[情報] LCS宣布夏季決賽場地:YouTube Theater

看板LoL (英雄聯盟)作者 (無無)時間2周前 (2024/06/19 09:12), 2周前編輯推噓27(28117)
留言46則, 33人參與, 2周前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/yLaq8E In an official press release, Riot Games has now confirmed the destination of th e LCS 2024 Summer Finals, which will be hosted in Los Angeles at the YouTube The ater, located within the Hollywood Park entertainment complex in Inglewood, Cali fornia. Per information shared with Sheep Esports, the venue is set to feature a 5,000-person seating capacity, one of the historically lowest capacities for an LCS Finals ever. In addition to this news, the LCS has now confirmed that its S emifinals and Grand Finals, both of which will take place at the venue, will be hosted on September 6th and 7th respectively. LCS的夏季決賽將在洛杉磯的YouTube Theater https://i.imgur.com/SGjlBqf.jpeg
它坐落在NFL球場SoFi Stadium內(全球最貴球場,耗資55億美金蓋的) One of the Smallest LCS Finals Venue Ever Presenting around 5,000 seats for LCS fans to attend the Championship, the YouTu be Theater is also set to be one of the smallest venues to ever host an LCS Spli t Finals and will prove to be a massive downgrade from last year's 16,755-person capacity at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ during Summer and 20,000-person capacity at the PNC Arena in Raleigh, NC during Spring. YouTube Theater容量約5000人 這和去年的場館容量相比大大減少 2023春決 PNC Arena(NHL卡羅來納颶風主場) 20,000 2023夏決 Prudential Center(NHL紐澤西魔鬼主場) 16,755 Not counting the years impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, this venue will also r epresent the smallest ever Summer Finals venue since 2014's PAX Prime finals, me aning that this will be the smallest summer roadshow of the last 10 years. 不算疫情年的話 這會是近十年來場地最小的LCS夏決場地 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1718759553.A.7D4.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/19/2024 09:12:50

06/19 09:14, 2周前 , 1F
06/19 09:14, 1F

06/19 09:15, 2周前 , 2F
這是電影院嗎= =
06/19 09:15, 2F

06/19 09:16, 2周前 , 3F
06/19 09:16, 3F

06/19 09:17, 2周前 , 4F
06/19 09:17, 4F

06/19 09:18, 2周前 , 5F
06/19 09:18, 5F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/19/2024 09:18:43

06/19 09:24, 2周前 , 6F
06/19 09:24, 6F

06/19 09:25, 2周前 , 7F
06/19 09:25, 7F

06/19 09:26, 2周前 , 8F
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06/19 09:34, 2周前 , 9F
06/19 09:34, 9F

06/19 09:44, 2周前 , 10F
06/19 09:44, 10F

06/19 10:00, 2周前 , 11F
都沒人看了 要大場地幹嘛
06/19 10:00, 11F

06/19 10:01, 2周前 , 12F
笑惹 電影院打比賽
06/19 10:01, 12F

06/19 10:06, 2周前 , 13F
06/19 10:06, 13F

06/19 10:08, 2周前 , 14F
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06/19 10:10, 2周前 , 15F
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06/19 10:10, 2周前 , 16F
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06/19 10:26, 2周前 , 17F
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06/19 10:42, 2周前 , 20F
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06/19 10:44, 2周前 , 21F
容納人數比LEC場地多20倍了 不要太不滿
06/19 10:44, 21F

06/19 10:44, 2周前 , 22F
06/19 10:44, 22F

06/19 11:01, 2周前 , 23F
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06/19 13:00, 2周前 , 30F
06/19 13:00, 30F

06/19 13:04, 2周前 , 31F
比春季在studio好 但這場地其實離LCS Studio超近
06/19 13:04, 31F

06/19 13:04, 2周前 , 32F
設備開車搬過去就好 這也代表今年NA所有比賽全在LA
06/19 13:04, 32F

06/19 13:04, 2周前 , 33F
06/19 13:04, 33F

06/19 13:04, 2周前 , 34F
而前陣子才公布NACL的各州地域合作贊助計畫 跟拳頭
06/19 13:04, 34F

06/19 13:04, 2周前 , 35F
06/19 13:04, 35F

06/19 14:27, 2周前 , 36F
不意外啊 北美觀眾被連虐10年 誰看得下去
06/19 14:27, 36F

06/19 14:28, 2周前 , 37F
以前有IEM至少TSM C9還可以去爽一下
06/19 14:28, 37F

06/19 14:29, 2周前 , 38F
拳頭只想辦頂尖比賽 那就是讓爛賽區永遠被虐
06/19 14:29, 38F

06/19 14:36, 2周前 , 39F
現在這種大便陣容有IEM照樣被虐啊 有差?
06/19 14:36, 39F

06/19 14:37, 2周前 , 40F
06/19 14:37, 40F

06/19 14:42, 2周前 , 41F
今年msi打贏從來沒贏過的FNC 很爽了
06/19 14:42, 41F

06/19 14:43, 2周前 , 42F
除了G2 現在哪隊打中韓有勝算
06/19 14:43, 42F

06/19 14:43, 2周前 , 43F
對啊 去年贏G2今年贏FNC 觀眾自己也不買單的
06/19 14:43, 43F

06/19 17:43, 2周前 , 44F
06/19 17:43, 44F

06/19 18:18, 2周前 , 45F
去年NRG八強這賽區還沒人要看嗎 感覺PCS有隊進八強
06/19 18:18, 45F

06/19 18:18, 2周前 , 46F
06/19 18:18, 46F
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文章代碼(AID): #1cSZ21VK (LoL)