[MGRR] 幕後報導 IGN

看板MetalGear (潛龍諜影)作者 (魯凱)時間12年前 (2013/02/26 16:49), 編輯推噓17(17070)
留言87則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
When Metal Gear Solid: Rising fell into the hands of Platinum Games, director Kenji Saito chucked most of its original ideas in the trash. Saito killed Kojima Productions’ original script. He aborted all of the complete boss concepts. He left behind the finalized level designs, came up with his own new direction for the music, and abandoned gameplay concepts. 當《潛龍諜影:崛起》交到白金遊戲的手中後,導演Kenji Saito將多數的概念通通丟進了 垃圾桶,Saito砍掉了小島組的腳本,完全棄置了所有已經完整的頭目戰設計,他也捨去了 已經完成的關卡設計,取而代之的是他自己的音樂,和已經被放棄的遊玩設計。 After Saito and Platinum presented Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance at 2012 Tokyo Game Show, Kojima Productions producer Yuji Korekado told IGN, “This is something [we] couldn’t do.” As someone who worked on both the original project and the reinvention, Korekado knew they’d made the right decision. 在Saito和白金在2012 TGS展示《潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇》之後,小島組的製作Yuji Korekado告訴IGN:「這是我們沒辦法做到的事」,兩個計劃都參與的Korekado知道他們 做了正確的決定。 The changeover came with its fair share of resistance, of course. “One thing I realized,” Saito said, “is that everyone at Kojima Productions voices their opinion. Everyone butts their heads and makes sure their voice is heard. ” It’s clear Saito makes sure he’s heard as well. 整個改造計畫理所當然出現了反彈,Saito說:「我了解到一件事,那就是在小島組的每個 人不僅都表達自己的意見,他們更努力的希望自己的聲音有被聽到。」明顯地Saito確保 自己有聽到那些聲音。 The music in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is something Saito fought hard for. It’s heavy, fast, and often features lyrics – quite the opposite of Metal Gear Solid’s somber symphonies. When Kojima Productions pushed back on Saito’s musical vision, he compromised without sacrificing his initial ideas. Saito wouldn’t detail specific conflicts between the two studios, simply stating that the collaboration taught each studio a lot about the other, and that some of his proposals, like the music, were rejected. 《潛龍諜影崛起:再復仇》的音樂是Saito非常努力掙來的,厚重、快節奏多半還帶歌詞, 相較於潛龍諜影系列陰沉的旋律大相逕庭,當小島組駁回他的音樂版本時,Saito用了其他 不失他原意的方式妥協,他不願意細講兩邊的衝突到底為何,僅聲明這次合作讓雙方 工作室對彼此都有更多的了解,而一些他的提案例如音樂被否決了。 Saito’s an energetic man, well-built and mildly menacing despite his pleasant demeanor. His friendliness is only matched by his eccentricity -- he ’s shaved lightning bolts into his hair and wears cartoonishly large boots emblazoned with flames. He's the sort of man that could only be created by working within the walls of Platinum Games. Both he and his workplace share a fearless confidence and pride in what they’re working on. Saito是一個充滿活力的人,身材紮實而且略為強勢,儘管他的舉止是如此和藹可親,但 他的親切感只符合那古怪的行徑,他在頭上剃了一個閃電,身上穿著衣服印著用火焰裝飾 的一雙卡通風格大靴子,他大概就是只有白金才會創造出來的那種人,不管是他本人還 是這個工作室,對他們的作品都展現出無懼的自信和驕傲。 When Saito walks me onto the development floor, Platinum isn’t hiding anything. In the cutscene department, developers are framing shots for Bayonetta 2 cinematics. Adorable characters bounce around in unfamiliar videos for The Wonderful 101. A few rows behind us I can see someone play-testing a gigantic spider mech boss I've never seen in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 當Saito帶我到開發部的樓層,白金完全沒有任何掩飾,在過場製作的部門,開發員正在 設計《魔兵驚天錄2》的過場動畫;《The Wonderful 101》幾個沒見過的影片中出現一個 很可愛的角色上下彈跳著,在我們後面我可以看到一些人正在試玩《潛龍諜影崛起: 再復仇》中我沒見過的一隻巨型機械蜘蛛頭目。 When we arrive at Revengeance's lead artist's desk, he details his favorite parts of the Bladewolf boss, shows off fine details on the Mistral character model, and discusses the ins and outs of creating a new cast that stays true to the Metal Gear franchise. He appears to be significantly younger than nearly everyone in the office. 當我們到MGRR美術總監的辦公桌,他詳述關於Bladewolf這個頭目他最喜歡的地方;給我 看了細緻的Mistral人物模型;討論創造一個衷於Metal Gear系列角色的來龍去脈,他 看起來比所有在這間辦公室的人都還要年輕許多。 “We believe the bosses we created for Metal Gear Solid: Rising were some of the best we’ve created for the series,” Korekado said. “But Saito came in and said ‘We’re not going to use these.’” From there, this young Platinum artist conceptualized and created a new set of boss characters, each with notable skills and distinct weaponry, in hopes of outdoing the Yoji Shinkawa-created bosses Kojima Productions lost. Korekado說:「我們相信我們為《潛龍諜影:崛起》創造的頭目是整個MGS系列最棒的, 但Saito接管之後卻說:『這些我們都不採用』」接著,這位白金工作室的藝術家發展了 一套全新的頭目戰,每個頭目擁有各自獨特的技巧和武器,希望這個些新頭目可以超越小 島組的Yoji Shinkawa所創造的頭目。(譯註:Yoji Shinkawa小島的首席人設,MGSR還參 與機設) Saito points to a couple Kinects mounted on tripods nearby. “We use those for motion capture,” he explains, so his animators can improvise and implement movements on the fly without leaving their work space. This is the only team separated from the rest of Platinum Games. “One of the reasons this area is away from the core team is that this team makes the cutscenes for all of our games,” Saito explains, “They work on everything. What we've found is that by having them work on everything and stay in their one discipline all the time, we're able to up the quality of the cutscenes we produce.” Saito指向附近幾個三腳架上的Kinect,他解釋:「我們就用這些Kinect來做動態捕捉。」 意味著他的動畫師不用離開他的工作區就可以立刻改進甚至新增動作資料,這也是唯一跟 白金工作室中其他部門隔離開的團隊,Saito解釋:「其中一個要讓這裡遠離核心區域的 原因是,在這裡要幫所有白金的遊戲製作過場,他們所有計畫都要參與,我們發現讓他們 保持獨立的參與每項計畫,有助於提升我們製作過場動畫的品質。」 That consistency is important to Platinum. It clearly wants to leave its distinct mark on everything it works on while maintaining the high-quality it's known for. "When I first saw the script for Metal Gear Rising, I quickly noticed that it didn't match the action pace," Saito says. "The vision I had and the script as it was didn't match," so he had the entire thing rewritten. Revengeance feels as much like Metal Gear as it does a new Platinum title -- you wouldn't mistake it for anyone else's action game. 那種品質的一貫性對於白金來說是很重要的,他們希望可以讓每個遊戲都獨具特色但卻 同時又都保有他們一貫的高品質,Saito說:「當我第一次看到MGSR的腳本,我馬上注意到 它沒有一個動作遊戲的節奏,這腳本跟我預想的畫面無法銜接。」所以他就整個砍掉重練 ,MGRR像是一個包著潛龍諜影的外皮,但裡面是個實在的白金遊戲,你絕對不會把他錯認 是別人家的動作遊戲。 We come to an empty seat in front of a powered-down PC. “One of the things we want to stress is that our collaboration with Kojima Productions is really deep. This is Kobayashi-san's seat when he's here directing people,” Saito says. “We basically treat him as another member of the team. We all work together in that respect.” 我們在一個關機的電腦前坐下,Saito接著說:「其中一點我們想要強調的是我們跟小島組 的合作關係是非常深入的,當Kobayashi桑在這指揮大家的時候,我們現在坐的地方就是 他的位子,我們基本上把他視為這個團隊的其中一員,也是以這種立場一起工作。」 (譯註:全名Masaya Kobayashi,參與過歷代主機上的MGS系列作,但我查不到到底是什 麼職銜。感謝a83a83cjcj補充,詳見推文) As we move away from the dozen or so stations in the corner, Platinum team members sit working at connected desks without cubicle walls. “I can just stand up and yell at someone this way,” Saito jokes. There’s a distinct absence of walls in the wide-open studio space as a whole – so much so I start wondering where the support structures are to keep the ceiling from falling in on everyone. 隨著我們離開處於角落十幾個所謂的工作站,我發現在白金裡,每個人都是坐在互相連接 的辦公桌工作,沒有任何的隔板。「這樣我只要站起來就可以直接罵人了~」Saito開玩笑 的說,這裡看起來牆壁的數量少的驚人,少到讓我不禁懷疑整個樓層結構到底是哪裡支撐 整個天花板不會掉下來。 Saito guides me from one group of desks to another, identifying each group along the way. Animators. Programmers. Artists. Engineers. Everything feels connected because everyone works so closely, without borders, and very much together. Men are shuffling between desks constantly, asking each other questions and providing help. Saito領著我走過一桌桌的辦公桌,一一告訴我經過的位置是負責什麼工作,動畫、程設 、美術、工程人員,所有事情看起來都是如此緊密相關,因為他們都緊緊地靠在一塊工作 ,沒有任何界線,真的就是所謂「一起」工作,人們在桌子之間頻繁的往返,相互協助 解決彼此的問題。 Platinum Games created a new Metal Gear game from scratch, and though it's the developer's first sequel in an established series, Revengeance feels every bit as original as one of its own original series. The MadWorld pseudo-sequel Anarchy Reigns felt similar, and the focus on multiplayer marked a bold new step for a studio known for strong single-player. The Wonderful 101 represents another important moment in Platinum's history, as it steps into totally new territory in the strategy genre. With Bayonetta 2 on the way, it will be interesting to see how a team that prides itself on reliable originality handles its first full-fledged sequel. 白金工作室從零開始做出了一個全新的MG遊戲,雖然他們是承接別的系列所開發出的遊戲 ,但MGRR的表現完全就像是個自己獨立的系列(譯註:重開機不算的話,就算是外傳作品 做出來完全沒有原系列風格,這樣不算是件好事吧?)和《極度混亂》有些相似, 《極度混亂》專注在多人模式這點,對於以單機遊戲著稱的他們也代表性的意涵,跨足 戰略領域的"The Wonderful 101"也是一樣,隨著《魔兵驚天錄2》正在開發中,這個以 原創遊戲出名的工作室的第一個續作遊戲,也是值得期待的。 Platinum Games relies on that constant quality and innovation, and employees are reminded of this significance every morning. Just through the front door, an unmissable slogan sits plastered on the wall in plain English: "Platinum maintains its luster forever." No pressure. 白金工作室仰賴的是持續的品質和創意,而每個員工每天早上都會被提醒貫徹這個理念, 就在前門口,牆上掛著一個醒目的標語用簡單的英文寫著:「白金永遠閃耀著它的光輝」 原頁面還有附上一個五分鐘的短片,內容跟文字敘述差不多,不過有提到白金那邊覺得 小島組這邊在設定上過於詳盡。然後片尾可以看到那個沒什麼牆壁的辦公室。 影片YouTube連結:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzGjHv2bYpQ
資料來源:IGN http://me.ign.com/en/news/7816/behind-the-scenes-at-platinum-games -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 以下我偷渡點閒聊,其實我本來很期待一點,就是當初小島組他們遇到的困難,白金要 如何解決,現在遊戲出來我不得不說有點期望落空,不是說白金做砸了,而是我不解現在 看到的MGRR,真的讓小島組做不出來嗎?當初小島說當所有物件都可以展切造成無法導引 玩家前往任務目標這個問題,我不覺得MGRR有表現出更好的解決辦法,整個摩天輪都砍 的掉,卻拿木製的門一點辦法也沒有,但我想其實玩家也不會在意這種小問題,所以問題 反過來想,MGSR真的有小島說的那種問題嗎?當然要說我個人很期待MGSR在TGS預告中出現 砍倒大樓活埋,那種環境借力的玩法,所以對MGRR挑三揀四我是不否認,要說其實是因為 不爽少了匿蹤,我想我好像也無從反駁,但不是因為現在有閒想來討戰,單純只是"好奇" 各位有什麼看法嗎?還是其實只是我一直會錯意....其實美國並不存在...?

02/26 17:17, , 1F
嗯...就COS成雷電的遊戲 勉為其難只好說是MG系列
02/26 17:17, 1F

02/26 17:21, , 2F
02/26 17:21, 2F

02/26 17:31, , 3F
02/26 17:31, 3F

02/26 17:33, , 4F
02/26 17:33, 4F

02/26 17:35, , 5F
02/26 17:35, 5F

02/26 17:38, , 6F
02/26 17:38, 6F

02/26 17:41, , 7F
02/26 17:41, 7F

02/26 19:58, , 8F
02/26 19:58, 8F

02/27 00:01, , 9F
02/27 00:01, 9F

02/27 00:02, , 10F
把作品丟給其他公司做 我想小島他就無法過度涉入
02/27 00:02, 10F
我本來有這樣猜過,可是MGRR又有續作的風聲,如果情況真是如此,員工反彈會很大吧? 難不成小島討厭雷電到這種地步?

02/27 00:03, , 11F
02/27 00:03, 11F

02/27 02:08, , 12F
02/27 02:08, 12F

02/27 02:09, , 13F
02/27 02:09, 13F

02/27 08:39, , 14F
02/27 08:39, 14F

02/27 08:39, , 15F
02/27 08:39, 15F

02/27 08:40, , 16F
02/27 08:40, 16F

02/27 08:41, , 17F
02/27 08:41, 17F

02/27 08:43, , 18F
02/27 08:43, 18F

02/27 08:46, , 19F
02/27 08:46, 19F

02/27 08:46, , 20F
02/27 08:46, 20F

02/27 08:47, , 21F
02/27 08:47, 21F

02/27 08:50, , 22F
02/27 08:50, 22F

02/27 08:51, , 23F
02/27 08:51, 23F

02/27 08:52, , 24F
02/27 08:52, 24F

02/27 10:03, , 25F
02/27 10:03, 25F

02/27 10:03, , 26F
02/27 10:03, 26F
雖然這樣說我同意,但上面那個人是賠了我們度過MGS2和隻身擋下Outer Heaven的雷電啊~ 情感上來說他也是我們兄弟了。而且,與其這樣,為什麼不乾脆把匿蹤全部拿掉更好? 弄匿蹤又弄得有點雞肋,Gamespot的直播我還看過在小兵被火箭砲炸掉,結果站在旁邊 的小兵因為沒看到,所以完沒反應....

02/27 10:04, , 27F
事實上玩到現在 VR全1st,正往Revengeance難度邁進
02/27 10:04, 27F

02/27 10:05, , 28F
02/27 10:05, 28F

02/27 10:06, , 29F
02/27 10:06, 29F

02/27 10:07, , 30F
02/27 10:07, 30F

02/27 10:07, , 31F
02/27 10:07, 31F

02/27 10:11, , 32F
02/27 10:11, 32F

02/27 10:11, , 33F
02/27 10:11, 33F

02/27 10:12, , 34F
02/27 10:12, 34F
還有 20 則推文
還有 2 段內文
02/27 10:43, , 55F
02/27 10:43, 55F

02/27 10:47, , 56F
喜歡zero兄這個說法~~~~ 頗中肯! XD
02/27 10:47, 56F

02/27 11:01, , 57F
02/27 11:01, 57F
其實我的意思是白金太受限MG這個架構了,你都可以把人家BOSS占全砍掉,那為何不砍的 徹底一點?

02/27 11:23, , 58F
02/27 11:23, 58F

02/27 11:24, , 59F
本作擔任Cutscene Director 所以才會和齊藤導演演互
02/27 11:24, 59F

02/27 11:25, , 60F
動密切,MGS4中他職位是Real-Time Demo LEAD ARTIST
02/27 11:25, 60F

02/27 11:33, , 61F
截個圖當參考~~~~ http://i.imgur.com/wUbKSkx.jpg
02/27 11:33, 61F

02/27 14:53, , 62F
呃...那怎麼樣才叫砍的徹底一點? XD
02/27 14:53, 62F
就不要匿蹤了,也不要MGS傳統的武器選單模式,連致敬MGS3、4那種最終戰的徒手搏擊也 免了,其實準確點應該要說少一點Snake有的,多一點Snake沒有的,例如我一直以為會有 MGS4中的斷臂雷電啊~~還可以使用落雷耶~~,還有其實雷電跟Vamp的激鬥還有飛刀戰 MGRR好像也沒有?

02/28 01:23, , 63F
02/28 01:23, 63F

02/28 01:25, , 64F
02/28 01:25, 64F

02/28 01:25, , 65F
02/28 01:25, 65F

02/28 01:25, , 66F
02/28 01:25, 66F

02/28 01:26, , 67F
02/28 01:26, 67F

02/28 10:27, , 68F
我覺得最大的問題就是最終BOSS的外型跳TONE太大= =..
02/28 10:27, 68F
討論著結果就出現這新聞...http://tinyurl.com/cvesqwc (小島歡迎更多的MGS合作外傳) 討論區果然有人說,"Not good if you ask me! Of course there going to be an end to MGS one day and I (think) this is a sign that he's trying to kill it!"

02/28 22:45, , 69F
小島: 老子早就想做點別的抬頭了( ′-`)y-~ xD
02/28 22:45, 69F
我覺得這點就是小島其實自己也放不下MGS的地方,他都幹到KONAMI副總裁了,他想作新IP 有幾個人擋得住他??我個人不是很喜歡每次都帶點威脅意味嚷嚷說要終結MGS,這樣其實 跟洪教主整天不排除解算有什麼差??當然差別可能是換別人接手兄弟可以讓兄弟更好, 但是別人接手MGS就不太可能...

02/28 23:35, , 70F
02/28 23:35, 70F

02/28 23:38, , 71F
再來作為公司高階幹部 也已經不能想做什麼就做什麼了
02/28 23:38, 71F
的確位高權重做是有多考量,但是KONAMI最近自己家裡出產遊戲的狀況,不像是會被新IP 拖累的感覺啊!!!本世代主機剛開始還有點成果,但是到現在全球銷量VGChartz紀錄有破 百萬的只有11款(還包括MGS4),2010年以後只剩PES在PS3可以持續。雖然這樣比對於主打 日本國內市場的職棒野球魂、實況野球不太公平,但副總裁去年才嫌過日本遊戲不夠全球 化思維,KONAMI這樣有全球化的趨勢嘛!!??這個時候以小島的名氣製作的新IP,對KONAMI 來說應該是一大生力軍才對吧??還是小島本意就是要吐槽KONAMI.....?

02/28 23:41, , 72F
偷渡本日成果>///< http://i.imgur.com/94jVlLb.jpg
02/28 23:41, 72F

03/01 10:28, , 73F
GT5白金都沒寫過心得文了,這區區MGR... (被拖走
03/01 10:28, 73F

03/01 14:37, , 74F
一人一票 要a83a83cjcj白金
03/01 14:37, 74F

03/01 14:37, , 75F
一人十票 要a83a83cjcj白金
03/01 14:37, 75F

03/01 15:57, , 76F
來人啊 原PO修文啦 ( ‵□′)───C<─___-)|||
03/01 15:57, 76F

03/01 18:31, , 77F
對不起 不過 幹腐腐你好強...怎麼打的教一下嘛...
03/01 18:31, 77F

03/01 19:42, , 78F
幹腐腐我超強 (!?
03/01 19:42, 78F

03/01 19:42, , 79F
我絕對不會承認自己用 FOX BLADE 衝S ( >////<
03/01 19:42, 79F

03/01 21:49, , 80F
03/01 21:49, 80F

03/01 22:14, , 81F
可以先去easy拿到電叉 拿回normal虐Monsoon XD
03/01 22:14, 81F

03/01 22:27, , 82F
03/01 22:27, 82F

03/01 22:27, , 83F
03/01 22:27, 83F

03/01 22:28, , 84F
03/01 22:28, 84F

03/01 22:28, , 85F
03/01 22:28, 85F

03/01 22:31, , 86F
03/01 22:31, 86F

03/01 22:31, , 87F
03/01 22:31, 87F
※ 編輯: jerryklu 來自: (04/07 14:53)
文章代碼(AID): #1HB7SsPb (MetalGear)
文章代碼(AID): #1HB7SsPb (MetalGear)