[情報] (已確認) Wii 與 Zelda 細節

看板Nintendo (任天堂)作者 (任天道)時間18年前 (2006/05/09 06:53), 編輯推噓33(3307)
留言40則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.net/bb1lY $249 Price tag 定價$249 ALWAYS online (console is always online, even when OFF) 總是在線上 (就算關機也是online?) Built in speaker on the controller 內建喇叭 (一開始打成麥克風抱歉) -No improved graphics on Virtual Console (as in, they aren’t redoing the models, doesn’t talk about framerates and such). 老遊戲畫面並沒會提升(FPS數也是一樣) -TG16 will have it’s 1st party games out at launch, 3rd party will come later as demand increases. TurboGrafx-16會第一時間支援本家遊戲, 第三廠的試需求而定 -Estimated prices for the VC are “a few dollars for NES, $5 for SNES and $10 for N64? 紅白機的遊戲只要一些錢, 超任的五塊錢, N64的十塊錢 -VC games are pro-scan enabled. 老遊戲可以先預覽(這邊我不確定我講對不對) -More 3rd party exclusives than the Cube 比GC有更多的獨占title Zelda information: -Zelda is 80% complete, delay was for graphic tweaks, wii functions and because they want the game to be measured on a scale of 1 to 120 instead of 1 to 100. 完成度80%, 延期是求畫面更好, 對應Wii 以及他們希望遊戲的滿分是120分 :) -NO SWINGING THE CONTROLLER for the sword, you just press a button. There are some cases where you will swing though. Reason = you’ll get tired too fast. 不需要揮動手把才能揮劍, 你只需要按個紐就能揮擊了, 原因是每次揮擊會很累 -Controller does sound effects 控制器有音效 -Widescreen on the REV only! Wii對應寬螢幕 -Navi is only when you play on the REV. 只有 Wii 才有 Navi (妖精小助手) -Something with online is planned but no battle mode. 有上網模式, 但非打鬥模式 -More dungeons than OOT already 比時之笛有更多的迷宮 -More items too 更多道具 -- ▃▅▄▂ Wii \ = _ ̄ ▆▄▂ ▃▄▃ will rock U_\ \_ █▇▆█ \ \▄ ,▄ (﹙(|| ▍◥▇▊▋ └───┬───┬ \▄ ▏Nintendo▅▆ by ╭─┴───┴\ˍ ˍ▁▂▃▄ Gatchaman ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ﹨ ╭Α ▕▇▊████▍ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 07:20, , 1F
又有Navi?? 那跟時之笛有關係嚕? 德古之樹派去的?
05/09 07:20, 1F

05/09 07:21, , 2F
05/09 07:21, 2F

05/09 07:23, , 3F
流暢度降低真的會很讓人沮喪... ○rz
05/09 07:23, 3F

05/09 07:33, , 4F
原本期待$199以下的耶...小失望/__\ 可能整體又更好了吧
05/09 07:33, 4F

05/09 07:34, , 5F
喔喔~未確定 我認真了 =..=
05/09 07:34, 5F

05/09 08:18, , 6F
05/09 08:18, 6F

05/09 08:26, , 7F
SCE os:everything we present todat is not final(捏
05/09 08:26, 7F

05/09 08:29, , 8F
05/09 08:29, 8F

05/09 08:37, , 9F
05/09 08:37, 9F

05/09 08:37, , 10F
05/09 08:37, 10F

05/09 08:37, , 11F
05/09 08:37, 11F

05/09 08:39, , 12F
太可惡拉XD 變相的強迫消費阿!!!!
05/09 08:39, 12F

05/09 08:44, , 13F
05/09 08:44, 13F

05/09 08:44, , 14F
青沼好像popo蛙 很可愛 XDXD
05/09 08:44, 14F

05/09 08:46, , 15F
屌到不行的畫面, 很難想像是GC的阿>.<
05/09 08:46, 15F

05/09 08:49, , 16F
那種寬廣無際的感覺很棒耶 可以去女友家用寬螢幕玩XDD
05/09 08:49, 16F

05/09 08:51, , 17F
又是變相閃光, 正妹這樣不行
05/09 08:51, 17F

05/09 08:51, , 18F
05/09 08:51, 18F

05/09 09:07, , 19F
05/09 09:07, 19F

05/09 09:09, , 20F
經過計算後,250 美金 等於 7832.5 新台幣
05/09 09:09, 20F

05/09 09:11, , 21F
05/09 09:11, 21F

05/09 09:16, , 22F
剛推出的價錢應該都還有下探的空間...好想買... orz
05/09 09:16, 22F

05/09 09:45, , 23F
不行了 第一批Wii 我來了~~~
05/09 09:45, 23F

05/09 09:48, , 24F
05/09 09:48, 24F
※ 編輯: NintendoFans 來自: (05/09 09:50)

05/09 09:50, , 25F
我內文有修改, 手把是內建喇叭不是麥克風:)
05/09 09:50, 25F

05/09 09:59, , 26F
任社只剩 14小時30分 倒數中 ㄟ( ̄︶ ̄ㄟ)
05/09 09:59, 26F

05/09 10:00, , 27F
台灣明天凌晨 00:30 喔:)
05/09 10:00, 27F

05/09 10:03, , 28F
拼著暴肝也要看啦 囧/
05/09 10:03, 28F

05/09 10:12, , 29F
一定要看的拉, 大家都來任版泡茶聊天阿XDDD
05/09 10:12, 29F

05/09 10:27, , 30F
唉 又有人寫信到跟我鬧了...
05/09 10:27, 30F

05/09 10:30, , 31F
又有女友又有寬螢幕沒天良啊XD(我lag到了= =")
05/09 10:30, 31F

05/09 10:32, , 32F
05/09 10:32, 32F

05/09 10:33, , 33F
這個有狠到 囧"
05/09 10:33, 33F

05/09 10:37, , 34F
誰阿 鬧啥XD
05/09 10:37, 34F

05/09 10:42, , 35F
鬧copy記錄 我最近沒空,人家大爺不爽,就把我罵一頓
05/09 10:42, 35F

05/09 11:14, , 36F
05/09 11:14, 36F

05/09 11:23, , 37F
05/09 11:23, 37F

05/09 13:14, , 38F
(阿茶: 我不能再更漂亮點了)
05/09 13:14, 38F

05/09 15:18, , 39F
05/09 15:18, 39F

05/09 19:56, , 40F
05/09 19:56, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #14NylgvN (Nintendo)
文章代碼(AID): #14NylgvN (Nintendo)