[閒聊] Perkz 推特

看板LoL (英雄聯盟)作者 (我看過沙漠下鮑魚)時間2年前 (2021/11/04 11:45), 編輯推噓14(1402)
留言16則, 16人參與, 2年前最新討論串52/66 (看更多)
https://twitter.com/C9Perkz/status/1456005389946863621 it was selfmades fault I got removed from g2, selfmades fault rekkles left FNC, also his fault G2 removes rekkles , and his fault Bjergsen leaving tsm this guys absolutely loco 我從 G2 被踢掉是因為 Selfmade,Rekkles 離開 FNC 是因為 Selfmade,G2 踢掉 Rekkles 也是因為 Selfmade,Bjergsen 離開 TSM 還是因為 Selfmade 這傢伙徹底瘋了 註:如果看不懂梗的可以先看這兩篇文章 #1WitxwAB (LoL) #1Wj6WAVY (LoL) 然後底下就是喜聞樂見的檢討 Selfmade 環節 2.0 https://twitter.com/Cloud9/status/1456005667270000640 selfmade was also the reason we went 0-3 against GenG at Worlds 我們之所以在世界賽被 GEN 3-0 也是因為 Selfmade https://twitter.com/CarlosR/status/1456028082591215618 why did selfmade force me to remake our team 為什麼 Selfmade 要逼我重建隊伍 Selfmade 本人第一時間看到後似乎有些驚訝 https://twitter.com/selfmade_LoL/status/1456005981117239297 what me again 殺小啦 又我了 不過他很快就能繼續跟自己的老闆屁話了 https://twitter.com/Vitality_Neo/status/1456013717821394952 I will make LEC great again. I sell him to NA. 我會讓 LEC 再度偉大。我會把他賣去 NA。 https://twitter.com/selfmade_LoL/status/1456017533195235332 yeah sell me to C9 so i can play with Perkz 讚啦,把我賣去 C9,這樣我就能跟 Perkz 一起打了 -- KEKW -- Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1635997511.A.4EC.html

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4 益全
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11/04 12:35, 2年前 , 13F
笑死 不愧是你
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what me again
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