[情報] Famitsu Post E3 Poll Reveals Interes …

看板Nintendo (任天堂)作者 (任天道)時間18年前 (2006/05/16 11:50), 編輯推噓15(1503)
留言18則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Famitsu Post E3 Poll Reveals Interests Lie In Sony, FFXIII http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3150896 The latest Famitsu has a top ten list of what Japanese gamers were interested in during the week of E3, and what they want to know about might surprise you. Japanese gamers were most interested in: 1. Impressions of the PS3 controller 2. Final Fantasy XIII information 3. PS3 price and release date 4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Snake playable announcment 5. PS3 menu & interface 6. PS3 online service 7. PS3 game pics 8. Polymorphic content surrounding FFXIII 9. Dragon Quest Swords 10. Square-Enix game pics To break it down, that's 6 PS3 related topics, 2 Wii, and 4 for Square-Enix. What's up, Japan, no love for the Wii? We already knew there was no love for the Xbox 360. Seriously though, this can be taken one of two ways. 1) Generally increased interest in the PS3 or 2) Shock regarding some of the changes and announcements surrounding the PS3 spurring an increase in interest by the Japanese gaming public. Hmmmm, 法米通的調查看起來好像 Wii 在日本並沒有引起軒然大波 :) -- ▃▅▄▂ Wii \ = _ ̄ ▆▄▂ ▃▄▃ will rock U_\ \_ █▇▆█ \ \▄ ,▄ (﹙(|| ▍◥▇▊▋ └───┬───┬ \▄ ▏Nintendo▅▆ by ╭─┴───┴\ˍ ˍ▁▂▃▄ Gatchaman ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ﹨ ╭Α ▕▇▊████▍ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/16 12:06, , 1F
Not Final
05/16 12:06, 1F

05/16 12:09, , 2F
ot Final
05/16 12:09, 2F

05/16 12:11, , 3F
ot Final
05/16 12:11, 3F

05/16 12:13, , 4F
Not Final
05/16 12:13, 4F

05/16 12:57, , 5F
05/16 12:57, 5F

05/16 12:58, , 6F
TVG版主是怎樣 現在卯起來狂砍文
05/16 12:58, 6F

05/16 13:01, , 7F
ot Final
05/16 13:01, 7F

05/16 13:00, , 8F
我也被砍了, 說要註明出處XD
05/16 13:00, 8F

05/16 13:10, , 9F
我灌水 但是沒砍我 一定是挖洞等我跳
05/16 13:10, 9F

05/16 13:44, , 10F
現在才想到 這週好像是某些學校的期末考週喔
05/16 13:44, 10F

05/16 15:39, , 11F
我離題也沒砍我 是給我機會自爆嗎 一一"
05/16 15:39, 11F

05/16 15:56, , 12F
請問Not Final是甚麼意思?就只是單單如同字面上的意義嗎?
05/16 15:56, 12F

05/16 16:00, , 13F
05/16 16:00, 13F

05/16 16:01, , 14F
05/16 16:01, 14F

05/16 16:07, , 15F
Not Final喔 一時很難解釋 不過PS3手把要等到任天堂完全
05/16 16:07, 15F

05/16 16:08, , 16F
將Wii手把秘密完全公開後 過沒幾天SONY就會宣稱他們偉大
05/16 16:08, 16F

05/16 16:09, , 17F
革命性的手把也Final了 但是我們沒有抄喔 真的
05/16 16:09, 17F

05/16 20:39, , 18F
05/16 20:39, 18F
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