12/17 11:41, 4小時前 , 2F
12/17 11:41, 2F
※ 編輯: ben2227486 ( 臺灣), 12/17/2024 11:43:14

12/17 11:44, 4小時前 , 3F
12/17 11:44, 3F

12/17 11:44, 4小時前 , 4F
12/17 11:44, 4F
※ 編輯: ben2227486 ( 臺灣), 12/17/2024 11:45:56

12/17 11:45, 4小時前 , 5F
Volatile Plants是易爆植物 會長出幾根植物噴紫色小球
12/17 11:45, 5F

12/17 11:46, 4小時前 , 6F
圖超多吧 圖天賦要點
12/17 11:46, 6F

12/17 11:47, 4小時前 , 7F
12/17 11:47, 7F

12/17 11:47, 4小時前 , 8F
圖不夠就上富豪 好用的x)
12/17 11:47, 8F

12/17 11:49, 4小時前 , 9F
12/17 11:49, 9F

12/17 11:50, 4小時前 , 10F
12/17 11:50, 10F

12/17 11:50, 4小時前 , 11F
12/17 11:50, 11F

12/17 11:51, 4小時前 , 12F
順便問patch甚麼時候上 還是預告而已會活到年後
12/17 11:51, 12F

12/17 11:51, 4小時前 , 13F
12/17 11:51, 13F

12/17 11:53, 4小時前 , 14F
他們說他們會犯錯阿 呵呵
12/17 11:53, 14F

12/17 12:03, 4小時前 , 15F
12/17 12:03, 15F

12/17 12:04, 4小時前 , 16F
12/17 12:04, 16F

12/17 12:04, 4小時前 , 17F
12/17 12:04, 17F

12/17 12:10, 4小時前 , 18F
暴雪精神被完美繼承了 這就是玩家要的D5
12/17 12:10, 18F

12/17 12:14, 4小時前 , 19F
12/17 12:14, 19F

12/17 12:15, 4小時前 , 20F
12/17 12:15, 20F

12/17 12:16, 4小時前 , 21F
12/17 12:16, 21F

12/17 12:17, 4小時前 , 22F
圖數量天賦點上去+插石碑 不太可能斷圖 但掉低等圖很煩
12/17 12:17, 22F

12/17 12:18, 4小時前 , 23F
12/17 12:18, 23F

12/17 12:19, 4小時前 , 24F
12/17 12:19, 24F

12/17 12:19, 4小時前 , 25F
那個裂痕怪數量很白癡 高等圖清不光怪瘋狂來被包死
12/17 12:19, 25F

12/17 12:20, 4小時前 , 26F
低等的時候感覺圖比較難掉? 我在T4也打到斷圖 天賦地圖相
12/17 12:20, 26F

12/17 12:20, 4小時前 , 27F
關都點了 但是打白地圖大概3-4張才會噴一張地圖
12/17 12:20, 27F

12/17 12:20, 4小時前 , 28F
12/17 12:20, 28F

12/17 12:22, 4小時前 , 29F
圖要肯點通貨 基本只打黃圖 打藍圖很容易斷
12/17 12:22, 29F

12/17 12:22, 4小時前 , 30F
T4斷圖+1 翻車幾次就都只剩下1級可用
12/17 12:22, 30F

12/17 12:23, 4小時前 , 31F
慘到要跟npc買一級刷 打整晚經驗都不會動..
12/17 12:23, 31F

12/17 12:23, 4小時前 , 32F
然後就是盡量別翻車 翻車最虧ˊˋ
12/17 12:23, 32F

12/17 12:24, 4小時前 , 33F
跟玩家買比較划算 買1級的很快就破產了
12/17 12:24, 33F

12/17 12:24, 4小時前 , 34F
會常翻車就是機體不夠 去拍賣搜裝 肯投入資源才有產出
12/17 12:24, 34F

12/17 12:24, 4小時前 , 35F
血兩千 抗都七八成滿 整晚魂斗羅誰能不翻車
12/17 12:24, 35F

12/17 12:24, 4小時前 , 36F
對 我也是白圖打到斷圖後才想到應該要用通貨去刷
12/17 12:24, 36F

12/17 12:25, 4小時前 , 37F
12/17 12:25, 37F
還有 45 則推文
12/17 13:09, 3小時前 , 83F
該會減少 以前三章跑三次也是一堆水時間的三層樓地圖
12/17 13:09, 83F

12/17 13:12, 3小時前 , 84F
12/17 13:12, 84F

12/17 13:14, 3小時前 , 85F
才一週而已 還沒季末 尤其是這次新手一大堆
12/17 13:14, 85F

12/17 13:16, 3小時前 , 86F
真的好多新手 看steamdb 昨天巔峰還有43萬人
12/17 13:16, 86F

12/17 13:16, 3小時前 , 87F
12/17 13:16, 87F

12/17 13:19, 3小時前 , 88F
練等劇情嗎 poe2章節跑完劇情我不知道在說什麼 還是一
12/17 13:19, 88F

12/17 13:19, 3小時前 , 89F
定要玩過1才知道嗎 而且act3中段我直接跟朋友吐槽下面
12/17 13:19, 89F

12/17 13:19, 3小時前 , 90F
一個大太陽(?)都沒發現耶 隔熱這麼好
12/17 13:19, 90F

12/17 13:31, 3小時前 , 91F
12/17 13:31, 91F

12/17 13:31, 3小時前 , 92F
我是不覺得那陰間地圖劇情體驗比DDDD好= =
12/17 13:31, 92F

12/17 13:34, 3小時前 , 93F
大家都不會斷圖 就只有你在斷圖的時候 要想一下天賦
12/17 13:34, 93F

12/17 13:34, 3小時前 , 94F
有沒有點錯 富豪上了沒 一堆攻略去翻一翻吧
12/17 13:34, 94F

12/17 13:34, 3小時前 , 95F
瓦爾人科技這麼猛 都能人造太陽了 把他藏起來也還好
12/17 13:34, 95F

12/17 13:35, 3小時前 , 96F
以前都在笑DDDD用腳做平衡 才發覺還有更糟的
12/17 13:35, 96F

12/17 13:36, 3小時前 , 97F
武僧要走es 現在能走es確還在撐血的 腦袋跟角色頭都
12/17 13:36, 97F

12/17 13:36, 3小時前 , 98F
會破掉 撐es 就算是t16根本無感橫著走
12/17 13:36, 98F

12/17 13:47, 2小時前 , 99F
跟你說大多數人可能還在殘酷第一張 我記得實況的speedr
12/17 13:47, 99F

12/17 13:47, 2小時前 , 100F
12/17 13:47, 100F

12/17 13:49, 2小時前 , 101F
疑 我看ds 影片不是跑九小嗎
12/17 13:49, 101F

12/17 13:52, 2小時前 , 102F
12/17 13:52, 102F

12/17 13:55, 2小時前 , 103F
12/17 13:55, 103F

12/17 13:56, 2小時前 , 104F
我是聽zizirain聊天時 他說某個蠻有經驗的實況主跑了13
12/17 13:56, 104F

12/17 13:56, 2小時前 , 105F
小時的樣子 不過對新手跟休閒可能跑20小時都沒問題 我
12/17 13:56, 105F

12/17 13:56, 2小時前 , 106F
自己第一輪所有任務都做也跑蠻久的 第二輪只跑給點數抗
12/17 13:56, 106F

12/17 13:56, 2小時前 , 107F
12/17 13:56, 107F

12/17 14:00, 2小時前 , 108F
12/17 14:00, 108F

12/17 14:00, 2小時前 , 109F
12/17 14:00, 109F

12/17 14:01, 2小時前 , 110F
12/17 14:01, 110F

12/17 14:02, 2小時前 , 111F
也是啦 有裝跟沒裝差很多 我忘記他是小隻的九小…..
12/17 14:02, 111F

12/17 14:02, 2小時前 , 112F
12/17 14:02, 112F

12/17 14:03, 2小時前 , 113F
第一次跑13小超屌吧 那地圖比poe1垃圾超多 1代大多
12/17 14:03, 113F

12/17 14:03, 2小時前 , 114F
數都在右上 現在有些點他媽的在中間啊 繞一圈才發現
12/17 14:03, 114F

12/17 14:30, 2小時前 , 115F
經典GGG 先噁心你再來改
12/17 14:30, 115F

12/17 14:31, 2小時前 , 116F
看職業 我重開血法慢慢玩大概12小左右進圖
12/17 14:31, 116F

12/17 14:39, 1小時前 , 117F
冰凍第二次累積就夠慢了,還砍? 冰凍都要被冰凍了
12/17 14:39, 117F

12/17 14:43, 1小時前 , 118F
12/17 14:43, 118F

12/17 15:15, 1小時前 , 119F
12/17 15:15, 119F

12/17 15:26, 1小時前 , 120F
12/17 15:26, 120F

12/17 15:27, 1小時前 , 121F
12/17 15:27, 121F

12/17 15:38, 1小時前 , 122F
有裝備 知道路怎麼走後 就很快阿
12/17 15:38, 122F
文章代碼(AID): #1dOF7y-t (PathofExile)
文章代碼(AID): #1dOF7y-t (PathofExile)