[心得] Maokai(茂凱) the Jungle by TheOddOne
這是大家期盼已久的 茂凱江狗 TheOddOne 版本 火熱貼出
0 1102 0031
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2101 001
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Skill Order:
Item Build:
鞋 +賢者之石+黃金之心
好吧 你還有閒錢的話
To start off, I'll give credit where it's due:
That guide by doo0ooooooom really got me rolling on Maokai after I used his
route/general strategy for Maokai as he played far more games than I with him
and learned a ton of tricks with him. Prior to that, I used a inferior route
and mindset and I probably wouldn't of started dominating games at MLG
without his giude. So if this guide ever becomes completely outdated, his or
some other low profile player will have a solid one ready as I couldn't of
put in the time and research that doo0ooooooom put into his to learn all the
secrets about Maokai. That said, I currently use his jungle route and the
basic mindset of tank Maokai and maybe his rune build (not sure if his has
changed but I based mine around his old build).
考模式不是那麼理想. 我可能不會完全依照他的建議去進行遊戲 所以如果此篇已經完全
過時了 希望他或者是其他強者可以發現我所不知道之外更厲害的打法,
Anyways, Maokai is obviously an extremely strong champion in the jungle due
to his flexible jungle route, his godly level 4 ganks and his insane CC
supporting ability. Despite not being popular in solo queue, it is extremely
easy to do well on Maokai and pull off easy victories as Maokai can control
the game from level 3-4 and cover your carries all game for the win. This
guide will hopefully show you how to build and play Maokai successfully as it
has done for me
無論如何 茂凱是一個強的很明顯的江狗戰士因為他有
2.還有他超神的LV4 GANK能力 還有他超變態的CC輔助技能
儘管 茂凱在SOLO QUEUE 不是非常熱門
2.保護自家的CARRY 直到獲勝
這篇GUIDE 希望可以幫助你如何養成你的茂凱還有把他玩得很成功就像我一樣
My masteries focus on making Maokai extremely durable, I find that I'm often
the person who dives in first in any gank/fight and thus need to take an
extra beating. The bladed armor also helps my jungle speed as in addition to
my already high aoe damage, I have that mastery speeding it up. Since
Maokai's bases (skillwise) are so high, we can ignore the offensive tree as
being durable enough to do a extra combo is often far better than having each
combo be slightly more damaging. I spec 9 into utility rather than offense
for this reason as I find I require the mana/regen due to the fact I won't be
hogging the blue buff. This part of the tree is especially helpful
considering Maokai has 2-4 spammable spells (depending on CDR) which all cost
a decent amount of mana.
我的天賦專注於使茂凱更耐用 我發現我在GANK還有打架時候常常是進塔獵人頭(塔殺)所
以我需額外的抗打能力, “浩劫”更在我很高的AOE技能傷害中提升我打野的速度 因為茂
凱的技能傷害很高 我們可以忽略攻擊系的天賦而去考量更耐用的的防禦系天賦樹 我放了
9點在通用系上而不是攻擊系上 這樣魔力回復就好多了 減低我對藍BUFF的需求 會這樣點
主要的考量是因為 茂凱有2-4招的技能吃魔力也吃CDR 通用系 正好大大提供我這方面的
Note that unlike doo0ooooooom, I haven't been able to experiment a ton with
the runes for the new jungle (i'm not sure if he has but I sure haven't) and
his old runepage for the old jungle was brilliant when he used extra mana to
do a nifty clear so hopefully something like that could be found.
不像doo0ooooooom的配置 我在符文方面沒做太多的試驗在新的江狗環境中 (我不確定他
夠魔力的時候 所以希望能有類似這樣的東東可以被發掘
Starting from the top:
My marks are attackspeed solely to speed up the animation of my autoattack
while giving me a easier time in the jungle. I've found that if you don't
have enough attack speed, you'll rarely get off your passive in time when
it's constantly being fired up due to spells being casted constantly.
我用攻速符文是為了要打快點 我已經發現沒有足夠的攻速 你在時間的掌控上會很被動
My seals are currently still armor, I haven't experimented much with
different ones in the new jungle as it's been changing constantly in the past
week and I've been playing numerous champions. That said, it helps greatly in
the early phase and even later in terms of facing the enemy physical attacks.
我黃符文依舊是固定物防 我還在新的江狗環境中做試驗因為一直在改還有我沒有玩其他
My glyphs are just plain magic resistance per level, they'll give the most
bang for your glyphs later on in terms of durability, these could be choice
runes but I prefer to just be tankier.
藍色成長魔抗符文 會在後期提供足夠的魔抗 讓我對上AP硬梆梆
為何不考慮固定魔抗符文呢 因為我想要後期更硬梆梆(更坦)
My quintessences are flat AP, simply because the quint is very valuable in
early game stats compared to many of the other stats the quintessences give.
However like the glyphs, I haven't experimented enough to say you truly need
these so I suggest finding something that works if you don't like just having
15+ AP.
最後是精髓部分 +4.95 因為這樣搭配在遊戲的初期有很高的CP值比其他精髓所提供的更
符合我想要的我在藍色符文部分 還沒有詳細的測試過 我建議可以多多嘗試 如果你喜歡
Summoner Spells
Smite for obvious reasons. Flash is extremely versatile for Maokai as it
allows him to not only escape over walls or away from ganks but also add 400
range to his Twisted Advance. I'm sure many people have seen this on
stream/events where it is very hard to avoid a flash followed by a Twisted
Advance for the initial level 4 gank.
重擊是必備的 閃現是因為茂凱沒有逃跑技能選用後可以方便他穿牆或是在被gank中烙跑
還增加了400range的飛葉遁影 讓你的飛葉遁影 可以更靈活地用用在初期lv4的gank中
Mostly taken from doo0ooooooom, the primary objective later in the game is to
be a tanky disrupter. Early on your ganking power is extremely strong when
conditions are right while later you will be covering your allies with your
ultimate or CC.
大部分取自於doo0ooooooom 主要目標做為 TANKY 破壞者
當條件適當時初期的GANK能力極強 後期倚賴ult 還有CC技能保護對友存活
Early game you want to try to gank at level 4 and beyond quickly, allowing
the enemy to hit say level 7 on a champion will often be that where they
can finish waves with a single level 4 skill such as Morgana's Tormented Soil
which means they'll just walk back to their turret to avoid a gank. Often
you'll want to gank right after you hit level 4 due to the fact that it is
likely that middle and top have yet to go back and buy and ward. This crucial
time is also the one time where it is highly likely for
the enemy champion to die from full health with your combined combo unless
they're already in range of their own tower.
初期第一次GANK在LV4甚至可以更早 但有些英雄你只能攤手沒轍 例如魔甘娜
這個決定性時間 你可以抓對面的滿血英雄你可以用連續技接死他們
This ability to down a champion who is hardly over extended is a great
advantage Maokai has over most jungles, often the enemy has to be significantly
overextended for a gank to work but with Maokai a target could be at the
center of middle and get either flash snared(then knockup/sapling) or get
disabled by the ally laner so Maokai doesn't need to flash. Which also leads
the the point where it is more favorable to either gank the lane with a CC on
your team or at the very least some high damage spells from your ally while
you snare/slow the target for them. And obviously enough, a overextended lane
with a competent allied laner is still a great target to gank.
常常對面打太深太囂張 茂凱的GANK可以不需要用閃現就吃掉他們
茂凱搭配對友GANK能力極強 不只在上中路 下路GANK搭配能力也十分優異
Late game you hopefully are trusting your team enough to follow through with
your initiates but you MUST keep in mind that you need to give them a couple
seconds to catch up. This is important as if you dive past a few people to
snare the backlines, your team will not be able to help and most teams find
it very easy to 5v1 a stray target as they're right in the open and can't
escape. Often you'll be the one starting fights by snaring/ccing the intended
close target while laying down your ultimate which will hopefully cover
either you or your team as they follow up. I find myself either peeling the
enemy bruisers/divers away from my carry or if I'm big enough,
I'm able to constantly CC/Snare their highest DPSer (often late game
its the enemy AD carry) while my team mops up the other threats.
If your team gets caught or is in a bad spot, it is almost guaranteed you'll
have to use your ults/snares to minimize the damage if the person who gets
caught can't escape. What I tend to do with my ultimate is figure out what
looks like the best possible place/time for the enemy to cast their ultimate
and I cast Maokai's ult on that spot ahead of time. Performing this right
will often result in you being able to either discharge your ultimate doing
huge aoe damage or if there are no targets and your team is still in it,
keep it going to protect your team.
後期 信任對於隊伍是很重要的 你"必須"記住一件事
你在衝的時候 要確保隊友有足夠的時間跟上
這對會戰是十分重要的 當你的隊友不給力時
你可能需要一打五的實力(XD) 打不過還逃不掉的
你是一個不錯的開戰者 你的 ult 常常決定會戰的勝負
或假使你夠肥了 牽制對方ADC或是最高輸出者 抹去一切對你隊伍的威脅
你的ult極小化可以你們的損失 慎選放的時機以及地點很重要
你的ult進可攻退可守 放的好GG 放的差BG
The route I currently use due to the new jungle changes is actually the one
I saw doo0ooooooom use (though mine is slightly diff) in a video which is:
1.Sapling your wraiths twice (start at 1:05 so you have time to regen),
sapling it a third time at 1:40 so the impact damage can occur
2.Run to blue, this is vital if you told your team to leash as you'll
get there slightly late (so your non mid leash will have to keep
it still for a bit) but you can do it without a leash thanks to the new jungle.
3.Kill wolves with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
4.Kill wraiths with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
5. Here you can either kill golems or kill lizard depending on
if you feel safe killing lizard at this moment without smite.
Also I usually kill lizard here if I'm blue side since often my
bottom lane takes the golem camp and it might
have 10-15 seconds left on the spawn timer.
6.Kill the lizard/golem you failed to kill in step 5 and receive level 4.
1. 1:05投小樹在四鬼區CD結束在放一次1:40四鬼出現時候 你可以很快吃掉他們
2.到藍BUFF區 可以請你隊友幫忙leash可請中路或上路幫忙 但也可以不用這麼做
5.可以選擇吃雙石或紅BUFF 可以不用重擊(你覺得血量OK的話)
我通常吃紅BUFF 因為下路有可能先幫你偷吃掉雙石 吃完紅BUFF 可能要等
6.殺雙石/或紅BUFF 假使你 沒在第五步驟殺掉他們的話 然後你就可以上LV4了
Here you can either gank or finish wraiths/wolves for easy exp then a shopping
trip which should net you boots/philstone (or just get a couple of wards if
you can't afford the full philstone).
買鞋子/賢者之石(或者 你錢不夠的話你可以只買一對眼)
This route is flexible even if counter jungled because of the new jungle being
really weak offensively, while you might not get as much gold/exp as
you normally would, it won't completely break the game. Anyhow,
heres a sample game of a Maokai jungle:
這路線是很彈性即使被對方亂,因為新的江狗更新 被亂的不舒服感超低
即使被亂到了 也不會完全毀了這場遊戲
基本上就這樣了 希望大家喜歡 不吝指教 快速翻譯
難免有錯漏 請多包涵 謝謝
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