[情報] [NDS] 小金剛賽車

看板Nintendo (任天堂)作者 (任天道)時間18年前 (2006/05/11 08:12), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
E3 ‘06 is also the debut stage for our latest collaboration with Nintendo: we’ve possibly hinted at it in the past, but then again we’ve also hinted at a lot of other things, because we’re like that. Yes, Diddy Kong Racing is our first official DS project, and Nintendo are busily promoting it as part of their next wave of big DS offerings for late 2006. Based on the N64 classic but improved and expanded in ways that only the DS allows, you can see the first shot and movie snippet over on NCL’s website if you haven’t already. 以N64 版本為基礎, 但是將會進行加強, 加入DS 獨有的特點 A few tantalising DKR DS info-bites to keep you going: eight-player single-card and multi-card WiFi play, touch-screen and microphone compatibility, some familiar faces in newly playable form, remodelled and retextured tracks, customisable vehicles, new modes, weapons and challenges, a little something called TT’s Wish Races where you can create your very own tracks… and it doesn’t end there. 八人一卡, 多卡可上 Wi-Fi, 對應觸碰以及麥克風, 新航線, 自定交通工具 新模式, 武器...等 source: http://www.rareware.com/ -- ▁▂ ▅▆▆▅ ▂▁ …‥… ◤ ▄ ︳ ﹊﹊ ●● ▅▄ Gatchama◤▃ ●● (◎ n◤ ◥ \ Gatch▂▂aman/\ (▃▅▅▃)◣ ◢ ‵▅▄╮ ▊ ╭▄▅′ ╲_︶▁▃▁▄▃︶ _╱ ▎ ▕▎◥█◤▃█▃ (◎ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/11 08:39, , 1F
樓上 張爸早~
05/11 08:39, 1F

05/11 08:40, , 2F
05/11 08:40, 2F

05/11 08:43, , 3F
髒爸的出現, 是老任熱門的證明XD
05/11 08:43, 3F

05/11 08:43, , 4F
是低, RARE :) 我有點懷疑微軟近期會不會推新掌機了
05/11 08:43, 4F

05/11 08:46, , 5F
05/11 08:46, 5F

05/11 08:46, , 6F
http://0rz.net/0e1kX 暫時只有這裡有影片 :)
05/11 08:46, 6F

05/11 08:49, , 7F
05/11 08:49, 7F

05/11 08:50, , 8F
05/11 08:50, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #14Oe5owz (Nintendo)
文章代碼(AID): #14Oe5owz (Nintendo)