[情報] [台服]2022/7/20 系統公告

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2022/7/20 系統公告 #PK區和副本的進入條件將升級為客戶端版本1.5.0.86(最新版本), 請盡快更新目前的客戶端版本。此項生效日期為7/21重啟。 #在禁止使用外掛區域使用按鍵精靈或coolg: *請勿在禁止使用外掛區域(PK區和副本)使用按鍵精靈或coolg這類外掛, 並且進入這些區域請先關閉前述的外掛,否則將被判定為使用外掛。 *第一次觸犯時將予以禁止進入活動或是副本一段時間(或是進入次數), 若同ID再犯,將會處以一段長時間不得進入活動和副本,實際處份依 情節嚴重程度而定。 *以上偵測為人工排查記錄型式,故會浪費研發人員的工作時間,請玩家 遵守規則,以達成雙贏,感謝您的配合。 *將在明天(7/21)重啟後開始排程進行人工抽樣記錄檢查。 #The entry permission of the PK area and the INSTANT will be upgraded to the client version latest version), please update the current client version as soon as possible. This will be activated on the 7/21 reboot. #DO NOT use BOT in PK-area and INSTANT-area *PLS, DO NOT use BOT(for example: CoolG and QuickMacro) in PK-Area and INSTAN-area. And you should CLOSE those programs when you enter the area. Otherwise, you will be regarded as using a BOT. *When the player is against the rule for the first time, he will be banned from entering the event or INSTANT for a period of time (or the number of times of entry). The actual length of time depends on the violation of the rules. *The above detection is a manual inspection of the LOG, so it will waste the working time of R&D personnel. Please abide by the rules to achieve a win-win situation. Thank you for your cooperation. *The above will be activated after the 7/21 reboot. ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KOK/M.1659057407.A.304.html
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