[情報] Temporary Closure of Players Personal

看板Pangya (魔法飛球)作者 (蟲)時間9年前 (2014/11/25 13:42), 編輯推噓10(1002)
留言12則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Temporary Closure of Players Personal Shop http://pangya.gamerage.com/Content/101111010001.02257.aspx Temporary Closure of Players Personal Shop NOV.24.2014 Attention Pangyateers, We are currently aware of the situation in the Pangya market. We will be closing the Players Personal Shops in the Dolfini Lounges until the upcoming maintenance is done this week. We sincerely apologized for such an action to be taken. We seek your kind understanding and patience in this matter. Thank you. - Pangya Team 簡略翻譯: 個人商店關閉,直到維修為止~ 在FB看到的消息... 是又出現甚麼洗錢BUG嗎!? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pangya/M.1416894148.A.93F.html

11/25 14:51, , 1F
11/25 14:51, 1F

11/25 16:16, , 2F
沒錢 所以很少去企鵝XD
11/25 16:16, 2F

11/25 19:59, , 3F
11/25 19:59, 3F

11/25 20:00, , 4F
11/25 20:00, 4F

11/25 20:30, , 5F
真的嗎 我要妖精翅膀(NL)
11/25 20:30, 5F

11/25 20:58, , 6F
一定是Ain should share 5KKK!!
11/25 20:58, 6F

11/25 21:25, , 7F
11/25 21:25, 7F

11/25 22:29, , 8F
Ain should share 5kkk
11/25 22:29, 8F

11/25 22:30, , 9F
11/25 22:30, 9F

11/26 01:03, , 10F
11/26 01:03, 10F

11/26 14:28, , 11F
Ain should share 5KKK!!
11/26 14:28, 11F

12/01 22:39, , 12F
Ain should share 5KKK!!
12/01 22:39, 12F
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文章代碼(AID): #1KT1R4a_ (Pangya)