[情報] 2週年活動

看板Pangya (魔法飛球)作者 (睏...)時間14年前 (2011/04/07 20:44), 編輯推噓21(21010)
留言31則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. 我直接說重點活動 從遊戲中獲得Medal...有活動網頁可以查到目前所有玩家收集的 Medal數量,達到特定數量會有特殊活動(如Double Exp & Pang),不過重點是... 6個Medal可以換一個齒輪碎片,每個玩家限換二套齒輪組...快上來打球阿 http://ppt.cc/4_gH 2. Hana生日,有賓果連線活動 (不重要) 3. 2週年公開賽 (不重要) 4. 轉蛋更新了 (不重要) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [General] # April 15th is Global Pangya’s 2nd birthday! We would like to say a big Thank You to all our players, Global Pangya wouldn’t be where it is today without your love and support. # April 9th is Hana’s birthday. Make sure to login and tell her Happy Birthday. [Gacha] # Gacha #25 Update features Secret Agent Set for Hana, Cecilia, Kooh, Arin and Lucia. [Shop] # Many of Hana’s outfits are on 30% discounted price. Gift her a new outfit for her birthday! # Hana’s Birthday Comets and Birthday Hats are available in Pangya Shop [Papel] # Pink, Gold and Silver Wind-Up Keys for all characters [Event] # Pangya Rally is on! Help the Rally Counter reach different stages by collecting the Pangya Medals. Prizes for everyone improves as the Counter reaches higher stage. Goals are met faster with more players, if you have a friend who is taking a break from Pangya, let them know about this event. # Collect the Pangya Medals and redeem them for individual prizes. We also have a special prize for the top 5 players with most Medals. # April 9th is Hana’s Birthday, don’t forget to tell her happy birthday. She ’s giving out a special mask for players who comes to her Bingo Party. # 2nd Anniversary Open is scheduled for 4/15. Wind Hill and West Wiz. See you there! # 2nd Anniversary Fanart Contest is up. Visit our forum for more details. [Etc] # Magical Costume Set (L) can now be sold in player shops. # Issues regarding the unopened Wig Boxes will be resolved after the maintenance on April 20th. The Wig Boxes will be removed from the game on the April 27th maintenance. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/07 21:03, , 1F
04/07 21:03, 1F

04/07 21:07, , 2F
結論本篇消息...不重要(誤) 話說...沒有假髮盒了 絕望啊
04/07 21:07, 2F

04/07 21:08, , 3F
04/07 21:08, 3F

04/07 21:26, , 4F
http://ppt.cc/2hNa 跟禮盒一樣隨機掉
04/07 21:26, 4F

04/07 21:47, , 5F
04/07 21:47, 5F

04/07 21:49, , 6F
04/07 21:49, 6F

04/07 21:55, , 7F
如果不要裝備 拿齒輪去賣也是一種快速致富的方式 XD
04/07 21:55, 7F

04/07 22:18, , 8F
話說 有誰知道小黑商店的那個發條 有什麼效果呀?
04/07 22:18, 8F

04/07 22:19, , 9F
加準確度吧?,官網有 XD
04/07 22:19, 9F

04/08 00:33, , 10F
04/08 00:33, 10F

04/08 01:59, , 11F
04/08 01:59, 11F

04/08 03:09, , 12F
齒輪最貴的是哪個啊 先換一下 怕活動結束還沒辦法換整套
04/08 03:09, 12F

04/08 12:51, , 13F
春>夏>秋>冬 XD
04/08 12:51, 13F

04/08 16:30, , 14F
04/08 16:30, 14F

04/08 20:10, , 15F
04/08 20:10, 15F

04/08 23:02, , 16F
04/08 23:02, 16F

04/09 08:14, , 17F
感謝回答 本來是想說1顆要5美雜物應該不會那麼多...
04/09 08:14, 17F

04/09 08:15, , 18F
姆 那轉的到以前的東西嗎 還是只有雜物跟這期活動的
04/09 08:15, 18F

04/09 09:44, , 19F
只有雜物跟這期活動的 ..
04/09 09:44, 19F

04/09 09:45, , 20F
要轉以前的 要等他出福袋XD
04/09 09:45, 20F

04/10 16:33, , 21F
04/10 16:33, 21F

04/10 17:56, , 22F
04/10 17:56, 22F

04/10 18:53, , 23F
04/10 18:53, 23F

04/10 20:36, , 24F
可以換Nell的elfen ear 或 fairy wing etc..
04/10 20:36, 24F

04/10 20:59, , 25F
去凱蒂魔法箱 選nell的分頁看最清楚XDD
04/10 20:59, 25F

04/10 21:38, , 26F
04/10 21:38, 26F

04/14 23:45, , 27F
04/14 23:45, 27F

04/14 23:45, , 28F
04/14 23:45, 28F

04/15 00:24, , 29F
Nell的稀有裝 沒辦法交易 不過齒輪(未合成)可以
04/15 00:24, 29F

04/15 01:43, , 30F
喔喔 感謝回答!!
04/15 01:43, 30F

04/19 17:33, , 31F
04/19 17:33, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1DdR6RS0 (Pangya)
文章代碼(AID): #1DdR6RS0 (Pangya)