[情報] [Wii] 史克威爾發表任天堂平台遊戲

看板Nintendo (任天堂)作者 (林芷瑩我愛妳)時間18年前 (2006/05/09 05:26), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149412 1:51 Here we go--Dragon Quest is coming to the Wii. Some dude is fighting a stone golem in a forest. Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. Launch title for the Wii! No real footage of the game, but still, big news. 1:54 The hits keep on coming--now we have Akitoshi Kawazu, exec. producer of Crystal Chronicles. Two new games from that series: one DS, one Wii. DS game is Ring of Fates, and will have wi-fi multiplayer (duh). Looks a bit more whimsical than the Cube version, same basic sense of style though. They're showing four players at once, like you'd expect. Yay DS! 1:58 And here comes the Wii title. That Final Fantasy theme still makes me all misty-eyed. Wow, these visuals are nice--random shots of CC-style little dudes fighting bombs and other monsters. If any of that was real-time footage of the game, the Wii graphics ought to do us just fine. Hard to say if it was just CG, though. Code name: Chrystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. No major details on the game available yet though. 兩個Wii遊戲 Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (應該是劍神..與Wii同時發售) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (FFCC..Code name: Chrystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers) 一個NDS Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (FFCC) 對應Wi-Fi http://gemaga.sbcr.jp/ 這裡有現場照片 附帶一提..FF13確定是PS3遊戲 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: danadanad 來自: (05/09 05:47)

05/09 07:03, , 1F
更多畫面出來了 !!! http://tinyurl.com/fp2c4
05/09 07:03, 1F

05/09 07:22, , 2F
05/09 07:22, 2F

05/09 09:05, , 3F
05/09 09:05, 3F

05/09 10:39, , 4F
太心動啦可是出太快嚕~~要買的遊戲越來越多囉 怎辦<0>
05/09 10:39, 4F

05/09 11:44, , 5F
05/09 11:44, 5F

05/09 12:27, , 6F
05/09 12:27, 6F

05/09 17:58, , 7F
05/09 17:58, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #14NxU0TJ (Nintendo)