[情報] [台服]2022/7/26 系統公告

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2022/7/26 系統公告 #使用CoolG之類型外掛進入"禁止外掛區域"處份名單。 將禁止進入該區3次的 處份,請玩家勿再觸規則,感謝您的合作。 英雄島怪物挑戰賽(禁止至8/14): antihero, clarins, jiangchen, knightgirl, lamer, littlemagic, lordvoldemor, naruds, necrophantom 生存賽(禁止至8/15): sombut, starheart 巴布朗礦區(禁止至8/15): antihero, anythingelse, bone,jiangchen, knightgirl, littlemagic, naruds, necrophantom, sombut, starheart 莫多拉副本(禁止至8/16): antihero, jiangchen, knightgirl, littlemagic, necrophantom, starheart #開放國家科技-防具和防具舖至70級。因應玩家對白裝的需求建議,提升國家 科技中防具科技至70級。(7/27重啟後生效) #應玩家要求,固定防具舖和打鐵舖中的裝備順序。 ※請注意:順序固定的方式可能可之前不同。(7/27重啟後生效) (use BOT like CoolG to enter BOT-forbidden-area). Those IDs will not be allowed to enter the area, where you used BOT, for 3 times. Please DO NOT break the rule, thanks for your cooperation. PK-island BOSS EVENT(forbidden to 8/14): antihero, clarins, jiangchen, knightgirl, lamer, littlemagic, lordvoldemor, naruds, necrophantom Survival EVENT(forbidden to 8/15): sombut, starheart Babulang ore area(forbidden to 8/15): antihero, anythingelse, bone,jiangchen, knightgirl, littlemagic, naruds, necrophantom, sombut, starheart Modora instant (forbidden to 8/16): antihero, jiangchen, knightgirl, littlemagic, necrophantom, starheart #Up the armor(防具) and armory(防具舖) technology of kingdom to level 70. For the reason that players suggest needing the standard equipment, upgrade the tech of armor to level 70. (Activated after 7/27 reboot) #For the reason of player comment, Fix the equipment list of the Armory and Forge.(Activated after 7/27 reboot) ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KOK/M.1659057557.A.AB4.html
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