[情報] LEC薪資狀況公開:均薪24萬歐元、各路均薪

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LEC Wooloo花了幾個月的時間去整理了LEC的薪資情況 然後剛剛發出來了 Exclusive: Everything about LEC salaries unveiled | LEC Wooloo https://reurl.cc/d1v1Xq So, How Much Do LEC Players Earn? 所以LEC選手賺多少錢呢? LEC player salaries are typically discussed on a yearly basis, which is fitting since all players are currently signed to annual contracts ranging from one to a maximum of four years. 基本上是算年薪的 合約是一年到四年不等 Riot Games' LEC rulebook sets the minimum wage for players at €60,000 — but mo st players earn more than this base amount. LEC的底薪是6萬歐元 但大部分選手都領超過底薪 On the other hand, no LEC player has earned a seven-figure salary since the star t of 2024, reflecting the downward trend in salaries over the past three years. 但LEC薪資近三年一直下滑 從2024年後就沒有人薪資超過100萬歐元了 According to data collected by Sheep Esports, the average salary for LEC players in 2025 is €240,000. In comparison, the estimated average for summer 2024 was €270,000, marking €30,000 (11%) decrease since the last split. This figure acc ounts only for players on the active roster of an LEC team. 根據Sheep Esports收集到的數據 2025年LEC均薪是24萬歐元 2024年大概是27萬歐元 等於又下滑了11% A Closer Look at Average Salaries 近一步來看均薪 While the average salary is estimated at €240,000, the median salary for LEC pl ayers starting in the Winter Split 2025 is estimated at €165,000 (±€10,000). 薪資的中位數是落在16.5萬歐元 Rookie players entering the LEC in 2025 earn an average of €115,000 annually. 2025年新加入的新人均薪是11.5萬歐元 For players who signed contracts with new LEC teams in 2025, the average annual salary is estimated at €170,000. 今年轉隊選手均薪17萬歐 Korean players in the LEC, meanwhile, earn an average salary of €160,000 per ye ar. 韓援均薪16萬歐元 2024、2025 LEC薪資 https://i.imgur.com/YX2C2ZO.jpeg
Highest Paid LEC Players 那誰是LEC最高薪選手呢? According to data collected by Sheep Esports, midlaner Rasmus "Caps" Borregaard Winther is currently the highest-paid player in the LEC. 最高薪的是Caps Behind him, Steven "Hans Sama" Liv, Marek "Humanoid" Brázda, Emil "Larssen" Lar sson, and Javier "Elyoya" Prades Batalla — in no particular order — round out the top five. A few other players are positioned just below these top-tier salar ies. 接下來是這四位 Hans Sama Humanoid Larssen Elyoya 各路均薪 https://i.imgur.com/iy5cwjW.jpeg
上路 19.2萬歐元(-23%) 打野 25.0萬歐元(-5%) 中路 34.5萬歐元(-3.5%) 下路 24.0萬歐元(-18%) 輔助 16.8萬歐元(-32%) 先發五人薪資花費排行 https://i.imgur.com/Llmer2U.jpeg
That said, the average annual budget for an LEC team is approximately €1.2 mill ion, with the top three spenders accounting for 45% of the league's total spendi ng. LEC平均一隊一年預算是120萬歐元 https://i.imgur.com/objn6gI.jpeg
但前三高的隊伍就占了LEC總花費的45%了 Sporting Financial Regulations (SFR) 薪資規定 The Sporting Financial Regulations (SFR), introduced by Riot Games for the 2024 season, aim to prevent teams from overspending. This regulation operates similarly to a salary cap but with a threshold, beyond which teams must pay a fee equal to 50% of the excess amount. 超過薪資上限的部分要繳50%的稅 If a team exceeds the designated threshold by 150%, they must pay 100% of the ex cess to the LEC. 超出上限的150%的話 會觸發更高的100%稅率 According to a report by Blix.gg in October 2023, later confirmed by sources to Sheep Esports, this threshold is currently set at €2 million annually (approxim ately €400,000 per player). 目前設立的薪資上限是200萬歐元 It’s important to note that contracts signed before the 2024 season, which are still in effect, are exempt from this limit. 但2024年以前,也就是薪資上限開始實施前簽的合約 能獲得豁免 Why Are Salaries Going Down? 為何薪資開始下降? The primary reason for the ongoing downtrend in salaries is a market correction following an economic bubble in esports, which peaked in 2021. 最主要原因是電競的泡泡破了(高峰在2021年) During this period, many venture capitalists and private companies saw esports o rganizations as speculative investments, pouring money into them with expectatio ns of continued growth. As a result, some LEC organizations overspent, far excee ding their actual revenue. 那之前許多風險投資者和私營公司 投入大量資金,期望行業能持續增長 結果一些LEC隊伍就大幅超支 遠遠超過了其實際收入 However, there are additional factors contributing to salary reductions in 2025. According to French media L'Équipe, teams have signed a new agreement with Rio t Games, known as the Team Participation Agreement (TPA). 此外LEC隊伍和拳頭簽了一份新的協議 One significant change in this agreement is a reduction in guaranteed revenue sh aring from Riot Games to LEC teams, beginning in 2025. Revenue sharing has been a major component of team income. 協議中有寫從2025年開始,戰隊分潤會減少 而分潤又是戰隊主要的收入來源 EU vs NA 歐洲 vs 北美 For years, the offseason was a tense period for EU fans. The North American regi ons, which experienced an even bigger surge during the esports bubble, were able to offer extremely attractive salaries. 身為電競泡泡炒更大的北美 以前能開出比歐洲更高的薪資 High-profile deals, such as the 2021 C9 Perkz deal communicated at €11.75 milli on due to Cloud9's announcement video (not that this includes a large buyout to G2 and a salary spread over three years) or the TSM SwordArt deal worth $6 milli on over two years, were some of the most notable examples. These types of offers prompted top EU talent to move to the LCS 例如2021年C9給Perkz的1175萬歐元大約(轉隊費+三年薪水) 或是蛇蛇的600萬鎂 這腫等級的合約讓北美挖了歐洲很多人 However, the so-called "esports winter" has hit North America harder than expect ed, a trend that has often been overlooked. While not yet complete, data collect ed by Sheep Esports indicates that the average salary for LTA North Conference t eams in 2025 is lower than the average salary in the LEC. 但北美泡泡現在破了 根據Sheep Esports 收集到的數據 2025年美洲LTA賽區均薪已經低於LEC了 This marks the end of NA salaries being higher and signals a reversal of trends. Notably, Midlaner Joseph "Jojopyun" Pyun became the first-ever NA player to joi n an LEC team, and he may not be the last. 北美薪資比歐洲高的時代已結束了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1737135941.A.E36.html

01/18 01:47, 5小時前 , 1F
拉森賺麻了 一年打沒幾場還能領前五高薪
01/18 01:47, 1F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/18/2025 01:48:09

01/18 02:01, 5小時前 , 2F
01/18 02:01, 2F

01/18 02:03, 5小時前 , 3F
01/18 02:03, 3F

01/18 02:15, 5小時前 , 4F
01/18 02:15, 4F

01/18 02:15, 5小時前 , 5F
66萬台 LCP的頂薪有這個數嗎。。?
01/18 02:15, 5F

01/18 02:33, 5小時前 , 6F
去年只打27場 年薪前五 每天都在忙著數錢
01/18 02:33, 6F

01/18 02:43, 4小時前 , 7F
01/18 02:43, 7F

01/18 03:27, 4小時前 , 8F
01/18 03:27, 8F

01/18 04:58, 2小時前 , 9F
01/18 04:58, 9F

01/18 05:46, 1小時前 , 10F
我要吐血了完全不能接受那傢伙領前五還比BB高= =
01/18 05:46, 10F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dYfT5us (LoL)